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P. 6
U.S. NEWSThursday 10 December 2015
Clinton: Republican candidates hindering anti-terror efforts
LISA LERER Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a town hall meeting, actually been in the situa-
Associated Press tion room know we have
WATERLOO, Iowa (AP) — Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015, in Waterloo, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) to do,” said Clinton. “We
Hillary Clinton accused have to enlist help from
Republicans of undermin- power at the head of the rivals use what Clinton calls Muslim-American could be American Muslims around
ing American efforts to polls. “veiled language” to talk president and both former the work in defeating the
fight Islamic terrorism, say- Trump’s proposal to block about their plans, Clinton Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and radical jihadist and the
ing Wednesday that the Muslims from entering noted that their remarks Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have hateful ideology they rep-
“hateful” campaign rheto- the U.S. has prompted are also undermining ef- floated the idea of a reli- resent.”
ric of Donald Trump and widespread condemna- forts of US negotiators to gious test for Syrian refu- Trump fired back, singling
the rest of the Republican tion from lawmakers of build a global coalition gees fleeing violence in out Clinton as his top com-
field is providing new ma- both parties and from against the group. the Middle East. petitor during a television
terial for Islamic State pro- leaders across the globe. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson “That runs counter from appearance Wednesday
paganda. While Trump’s Republican has questioned whether a what I and others who’ve morning.
“Instead of showing lead- “She doesn’t have the
ership some of the lead- strength or the stamina,”
ers in this campaign are he said on ABC’s “Kelly
resorting to really hateful and Michael” program. “I
rhetoric,” Clinton said at a mean, you know, she’s got
town hall meeting. “Don- a name and people will
ald Trump, he does traffic stupidly vote for her.”
in prejudice and paranoia. Clinton is spending the
It’s not only shameful, it’s day campaigning in Iowa,
dangerous.” where she’s promoting
Clinton, a former secretary plans to stop corporate
of state, is the overwhelm- inversions, a practice that
ing favorite against two permits U.S. companies to
rivals for the Democratic merge with corporations
nomination with less than overseas to lower their tax
two months to go before bill. Experts say US compa-
the state-by-state primary nies are hoarding roughly
contests begin. In contrast, $2 trillion in profits abroad
the Republican Party is in to reduce their taxes.
disarray over Trump’s unex- Though her mention of
pected rise as the staying Trump’s name drew boos
from the largely elderly
Alabama crowd, the audience did
not raise the issue of ter-
Islamic leader notifies FBI of social media contacts rorism or the conflict in the
Middle East. Instead, ques-
JAY REEVES about 1½ weeks ago. One “Because of the special blamed on a radicalized tioners focused largely on
Associated Press member also got a mes- time we are in we didn’t Muslim couple. domestic issues, like cli-
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama sage, apparently from the want to take a chance,” Earlier this year, members mate change, health care
(AP) — A Muslim leader in same person, stating: “We said Taufique, adding it of the Birmingham Islamic and childcare costs — a
Alabama said Wednesday are at war and we must was part of his religious community were encour- reflection of the economic
he had notified the FBI af- stick together,” according duty to report anything aged to report any suspi- concerns that remain cen-
ter mosque members re- to Taufique. that could endanger the cious activities or signs of tral in the Democratic pri-
ceived suspicious contacts Taufique said the mean- community. possible radicalization af- mary battle.
on social media, including ing of the message was Paul Daymond, an FBI ter a Muslim teenager from “If you become successful
one that mentioned war. unclear. But the society spokesman in Birmingham, suburban Birmingham left in America,” said Clinton,
Ashfaq Taufique, presi- member informed Tau- declined to comment. the United States to join “you should pay what you
dent of the Birmingham Is- fique, who said he went to Taufique said the friend Islamic State. Leaders at owe just like everybody
lamic Society, said several the FBI since the message requests and message the time said the young else.”
members of the mosque could be tied to extremism were sent before the mass woman apparently was She added: “This is not only
received friend requests amid a time of extremist shooting in San Bernardino, radicalized through online about fairness, this is about
from an unknown person violence. California, that is being contacts.q patriotism.” q