Page 11 - MARRIOT April 21, 2015
P. 11
WORLD NEWSTuesday 21 April 2015
Amid new migrant crises, Italian PM decries ‘death voyages’
COLLEEN BARRY instability in Libya that has and a third boat that ran “We are facing an orga- with a proposal to double
Associated Press given free rein to human aground near Greece. nized criminal activity that spending on sea patrols off
MILAN (AP) — Shaken by traffickers. Decrying what he called is making lots of money, Europe’s southern border.
the feared drowning of Even as the search con- an “escalation in these but above all ruining many The 10-point plan includes
hundreds of people in tinued for victims of the death voyages,” Ital- lives,” Renzi said at a joint a proposal to take “civil-
news conference with military” action modeled
A man rescues a migrant from the Aegean sea, in the eastern island of Rhodes, Monday, April Malta’s prime minister, on previous operations in
20, 2015. Greek authorities said that at least three people have died, including a child, after a Joseph Muscat. He com- the Horn of Africa to com-
wooden boat carrying tens of migrants ran aground off the island of Rhodes. pared their activity to that bat Somali piracy.
of slave traders of centuries Meanwhile, new details
(Argiris Mantikos/Eurokinissi via AP) past, “unscrupulous men emerged about the week-
who traded human lives.” end disaster, with Italian
the latest Mediterranean weekend disaster that left ian Premier Matteo Renzi The European Union for- prosecutors saying hun-
tragedy, European lead- as many as 950 people urged Europe to put the eign affairs chief, Federica dreds of migrants were
ers struggled Monday for feared dead, coast guard focus on preventing more Mogherini, said this week- locked below deck unable
an adequate response in ships rushed to respond to boats from leaving Libya, end’s appalling human toll to escape when the rick-
the face of unremitting mi- new distress calls on the the source of 90 percent of — which, if verified, would ety boat capsized off the
grant flows and continued high seas — two off Libya migrant traffic to Italy. be the deadliest migrant coast of Libya.
tragedy ever — had “fi- Speaking at a news con-
nally” fully awakened the ference in Catania, Sic-
European Union to the evils ily, prosecutor Giovanni
of human trafficking. Salvi said “a few hundred
The EU has been under in- were forced into the hold
creasing criticism for lag- and they were locked in
ging in its response to the and prevented from com-
crisis, with two shipwrecks ing out.” He said hundreds
believed to have taken the more were locked on a
lives of as many as 1,300 second level of the boat,
migrants in the past week. which also had hundreds
Some 400 people are be- of migrants squeezed into
lieved to have drowned in its upper deck.
another capsizing on April Salvi said the migrants
13. rushed to one side of the
Stopping the traffickers will boat as they saw a Portu-
be a key item on the agen- guese-flagged container
da when EU leaders meet vessel approach, with the
in an emergency summit promise of rescue contrib-
Thursday in Brussels, along uting to the disaster.q
Spain: Student armed with crossbow, machete kills teacher
CIARAN GILES tion, will not face criminal which weapon caused the “We saw the teacher ly- Parents and students gath-
charges because he is un- man’s death. She spoke ing on the floor in a pool of ered and hugged each
HERNAN MUNOZ der the age of 14. on condition of anonymity blood,” she said. other in stunned silence
The attack, which took because of police regula- Another student, Paula outside the school for stu-
Associated Press place just after 9.30 a.m., tions that prevent her from Amayuelas, said she knew dents ages 12-16. The
sowed terror in the high being identified by name. the suspect, who police teacher killed was a sub-
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) school in a working class An autopsy was being per- did not identify because stitute who had worked
neighborhood of Spain’s formed to determine the of his age. Amayuelas said at the school for about a
— A 13-year-old Spanish second-largest city. teacher’s cause of death. the boy “didn’t have prob- week, students said.
“We were just starting the Results are not expected lems but he was kind of a Though children below 14
boy armed with a cross- class and suddenly we for several days. loner .... Other students are not held legally respon-
heard screams,” said stu- Authorities did not disclose would pick on him.” sible for crimes and can-
bow and a machete killed dent Gemma Jarque. “So details of how the attack The two wounded stu- not be jailed or placed in
we shut ourselves inside played out. But Jarque dents and one of the in- juvenile detention centers,
a substitute teacher and our classroom in order to said she and others hid in jured teachers were taken they can be sent to men-
be safe.” A regional po- her classroom after hear- to Barcelona hospitals for tal health institutions, said a
wounded four other peo- lice spokeswoman said ing the screams, and left treatment while the other spokesman for Spain’s Jus-
the boy had a crossbow along with other students injured teacher was treat- tice Ministry who spoke on
ple at his school in Barce- and a machete. Howev- only after a fire alarm ed at the scene and did condition of anonymity be-
er, she was unable to say sounded. not need hospitalization. cause of ministry policy.q
lona on Monday, police
The unidentified boy was
detained by police as a
suspect in the attack that
also saw two other teach-
ers and two students in-
jured. Authorities said the
boy, who was undergoing
a psychiatric examina-