Page 16 - MARRIOT April 21, 2015
P. 16
Tuesday 21 April 2015
On Aruba:
Three Ways Bucuti & Tara Beach Resorts Leads The Way In Eco-Tourism
EAGLE BEACH - Every day throughout the resort; and Agency (EPA) partnership Americas to earn the highly Travel Awards.
is Earth Day at Aruba’s buying in bulk whenever program designed to help coveted ISO 14001 environ-
premier adults-only re- possible. Rainwater is also save water for future gen- mental certification every Community Leadership:
sort, which continues to collected and used for ir- erations. Bucuti is currently year since 2003. Additional- Bucuti has been commit-
raise the bar in sustainabil- rigation and all welcome the only resort outside of ly, Bucuti earned the Green ted to playing an active
ity even after 25 years of signs for guests are re- North America that has Globe High Achievement role in the local commu-
leadership. Long before cycled from boxes. Upon taken the initiative at this Award and is currently nity and taking leader-
“going green” was in fash- check in, guests are provid- time. For more information working to obtain its fourth ship whenever possible,
ion, Aruba’s Bucuti & Tara ed with water canteens to on Bucuti’s eco initiatives, green certification, LEED. encouraging other resorts
Beach Resorts was pav- use throughout the resort, click here. As the leader of the resort’s on-island to take initiative
ing the way in eco-friendly thereby eliminating the Green Team, owner Ewald to protect Aruba’s natural
practices. Today’s travel- need to purchase plastic Industry Recognition: Biemans has led the re- resources. From offering
ers, especially millennials, water bottles. sort to earning the global site tours to local students
are more conscious of the Bucuti also invites guests to The resort has achieved recognition of more than and hoteliers to speaking
environment and actively take part in their monthly two dozen environmen- at conferences throughout
seek out hotels that meet beach cleanup with em- 15 consecutive years of tal awards and certifica- the region, Biemans and his
or exceed “green” stan- ployees to aid in preserving tions, including the Highest staff welcome the oppor-
dards. Bucuti has been at Eagle Beach. Participating Green Globe Certification Achievement Award as the tunity to educate others
the forefront of the green guests receive a t-shirt to top-performing sustainable on sustainable practices.
movement in hospitality for wear during the cleanup as well as the distinction of travel and tourism business This past summer, Biemans
the past 25 years and is for- and are rewarded with a in the Caribbean by Green led a session aptly named
ever committed to preserv- bottle of bubbles to enjoy being the first hotel in the Globe and ISLANDS’ top “Boutique Resorts: Innova-
ing Aruba’s rich culture and after. As part of Bucuti’s 100 worldwide sustainable tions and Eco Certifica-
environment by continually mission to provide guests organizations. He has been tions at The Caribbean
setting the bar higher with with a total sense of well- honored on numerous oc- Symposium for Innovators
new practices. ness, the resort’s beach- casions both locally and in- in Coastal Tourism” in Gre-
front restaurant, Elements, ternationally for his environ- nada.
Below are three reasons is Aruba’s first and only res- mental preservation work, As part of their commitment
why Bucuti is considered taurant that provides the including the International to conserving the beauty
an industry leader in sus- opportunity to enjoy glu- Hotel & Restaurant Asso- of Aruba’s natural environ-
tainable travel: ten-free, vegan, or natural ciation’s 2004 Environmen- ment, the resort regularly
and organic dining in the tal Award (worldwide) for donates to local charities
Eco-Initiatives: Bucuti pro- presence of breathtak- “Innovation in Environmen- including Aruba’s Donkey
actively takes steps to pro- ing views. This past sum- tal Best Practices.” Most Sanctuary. For more in-
tect the environment: using mer, the resort took the recently, Biemans earned formation or to book, call
solar panels to heat water, pledge to be a part of the title of “Green Hotelier 888-4-BUCUTI or visit http://
which is reused for garden the Water Sense H2Otel of the Year” by Caribbean
irrigation; using motion- Challenge, which is a U.S. Journal’s 2014 Caribbean now. q
sensor-activated lighting Environmental Protection