Page 31 - MARRIOT April 21, 2015
P. 31
LOCALTuesday 21 April 2015
Sneden Family Honored at the
Tropicana Resort and Casino
EAGLE BEACH - Recently wonderful staff of the resort Mr. Ernest Giel representing Dir. Casino Operations and the Tropicana Resort and
the Aruba Tourism Author- is like family to them. The the Aruba Tourism Author- Mr. Richard Roy GM at Casino.q
ity had the great pleasure certificates were present- ity together with Ms. Nelida
of honoring a very nice ed at the recently reno- Rodriquez, Ms. Jacky Feli-
couple as Distinguished vated Tropicana Casino by ciana, Mr. Wilfred Trimon
Visitors at the Tropicana
Resort and Casino. The
symbolic honorary title is
presented in the name of
the Minister of Tourism as a
token of ap
preciation to guests who
visit Aruba for 10-to-19 con-
secutive years.
The honorees were Mr. Da-
vid and Mrs. Carol Sneden
from Chelmsford, Mass.
This lovely couple loves
Aruba very much because
of the friendly people, the
climate, the beaches, the
restaurants, the Tropicana
Casino, and because the
Loyal Visitors Honored by
Aruba Tourism Authority
PALM BEACH - Recently of tourists to Aruba who ways say that Aruba is truly
the Aruba Tourism Author- became members at the One Happy Island. The cer-
ity had the great pleasure La Cabana. The honorees tificate was presented by
of honoring a group of la- are loyal members of the Mr. Ernest Giel representing
diesĀ whom are loyal and La Cabana, and they love the Aruba Tourism Authority
friendly visitors of Aruba, as Aruba for the Friendly peo- together with Mrs. Charine
Ambassadors of Goodwill, ple, the climate, beaches, Charles representing the La
at the La Cabana Beach restaurants and they al- cabana Beach Resort. q
Resort. The symbolic hon-
orary title is presented in
the name of the Minister of
Tourism as a token of ap-
preciation to guests who
visit Aruba for 20-or-more
consecutive years. The
honorees were Mrs. Dawn
Guiney from Centerville,
Massachusetts, Mrs. Rene
Mc Phail from Waitham,
Massachusetts and Mrs.
Sandra Parent from Plym-
outh, Massachusetts. Rene
and Sandra have been
friends since kindergar-
ten and are responsible
for bringing a big group