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  U.S. NEWSFriday 29 May 2015

Colorado prosecutors build case that Holmes was sane

DAN ELLIOTT                   In this June 4, 2013 photo Aurora theater shooting suspect James            legally sane.                   about) 3 mins.,” Holmes
Associated Press              Holmes appears in court in Centennial, Colo. Prosecutors in the             In the coming days, prose-      wrote.
CENTENNIAL, Colorado          Colorado theater shooting trial say they are moving closer to-              cutors also plan to show 22     Coupled with other pros-
(AP) — Prosecutors are me-    ward the heart of their case: whether Holmes was legally insane             hours of videotaped inter-      ecution evidence about
thodically building a case    when he committed one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. his-              views that Reid conducted       Holmes’ behavior, the
that James Holmes knew        tory.                                                                       with Holmes. They will peri-    notebook is a serious blow
right from wrong when he                                                                                  odically stop the video to      to the defense, said Steven
planned and carried out                                              (Andy Cross/The Denver Post via AP)  question Reid about the         Pitt, a forensic psychiatrist
the deadly Colorado cin-                                                                                  conversations.                  who has worked on sanity
ema shootings, hoping to      you visit me in prison?”      testify Thursday. Prosecu-                    Under Colorado law,             cases but isn’t involved in
convince jurors he should     A state-appointed psychia-    tor George Brauchler has                      the burden of proof is          the Holmes trial.
be convicted and execut-      trist who examined Holmes,    already told jurors the doc-                  Brauchler’s team to con-        The defense has said Holm-
ed and not sent to a men-     William Reid, is expected to  tor concluded Holmes was                      vince the jury that Holmes      es suffers from schizophre-
tal hospital.                                                                                             was sane. On Tuesday, they      nia and the disease had
Holmes pleaded not guilty                                                                                 showed jurors a notebook        so distorted his mind that
by reason of insanity in the                                                                              Holmes kept, with scribbled     he did not know right from
July 20, 2012, attack on a                                                                                maps and cramped hand-          wrong — Colorado’s stan-
suburban Denver movie                                                                                     writing that sketched out a     dard for an insanity verdict.
theater, which killed 12                                                                                  chilling list of choices: mass  But the notebook “speaks
people, wounded 58 and                                                                                    murder or serial murder,        to his appreciation of
injured 12.                                                                                               attack a theater or an air-     wrongfulness,” Pitt said.
After a month of testimony                                                                                port,  use  guns, bombs or      Mental illness alone is not
from victims and investiga-                                                                               biological warfare.             enough to satisfy an insan-
tors, prosecutors this week                                                                               It details which auditoriums    ity verdict in Colorado, he
shifted to Holmes’ mental                                                                                 in the theater complex had      noted.
state. They showed jurors                                                                                 the fewest exits and offered    Pitt said the notebook does
notes that Holmes made                                                                                    the least chance he would       provide the defense with
on how long it would take                                                                                 be detected. One map            strong evidence Holmes
police to respond to an at-                                                                               shows the theater complex       was mentally ill, which they
tack on the theater as well                                                                               and a nearby police sta-        could use to argue against
as a dating website profile                                                                               tion and National Guard         the death penalty if he is
on which he asked, “Will                                                                                  building. “ETA response (is     convicted.q


                                                                                                          Kenyan pleads guilty in

                                                                                                          terrorism support case

                                                                                                          CURT ANDERSON                   chat rooms frequented by
                                                                                                          AP Legal Affairs Writer         Muslim extremists, accord-
                                                                                                          MIAMI (AP) — A Kenyan           ing to court documents.
                                                                                                          man pleaded guilty in           FBI undercover employees
                                                                                                          the U.S. on Thursday to ter-    posed as online terrorism
                                                                                                          rorism support charges in a     recruiters and fundraisers in
                                                                                                          case that involved Internet     communications with both
                                                                                                          chat room and other on-         Mohammed and Said, who
                                                                                                          line communications with        were both overseas.
                                                                                                          undercover FBI operatives.      Said admitted in the fac-
                                                                                                          Mohamed Said pleaded            tual statement that in 2011
                                                                                                          guilty to one count of con-     he received more than
                                                                                                          spiracy to provide material     $11,600 in wire transfers
                                                                                                          support to foreign terrorist    from Mohammed for al-
                                                                                                          organizations.                  Shabaab and that he had
                                                                                                          A factual statement signed      told Mohammed later, “I
                                                                                                          by Said identifies those        sent it and it was distributed
                                                                                                          groups as al-Shabaab in         among the mujahedeen.”
                                                                                                          Africa and extremist orga-      “I am sending more this
                                                                                                          nizations operating in Syria,   week (Allah willing),” Mo-
                                                                                                          including al-Qaida.             hammed wrote back.
                                                                                                          Said, 27, faces a maximum       Said’s defense had cen-
                                                                                                          15-year prison term when        tered on claims that pros-
                                                                                                          he is sentenced Aug. 14         ecutors could not prove he
                                                                                                          by U.S. District Judge Ursula   was the person typing on
                                                                                                          Ungaro.                         a computer in Africa when
                                                                                                          A co-defendant, Gufran          the incriminating commu-
                                                                                                          Mohammed, is already            nications were sent. But ac-
                                                                                                          serving that same 15-year       cording to authorities, Said
                                                                                                          sentence after pleading         admitted his involvement
                                                                                                          guilty last year.               in terrorism in conversations
                                                                                                          The case evolved from           with inmates at a Miami
                                                                                                          FBI monitoring of Internet      detention center.q
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