Page 15 - MIN,JUS MAY 29
P. 15

                                                                                                                                                Friday 29 May 2015

                                                                                      Judge closes book on last Lindsay
                                                                                           Lohan criminal case in L.A.

This undated image released by TLC, shows some members of                             ANTHONY McCARTNEY                    In a March 29, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan, right, embraces
the Duggar family from the reality series “19 Kids & Counting.”                       AP Entertainment Writer
                                                                                      LOS ANGELES (AP) — For               her attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley after a progress report
                                                                    Associated Press  the first time in nearly eight
                                                                                      years, Lindsay Lohan is not          on her probation for theft charges at Los Angeles Superior
  Hulu pulls ‘19 Kids’                                                                on probation.
    after allegations                                                                 Los Angeles Superior Court           Court. 					                   Associated Press
                                                                                      Judge Mark Young on
 against Josh Duggar                                                                  Thursday ended Lohan’s
                                                                                      probation in a reckless driv-
NEW YORK (AP) — Hulu has             ly as Wednesday.                                 ing case, closing the last of        ing case was not without       Lohan’s court appear-
pulled the reality series “19        The show’s banishment fol-                       a series of LA criminal cas-         its hiccups — Lohan missed     ances had a tendency to
Kids and Counting” from              lows TLC yanking the series                      es that have dogged the              a deadline last year to        become major spectacles,
its lineup, following reports        from its program schedule                        actress for years.                   complete her community         with deputies creating
of sexual misconduct alle-           last week.                                       Young said he reviewed               service, and a prosecutor      a red carpet-worthy line
gations against one of the           The 27-year-old Duggar is                        community service logs               criticized her efforts, not-   so photographers could
stars, Josh Duggar, stem-            the oldest of Jim Bob and                        and determined Lohan, 28,            ing she was given credit for   document the starlet’s en-
ming from when he was a              Michelle Duggar’s 19 chil-                       completed her sentence.              meeting fans of a London       trances and exits to court.
juvenile.                            dren. The family is featured                     He praised Lohan’s attor-            stage play and other ques-     Commentators often cri-
Although the streaming-              in the show, whose 10th                          ney, Shawn Holley, telling           tionable activities. A judge   tiqued Lohan’s fashion
video service didn’t con-            season concluded May                             her she did an excellent             earlier this year ordered      and choice of hair color,
firm removal of the TLC              19.                                              job getting the actress to           Lohan to redo 125 hours of     and someone even show-
series, episodes weren’t             TLC hasn’t addressed                             complete the hours in re-            service.                       ered the actress in confetti
found Thursday on the                whether its popular show                         cent weeks.                          Over the years, the actress    as she walked into the Bev-
Hulu site, where they had            will return for a new                            Unlike many previous pro-            was briefly jailed five times  erly Hills courthouse for one
been available as recent-            season.q                                         ceedings in her criminal             and sentenced to rehab         hearing.
                                                                                      cases, Lohan was not pres-           for a variety of violations    Drama seemed to fol-
                                                                                      ent for the hearing. In a            ranging from failing to per-   low her into the court-
                                                                                      statement posted on Twit-            form her community ser-        house. Her feuding parents
                                                                                      ter, Lohan thanked Hol-              vice to skipping counseling    were sometimes in atten-
                                                                                      ley and the two New York             sessions.                      dance, and Lohan fa-
                                                                                      groups where she did her             Since 2007, Lohan was          mously showed up to one
                                                                                      recent flurry of service             convicted in three cases       hearing with an expletive
                                                                                      hours.                               — a drunken driving and        painted on her fingernails.
                                                                                      “Clean slate,” Lohan                 drug case, a theft case        One of her attorneys told
                                                                                      wrote. “Fresh start.”                filed over a stolen neck-      a judge the actress was
                                                                                      Resolving the reckless driv-         lace, and a reckless driving   “ensconced in the bosom”
                                                                                                                           case filed after the actress   of a rehab facility when in
  Jennifer Lopez looks forward                                                                                             crashed her Porsche into       reality Lohan only briefly
to Morocco’s top music festival                                                                                            a dump truck on Pacific        checked in and was pho-
                                                                                                                           Coast Highway while on         tographed shopping at an
RABAT, Morocco (AP) —                to beauty was a healthy                          US performer Jennifer Lopez          her way to a movie shoot.      electronics store around
Singer and movie star Jenni-         life, working hard and not                       poses for photographers              The drug and DUI case          the time of the hearing.
fer Lopez expressed excite-          drinking or smoking. “Beauty                     prior to a press conference,         were resolved in 2012, 4       During her first stay at the
ment Thursday about kick-            secrets are really about liv-                    during the Mawazine Festival         1/2 years after she was ar-    Betty Ford Center, Lohan
ing off Morocco’s Mawa-              ing a healthy lifestyle and                      in Rabat, Morocco, Thursday          rested twice in quick suc-     got into a fight with a re-
zine music festival, while           thank god I have since I was                     May 28, 2015.                        cession. Despite taking a      hab worker. No charges
insisting she’s still just the girl  young, not that I’m still not                                                         plea deal that allowed her     were filed.
from the Bronx. Morocco              young, when I was young-                                            Associated Press  to avoid jail time, Lohan      In another instance, a
hosts the 14th edition of its        er,” she said. “I don’t drink I                                                       struggled to comply with       judge summoned Lohan
massive 10-day long music            don’t smoke, I never have, I                     formances are mostly free            the terms of her sentence      to court to explain that just
festival starting Friday, this       don’t party, I never been a                      of charge. It started as a           and was ordered jailed af-     because she was serving
year featuring international         big partyer, I’ve been more                      way of combating extrem-             ter she missed a court ap-     house arrest, house parties
stars like Pharrell Williams,        of a worker my whole life.”                      ism among young people in            pearance.                      were not allowed.
Sting, Maroon 5, Usher and           She talked about future                          the country.q                        It took more than 50 court     The incidents did little to ap-
Akon, as well as dozens of           projects, including a show                                                            hearings to resolve the trio   pease critics, who thought
Arab and African acts. “I’m          at Planet Hollywood in Las                                                            of cases, with the actress     Lohan should be harshly
excited for everyone to see          Vegas and a police series                                                             being forced to appear 20      punished for her inability to
my whole show and expe-              called “Shades of Blue” with                                                          times in person.               stay out of trouble.q
rience a Moroccan audi-              NBC, as well as at least one
ence for the first time that         more season being a judge
way,” Lopez told journalists         on “American Idol.”
in the Moroccan capital of           “I am still Jenny from the
Rabat ahead of her sched-            block, that never really
uled performance, adding             leaves you where you are
that she had long wanted             from,” said the superstar,
to perform in the country’s          who grew up in the Bronx.
signature music festival.            The Mawazine festival is
The 45-year-old said the key         open to the public and per-
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