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A28    u.s. news
                       Dialuna 14 Juni 2021

                          Rash of mass shootings stirs US fears heading into summer

            (AP) — Two people were
            killed and at least 30 oth-                                                                                         The database tracks all mass
            ers  wounded  in  mass                                                                                              killings  including  shootings,
            shootings  overnight  in                                                                                            defined as four or more peo-
            three  states,  authorities                                                                                         ple  dead  not  including  the
            said   Saturday,   stoking                                                                                          perpetrator.
            concerns  that  a  spike  in
            U.S.  gun  violence  could                                                                                          According to that definition,
            continue  into  summer  as                                                                                          there have been 17 mass kill-
            coronavirus    restrictions                                                                                         ings,  16  of  those  shootings,
            ease and more people are                                                                                            already  this  year,  said  James
            free to socialize.                                                                                                  Alan Fox, a criminologist and
                                                                                                                                professor  at  Northeastern
            The  attacks  took  place  late                                                                                     University.
            Friday  or  early  Saturday  in
            the  Texas  capital  of  Aus-                                                                                       The  Gun  Violence  Archive,
            tin,  Chicago  and  Savannah,                                                                                       which  monitors  media  and
            Georgia.                     mid-afternoon Saturday.      easing  of  COVID-19  pan-   a reversal of 20 years of de-  police  reports  to  track  gun
                                                                      demic  restrictions  in  much  clines in these crimes.”   violence, defines mass shoot-
            In  Austin,  authorities  said  In the south Georgia city of  of  the  country,  including                          ings  as  those  involving  four
            they arrested one of two male  Savannah,  police  said  one  Chicago,  which  lifted  many  Tracking  ups  and  downs  in  or  more  people  who  were
            suspects  and  were  searching  man  was  killed  and  seven  of  its  remaining  safeguards  crime is always complicated,  shot,  regardless  of  whether
            for the other after a shooting  other  people  were  wounded  on  Friday.  Many  hoped  that  but  violent  crime  common-  they  died.  Overall,  accord-
            early  Saturday  on  a  crowd-  in  a  mass  shooting  Friday  a spike in U.S. shootings and  ly  increases  in  the  summer  ing to its database, more than
            ed  pedestrian-only  street  evening,  police  said.  Two  of  homicides  last  year  was  an  months.  Weekend  evenings  8,700 people have died of gun
            packed with bars and restau-  the  wounded  are  children  aberration  perhaps  caused  and early-morning hours also  violence in the U.S. this year.
            rants.  Fourteen  people  were  —  an  18-month-old  and  a  by  pandemic-related  stress  are  common  windows  for
            wounded, including two crit-  13-year-old.                amid a rise in gun ownership  shootings.                  The  GVA  also  found  that
            ically,  in  the  gunfire,  which                         and debate over policing. But                             mass  shootings  spiked  in
            the city’s interim police chief  Savannah’s police chief, Roy  those  rates  are  still  higher  Many types of crime did de-  2020 to about 600, which was
            said is believed to have start-  Minter, Jr., said the shooting  than  they  were  in  pre-pan-  cline in 2020 and have stayed  higher than in any of the pre-
            ed as a dispute between two  may be linked to an ongoing  demic times, including in cit-  lower  this  year,  suggesting  vious six years it tracked the
            parties.                     dispute between two groups,  ies that refused to slash police  the  pandemic  and  the  activ-  statistic.  According  to  this
                                         citing reports of gunshots be-  spending following the death  ism  and  unrest  spurred  by  year’s count, there have been
            No arrests were reported by  ing  fired  at  the  same  apart-  of  George  Floyd  and  those  the reaction to Floyd’s death  at least 267 mass shootings in
            late Saturday in the two other  ment  complex  earlier  in  the  that made modest cuts.  didn’t lead to an overall spike  the U.S. so far, including the
            shootings.                   week.                                                     in crime.                    latest  three  overnight  Friday
                                                                      “There was a hope this might                              into Saturday.
            In  Chicago,  a  woman  was  “It’s  very  disturbing  what  simply be a statistical blip that  According  to  a  database
            killed and nine other people  we’re seeing across the coun-  would start to come down,”  compiled  by  The  Associ-  “It’s  worrisome,”  Fox  said.
            were  wounded  when  two  try and the level of gun vio-   said Chuck Wexler, executive  ated  Press,  USA  Today  and  “We  have  a  blend  of  people
            men opened fire on a group  lence that we’re seeing across  director of the Police Execu-  Northeastern   University,  beginning  to  get  out  and
            standing on a sidewalk in the  the country,” he told report-  tive  Research  Forum.  “That  only three mass shootings oc-  about in public. We have lots
            Chatham  neighborhood  on  ers  Saturday.  “It’s  disturbing  hasn’t  happened.  And  that’s  curred at public places — the  of divisiveness. And we have
            the  city’s  South  Side.  The  and it’s senseless.”      what really makes chiefs wor-  lowest total for that category  more guns and warm weath-
            shooters  also  got  away  and                            ry that we may be entering a  in a decade — out of 19 total  er.  It’s  a  potentially  deadly
            hadn’t  been  identified  by  The  attacks  come  amid  an  new period where we will see  mass shootings in 2020.   mix.”

                         Police arrest 1 of 2 in Austin mass shooting that wounded 14

            (AP)  —  Police  have  ar-   two of them critically.      but it provided no other de-  The  mass  shooting  —  one  sures  for  many  of  these  pa-
            rested  one  suspect  and                                 tails  other  than  to  say  it  is  of  at  least  three  in  the  U.S.  tients, including applications
            are  searching  for  another  The  Austin  Police  Depart-  continuing  to  follow  up  on  overnight  —  sparked  panic  of  tourniquets;  applications
            after a mass shooting on a  ment  said  in  a  news  release  leads  for  the  suspect  still  at  along  6th  Street,  a  popular  of chest seals,” he said.
            crowded  downtown  Aus-      that the U.S. Marshals Lone  large.                       nightlife  destination  in  the
            tin  street  left  14  people  Star  Fugitive  Task  Force  as-                        city that’s home to the Uni-  Because  of  the  chaos  on
            wounded  early  Saturday,  sisted  in  making  the  arrest,  Interim  Police  Chief  Joseph  versity of Texas.      the  barricaded  street,  police
                                                                      Chacon  said  the  shooting                               drove six of the wounded to
                                                                      happened  around  1:30  a.m.  One witness, Matt Perlstein,  hospitals in their squad cars.
                                                                      on a street packed with bars  told  KXAN-TV  that  he  was  Ambulances transported four
                                                                      and  barricaded  off  from  ve-  waiting with a friend to enter  people  and  the  other  four
                                                                      hicle  traffic.  He  said  inves-  a bar when gunfire erupted.  made their own way to hos-
                                                                      tigators believe it began as a                            pitals, he said.
                                                                      dispute between two parties.  “Everything was totally fine,”
                                                                      Chacon  said  both  suspects  Perlstein  said,  then  gunfire  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  issued  a
                                                                      are male, but declined to dis-  erupted.  “We  just  heard  like  statement  thanking  police
                                                                      close details such as whether  ...  a  bunch  of  gunshots  go-  and  other  first  responders
                                                                      both  fired  shots,  saying  the  ing off. Everyone got on the  and  offering  prayers  to  the
                                                                      investigation was ongoing.   ground.  We  couldn’t  even  victims.
                                                                                                   comprehend what was going
                                                                      “Most  of  the  victims  were  on at the time.”           Abbott said the state Depart-
                                                                      innocent  bystanders,  but                                ment  of  Public  Safety  is  as-
                                                                      we’re  still  sorting  out  all  of  Chacon  said  his  officers  re-  sisting  in  the  investigation
                                                                      the victims to see what their  sponded quickly to the area.  and Chacon said the FBI and
                                                                      involvement is in this case,”                             the  Bureau  of  Alcohol,  To-
                                                                      Chacon said.                 “They were able to immedi-   bacco and Firearms were also
                                                                                                   ately  begin  life-saving  mea-  assisting.
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