Page 29 - Aruba Today
P. 29
Tuesday 5 April 2016
All-star benefit planned for
funk pioneer Bernie Worrell
In this Nov. 12, 2015 file photo, Malik Isaac Taylor aka Phife HILLEL ITALIE In this March 18, 2002, file photo, Bernie Worrell speaks at the
Dawg of A Tribe Called Quest poses for a portrait at Sirius XM AP National Writer Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York.
studios in New York. NEW YORK (AP) — Bernie
Worrell, funk’s “Wizard of Associated Press
Associated Press Woo,” is amazed at the
lineup of friends and ad- hits as “Flashlight,” ‘’Give that more than 70 people
New single by mirers expected to turn Up the Funk (Tear the Roof have agreed to come.
Phife to air Tuesday out for his benefit con- off the Sucker)” and “One She hopes the show will
on Beats 1 Radio cert: George Clinton and Nation Under a Groove.” raise around $75,000 and is
Nona Hendryx, Jonathan “Bernie was the key,” Clin- counting on an online auc-
NEW YORK (AP) — A new shell” is a track from the Demme and Bootsy Col- ton says. “He knew so many tion (
single by Phife Dawg, who album, “Give Thanks,” that lins, Paul Shaffer and Living different kinds of music and to bring in more, with items
died last month, is coming he had been working on at Colour. knew all the mechanics.” including a signed poster
out Tuesday, with portions the time of his death. Even Meryl Streep and “He gives you the theology from the Rolling Stones and
of the proceeds going to The family is donating 50 Rick Springfield, with whom of funk,” David Byrne said a guitar autographed by
charity. percent of the proceeds to Worrell worked on last of Worrell, who has played Carlos Santana.
The late hip-hop artist’s the American Diabetes As- year’s movie “Ricki and on such Talking Heads She and Clinton lamented
wife Deisha and manager sociation and the National the Flash,” are scheduled albums as “Speaking in that Worrell earned rela-
Dion Liverpool announced Kidney Foundation. Phife to appear Monday night Tongues,” and on “Stop tively little money from his
Monday that “Nutshell” will died last month at age 45 at Webster Hall for “All Making Sense,” Demme’s P-Funk recordings — roy-
debut Tuesday on Beats from complications of dia- the Woo in the World,” a 1984 concert documen- alties for the group have
1 Radio and will be avail- betes. His best known songs “funkraiser” to help pay tary. “Bernie can take the been the subject of numer-
able on iTunes. A video for with A Tribe Called Quest for Worrell’s cancer treat- music to a very cosmic ous legal actions over the
the song will be unveiled included “Scenario” and ment. place.” years — and Hendryx was
Tuesday night at the Apollo “Bonita Applebum.”q “I think it’s an outpouring Hendryx, who has known determined that he not
Theater in Harlem. “Nut- of love,” the 71-year-old Worrell for decades, orga- “work himself to death” to
Worrell told The Associ- nized the event and says raise the money himself.
ated Press during a recent
telephone interview. “I’m
a humble type of person
who just tries to make peo-
ple happy.
I didn’t know this event
would be so big.”
Diagnosed a few months
ago with stage-four lung
cancer, the keyboardist for
Clinton’s Parliament-Funk-
adelic empire of the 1970s
has never been as famous
as some of the performers
at the Webster Hall show.
But he is revered by fellow
musicians and others who
know him and his trade-
mark riffs, screeches and
squiggles, essential to such
James McBride pays tribute to the Godfather of Soul
Associated Press Unlike other writers who I’m Proud,” lyrics McBride ism. This book cover image re-
James McBride, best-selling have focused largely on argues changed the self- Heroes emerge, includ- leased by Spiegel & Grau
author of “The Color of Wa- Brown’s groundbreaking image of black America ing a small-town reporter shows “Kill ‘Em and Leave:
ter” and “The Good Lord music, McBride seeks to in- “in one fell swoop.” He sits who has doggedly pursued Searching for James Brown
Bird,” has written a furious vestigate the “amorphous down with Brown’s prote- the legal maneuvering and the American Soul,” by
ode to the troubled life blend of black politics, cul- ge, the Rev. Al Sharpton, to surrounding Brown’s con- James McBride.
and legacy of the incom- ture whom Brown imparted his tested estate, and villains
parable James Brown. Part and music” that shaped hard-won lessons in show- abound, most looking to Associated Press
appreciation, part biogra- the Godfather of Soul.b manship, among them “Kill make a buck.
phy, the book is structured He travels to the South to ‘em and leave,” the title of The entertainment industry,
as a mystery: Why has this interview Brown’s first wife, this book. McBride asserts, is one of
singular figure in Ameri- former manager and other And he unearths a tangled the bad guys,
can culture — a genius on close associates, includ- and tragic story, treating black life as “frag-
the order of Elvis Presley ing the last of the Famous one rooted in Brown’s per- ile compost for the Ameri-
and Bob Dylan — been so Flames. In England, he talks sonal history of growing up can storytelling machine,”
grievously misrepresented to former Brown bandlead- dirt-poor in a broken fam- grinding “old stereotypes
and misunderstood, all the er Alfred “Pee Wee” Ellis, ily in the segregated South and beliefs into a kind of
more so since his death in who wrote the music to and in America’s vicious mush porridge best served
2006 at age 73? “Say It Loud, I’m Black and history of slavery and rac- cold, if at all.”