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                                                                                                                                       Wednesday 20 May 2015

US Financial Front:

  Surge in home construction is lifting hopes for US economy 

JOSH BOAK                        “If you’re willing to buy a    lower oil prices cutting into   to 2 percent from 1.9 per-                                        that freezing temperatures
AP Economics Writer              house, that speaks volumes     factory orders.                 cent.                                                             and snowstorms held back
WASHINGTON (AP) — The            about your confidence, job     On Tuesday, the govern-         By region, house and apart-                                       builders early in the year
U.S. housing market has          prospects and economic         ment reported a surprising      ment building starts surged                                       and that last quarter’s jump
given a sudden jolt to what      fortunes going forward,”       20.2 percent jump in resi-      last month in the Northeast,                                      pointed to strong pent-up
appeared to be a slumping        said Michael Dolega, a se-     dential construction to a       Midwest and West, while                                           demand.
economy.                                                                                                                                                          In part, the increased home
Builders broke ground on         Construction on a new apartment complex continues on Pittsburgh’s Southside. The Commerce                                        building reflects a dual na-
homes last month at the          Department released housing starts for April on Tuesday, May 19, 2015.                                                           ture of the U.S. economy:
fastest pace in more than                                                                                                                                         Hiring has been solid even
seven years. The stepped-                                                                                                              (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)  while overall economic
up construction is helping                                                                                                                                        growth has remained fee-
boost sales at stores like       nior economist at TD Bank.     seasonally adjusted annual      slipping slightly in the South.                                   ble.
Home Depot and Lowe’s            The hints of a healthier       pace of 1.14 million. As a      All four regions enjoyed in-                                      Employers added a healthy
and improving the likeli-        economy follow a bleak         result, analysts at Barclays    creased construction of                                           223,000 jobs in April, caus-
hood that the U.S. econ-         first quarter. Growth is       slightly raised their forecast  single-family houses.                                             ing the unemployment rate
omy will accelerate after        thought to have gone in re-    for economic growth in the      The sharpest gain by far                                          to slip to 5.4 percent from
likely shrinking early this      verse from January through     April-June quarter to 2.7       was in the Northeast,                                             5.5 percent. The economy
year.                            March, a result of a harsh     percent from 2.6 percent,       where the pace of con-                                            has gained about 3.1 mil-
In part, the surge in housing    winter, a stronger dollar      and Macroeconomic Ad-           struction soared nearly 86                                        lion jobs — and paychecks
starts in April reflected a re-  squeezing U.S. exports and     visers boosted its estimate     percent. That suggested                                           — over the past 12 months.
bound from a dismal winter                                                                                                                                        The economic growth that
that shut down construc-                                                                                                                                          those paychecks should
tion sites and hampered                                                                                                                                           fuel has so far proved elu-
growth across the econo-                                                                                                                                          sive. Even so, demand for
my. Builders may struggle                                                                                                                                         housing has picked up.
to maintain their robust                                                                                                                                          Sales of existing homes
April pace. But there is rea-                                                                                                                                     jumped 6 percent in March,
son for optimism.                                                                                                                                                 the National Association of
For one thing, construction                                                                                                                                       Realtors said last month.
of single-family houses rose                                                                                                                                      But a tight supply has been
in regions of the country                                                                                                                                         keeping a lid on sales: The
where winter weather had                                                                                                                                          market has just 4.6 months’
had little impact. For an-                                                                                                                                        worth of available homes,
other, the rate of approved                                                                                                                                       compared with six months
building permits — a harbin-                                                                                                                                      in what economists would
ger of future construction                                                                                                                                        consider a healthy market.
— rose a solid 10 percent                                                                                                                                         Further strong construction
from March to April. That                                                                                                                                         could ease those worries
reflects buyer demand.                                                                                                                                            about supply.q

American Living:

For many low-income workers, calling in sick is a luxury 

ANNE D’INNOCENZIO                country’s lowest earners.      ing laws too. And McDon-        a national compensation                                           sional affairs at Society for
AP Retail Writer                 Some of the same workers’      ald’s Corp. and Wal-Mart        survey of employee bene-                                          Human Resource Manage-
NEW YORK (AP) — For Shan-        rights groups that grabbed     Stores Inc., which have         fits conducted last year by                                       ment, a human resource
non Henderson, getting a         headlines recently by push-    announced wage hikes re-        the Bureau of Labor Statis-                                       management trade group,
cold or flu could be the dif-    ing companies for wage         cently, are making chang-       tics.                                                             says many companies are
ference between putting          hikes are steering the con-    es to their paid sick leave     But only 20 percent of work-                                      leaning toward policies
food on the table and go-        versation toward paid sick     policies.                       ers whose wages are at                                            that lump sick, personal
ing hungry.                      leave. The debate has          “Paid sick days are a job       the bottom 10 percent get                                         and vacation days togeth-
As a part-time customer          caught the attention of        issue,” said Ellen Bravo, ex-   paid sick leave, compared                                         er.
service representative at a      governments and compa-         ecutive director for Family     with 87 percent in the top                                        But she says laws force
Wal-Mart in Sacramento,          nies alike.                    Values @ Work, a network        10 percent.                                                       companies to scale back
California, Henderson is         President Barack Obama         of coalitions fighting to pass  There’s also a difference                                         on those benefits to keep
one of an estimated 40 mil-      is calling for federal legis-  paid sick days and family       when comparing part-time                                          down the costs associat-
lion American workers for        lation that would require      leave policies. “When you       and full-time employees:                                          ed with people taking sick
who calling in sick is a lux-    companies to guarantee         don’t have sick pay, you        Seventy-four percent of                                           days off.
ury. If they don’t work, they    workers paid sick days. And    get docked.”                    full-time workers get paid                                        “These mandates have a
don’t get paid.                  since San Francisco started    The new focus comes amid        sick leave, while 24 percent                                      chilling effect on employ-
“I’m super afraid of get-        requiring that in 2007, near-  wide disparities between        of part-time workers do, ac-                                      ers’ ability to innovate and
ting sick,” said Henderson,      ly 20 cities and three states  the benefits received by        cording to BLS.                                                   be creative with their leave
29, who slathers on hand         — Connecticut, Massachu-       the top and bottom rungs        Despite the disparities,                                          options,” she said.
sanitizer at work in hopes of    setts and California — have    of the corporate ladder.        some industry groups are
fending off illness.             passed similar measures.       Sixty-one percent of U.S.       fighting against laws re-                                             Continued on page 8
Paid sick leave is the next      New York, Maryland and         workers get at least one        quiring sick leave pay. Lisa
frontier in the fight for the    other states are consider-     paid sick day, according to     Horn, director of congres-
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