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  LOCALWednesday 20 May 2015

At Art Rules Aruba:

  Background Singer for Rihanna Teaching Music & Performance!

--RBC Royal Bank’s Art          Founders of the program        glass-shattering high oc-       supporting vocal-
Rules Aruba is BACK and         have acquired some, very       tave vocal-range like Miss      ists in the world.
introducing a whole new         famous to the business,        Ry’ANN.                         Teaching Music
team of amazing “Mas-           Artists that are both well     This show-stopping Artist       & Performance,
ter” teachers for this year’s   known and also work with       performs for large crowds       Miss Ry’ANN is set
Master Edition.                 some of the world’s most       with top Artist such as R&B     to bring a diverse
                                popular Artists in the world.  diva Jennifer Hudson or         lesson plan on ev-
ORANJESTAD - The sum-           The goal with this Master      legends such as Patti La-       erything from vo-
mer is around the corner        Edition is to elevate          belle and even the late         cal training, per-
and young aspiring artists      Art Rules to an even higher    Teddy Pendergrass.              formance prac-
all over the island will once   advanced leveled pro-          Calling “Music the fabric of    tices to music the-
again get the opportunity       gram where students get to     my soul,”                       ory. Bringing her
to experience the amazing       not only experience more       Miss Ry’ANN’s love of music     own background
Educational Arts program        intensive training, pro-       was fostered by her mother      and knowledge
Art Rules.                      duce more Art during the 2     who encouraged her to           to the table, stu-
Kicking off on July 20th Art    weeks but also work with a     sing and perform for family     dents will not only
Rules will for the first time   few well known artists such    and friends when she was        learn what it takes
ever introduce a com-           one of Rihanna’s backing       younger. It instilled her pas-  to be a great vo-
pletely new team of teach-      singers, the beautiful song-   sion to become a profes-        calist or perform-
ers and calling it the MAS-     stress, Gloria Ry’ANN.         sional singer and led to her    er, the foundation
TER Edition.                    It has been said that not      now being based in New          of Miss RY’ANN’s
This edition will focus on the  since Minnie Riperton has      York City working as a solo     class is focused
best teachers, the best stu-    there been a more en-          artist known as one of the      on instilling confi-
dents and the best training.    chanting songstress with a     top and highly demanded         dence in her students and
                                                                                               motivating them to be-
                                                                                               come the best they can           Royal Bank at the helm of
                                                                                               be as individuals.               partners, Art Rules is once
                                                                                               Art Rules Aruba #6 will kick     again strongly supported
                                                                                               off on July 20TH till July 31st  by local businesses includ-
                                                                                               at the Arts Academy Aru-         ing Aruba Airport Authority,
                                                                                               ba also known as the Riet-       De Palm Tours, Hertz Car
                                                                                               veld Academy.                    Rental, Aruba Timesehare
                                                                                                                                Association, Marketing Plus,
                                                                                                On August 1st 2015 the          The Caribbean Queen Ti-
                                                                                               program will of course pres-     kun Olam program, Aruba
                                                                                               ent a big showcase which         Marriot, La Cabana Beach
                                                                                               will take place at the same      and Racquet Club,
                                                                                               location.                        Paradise Beach Villa’s, Aar-
                                                                                               To sign up or for more in-       on Croes, Swing Masterz
                                                                                               formation on Music & Per-        and its scholarship partners
                                                                                               formance as well as all the      Kiwanis Palm Beach and
                                                                                               other disciplines, Creative      Curoil, whom are giving
                                                                                               Writing, Creative Media,         away Art Rules Scholar-
                                                                                               Dance, Theater, Music &          ships.
                                                                                               Performance, DJ and Cu-          The selection is based on
                                                                                               linary Arts, visit the website   the best motivation letter
                                                                                               at        sent in by the applicants.
                                                                                               shops/aruba                      Follow Art Rules on Face-
                                                                                               With the support of RBC          book @artrulesaruba insta-
                                                                                                                                gram @artrulesflicks @twit-
                                                                                                                                ter artrulesU.q
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