Page 7 - ATA FEB 23,2015
P. 7
LOCALMonday 23 February 2015
Leslie Eisen Abrams honored at the Marriott Ocean Club!
PALM BEACH - Recently visitor of Aruba, as Distin- of the Minister of Tourism as Eisen Abrams from West- cate was presented by Mr.
the Aruba Tourism Authority guished Visitor, at the Mar- a token of appreciation to port, Connecticut. Leslie Ernest Giel representing the
had the great pleasure of riott Ocean Club. guests who visit Aruba for and her family are loyal Aruba Tourism Authority to-
honoring a very nice guest The symbolic honorary title 10-to-19 consecutive years. members of the Marriott gether with the daughters
who is a loyal and friendly is presented in the name The honoree was Mrs. Leslie Ocean club, and they of Mrs. Abrams, Jacqueline
love Aruba for the climate, and Geena, Ms. Stepha-
beaches, the history, safe- nie Paul and GM Mr. Erwin
ty, restaurants but most of Noguera representing the
all they love the friendly Marriott Ocean Club.q
Aruban people. The certifi-
LOCALMonday 23 February 2015
Leslie Eisen Abrams honored at the Marriott Ocean Club!
PALM BEACH - Recently visitor of Aruba, as Distin- of the Minister of Tourism as Eisen Abrams from West- cate was presented by Mr.
the Aruba Tourism Authority guished Visitor, at the Mar- a token of appreciation to port, Connecticut. Leslie Ernest Giel representing the
had the great pleasure of riott Ocean Club. guests who visit Aruba for and her family are loyal Aruba Tourism Authority to-
honoring a very nice guest The symbolic honorary title 10-to-19 consecutive years. members of the Marriott gether with the daughters
who is a loyal and friendly is presented in the name The honoree was Mrs. Leslie Ocean club, and they of Mrs. Abrams, Jacqueline
love Aruba for the climate, and Geena, Ms. Stepha-
beaches, the history, safe- nie Paul and GM Mr. Erwin
ty, restaurants but most of Noguera representing the
all they love the friendly Marriott Ocean Club.q
Aruban people. The certifi-