P. 31
PEOPLE/ARTS Thursday 21 sepTember
AP Exclusive: Clinton Leonardo DiCaprio foundation
book has sold more awards $20M in eco-grants
than 300,000 copies By The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Leon-
ardo DiCaprio an-
By HILLEL ITALIE run for president. “What nounced Tuesday that
AP National Writer Happened” has been his eco-focused foun-
NEW YORK (AP) — Hill- at or near the top of the dation has given more
ary Clinton’s “What Hap- best-seller than $20 million this year
pened” had a big de- list since its publication in fresh grants to more
but. Sept. 12 despite a sus- than 100 organizations
Clinton’s book, about picious early wave of around the world.
her stunning presidential negative reader reviews, From lion recovery and
election loss in 2016 to likely posted by com- mangrove restoration
Donald Trump, sold more mentators who had not to the defense of indig-
than 300,000 copies in read the book and later enous rights and bet-
the combined formats of pulled by Amazon.“The ter access to afford-
hardcover, e-book and remarkable response to able solar energy, the
audio, Simon & Schuster ‘What Happened’ indi- actor announced the
told The Associated Press cates that, notwithstand- grants ahead of his ap- In this Nov. 6, 2016 file photo, Leonardo DiCaprio accepts the
on Wednesday. ing all that has been writ- pearance at a climate Hollywood documentary award for “Before the Flood” at the
The book’s hardcover ten and discussed over change conference 20th annual Hollywood Film Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif.
sales of 168,000 were the the last year, there is at Yale University. He Associated Press
highest opening for any clearly an overwhelming planned to use the ap- the Leonardo DiCaprio million for wildlife and
nonfiction release in five desire among readers to pearance to urge more Foundation’s giving to land conservation proj-
years, according to NPD learn about and experi- immediate steps to re- $80 million since 1998, ects. That work includes
BookScan, which tracks ence, from Hillary Clin- duce the world’s reli- the organization said lion and elephant resto-
around 85 percent of ton’s singular perspec- ance on fossil fuels in fa- in a statement.Among ration and protection,
retail print sales. Mark tive, the historic events vor of renewable energy nearly $3.6 million in conservation research
Owen’s “No Easy Day,” of the 2016 election,” sources. new climate grants, for in the Brazilian Amazon
a 2012 memoir about Simon & Schuster CEO “Our challenge is to find instance, is support of and a partnership with
the killing of Osama bin Carolyn Reidy said in a new ways to power our community organiza- the local Maasai com-
Laden, sold more than statement. “In its candor lives, employ millions of tions in the United States munity in Kenya to con-
250,000 copies in its first and immediacy, ‘What people and turn every fighting for 100 percent serve critical wildlife
week. Happened’ is satisfying individual into an advo- renewable energy, mon- and wilderness there.
Sales for “What Hap- that demand.”Clinton’s cate for clean air and ey for mitigating climate California Waterkeepers,
pened” far exceeded all-time opening was for drinkable water,” Di- change through man- a group that helps pro-
the first-week numbers her memoir, “Living His- Caprio said in a state- grove re-planting in So- tect the state’s coastal
of more than 100,000 tory,” a 2003 release that ment. “We must de- malia and a project that waters, and Ocean 5,
copies for Clinton’s book included her first extend- mand that politicians backs legal action hold- which establishes ma-
about her years as sec- ed comments on the accept climate science ing major corporations rine reserves and com-
retary of state, “Hard affair between her hus- and make bold com- in the fossil fuel industry bats illegal fishing in all
Choices,” which came band, President Bill Clin- mitments before it is too liable for the effects of five oceans around the
out in 2014 as she was ton, and White House in- late.” pollution.The foundation globe, are among other
preparing to launch her tern Monica Lewinsky.q The money increases also granted about $6.4 recipients.q
Bernie Casey, pro football player turned actor, dies
By LINDSEY BAHR scholarship. binations of talents. A 1969.
AP Film Writer He went on to play wide man can be a deep- He appeared in some 35
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ber- receiver for the San Fran- sea diver and also make films, including “Boxcar
nie Casey, a professional cisco 49ers and Los An- china.”His art in particu- Bertha,” ‘’The Man Who
football player turned geles Rams before going lar captivated many fa- Fell to Earth,” ‘’Brian’s
poet, painter and actor back to his alma mater mous minds, including Song” and “Never Say
known for parts in films to get a master’s degree Maya Angelou. Never Again.”
such as “Revenge of the in fine arts. “His art makes my road Casey also starred op-
Nerds” and “I’m Gonna For Casey, the arts al- less rocky, and my path posite fellow NFL vet-
Git You Sucka,” has died. ways came first. He less crooked,” Angelou eran Jim Brown in “...
He was 78. painted and published said of a 2003 exhibit of tick...tick...tick” and
Casey died Tuesday in books of poetry, but the his works. “Black Gunn.”He played
Los Angeles after a brief football association that “I was a big, agile, fast Lamda Lamda Lamda
illness, his talent agent he viewed as a stepping and a dedicated ath- head U.N. Jefferson in In this May 23, 2014 file photo,
Erin Connor said. stone followed him. lete,” Casey said in 1999. “Revenge of the Nerds” Bernie Casey appears after a
Born in West Virginia in “It was just a gig,” he told “But I always wanted to and John Slade in Keen- performance of “The Tallest
1939 and raised in Co- the Washington Post in be a painter.” an Ivory Wayans’ Blax- Tree in the Forest” in in Los An-
lumbus, Ohio, Casey ex- 1977 about football. “But Casey’s professional act- ploitation parody “I’m geles.
celled in track and field it limits the way people ing career began with Gonna Git You Sucka” Associated Press
and football and attend- perceive you. That can “Guns of the Magnificent from 1988.He also had Trek: Deep Space Nine,”
ed Bowling Green State be frustrating. People Seven,” a sequel to “The a number of television ‘’Murder She Wrote”
University on an athletic have tremendous com- Magnificent Seven,” in credits including “Star and “L.A. Law.”q