P. 32

                Thursday 21 sepTember
              New fight in California water wars: How to update old system

            By SCOTT SMITH and ELLEN                                                                                            nels,  and  their  decade-
            KNICKMEYER                                                                                                          long  construction,  would
             Associated Press                                                                                                   have  further  harmed  the
            FRESNO,  Calif.  (AP)  —  In                                                                                        delta  and  San  Francisco
            California’s   long-raging                                                                                          Bay,  destroyed  their  farms
            water  wars,  pitting  north                                                                                        and doomed many sleepy
            against  south  and  farm-                                                                                          Gold Rush-era towns.
            er  against  city  dweller,                                                                                         “Does this project end with
            the  one  thing  everybody                                                                                          that  vote?  I  don’t  know,”
            agreed  on  Wednesday                                                                                               said Russell van Loben Sels,
            was  that  the  outdated                                                                                            speaking  by  cellphone
            method  of  shipping  water                                                                                         Wednesday  from  his  vine-
            throughout the most popu-                                                                                           yard where one of the gi-
            lous  state  needs  a  serious                                                                                      ant  water  intakes  for  the
            upgrade.                                                                                                            tunnels would go. “There’ll
            A group of influential Cali-                                                                                        be  a  lot  of  politics  and  a
            fornia  farmers  shook  up                                                                                          lot of arm-twisting and that
            the  debate  a  day  earlier,                                                                                       kind of thing.”
            backing  out  of  Gov.  Jerry                                                                                       Brown’s  Natural  Resources
            Brown’s  $16  billion  plan  to                                                                                     secretary,  John  Laird,  said
            build  two  massive  water                                                                                          Wednesday  that  there’s
            tunnels, re-engineering the    In this Oct. 2, 2009 file photo, in California’s Westland Water District of the Central Valley, canals   broad  agreement  water
            delivery system. Westlands   carry water to southern California.                                                    deliveries  will  keep  de-
            Water District in Fresno said                                                                      Associated Press  clining  without  upgraded
            it  was  too  expensive  and   Backers  say  the  tunnels   several large water districts   rather  than  two,  in  what   infrastructure.“While it’s too
            came  with  too  few  guar-  will  stabilize  flows,  save   to  vote,  pulling  out  after   Lund  called  the  “garden   soon  to  speculate  on  po-
            antees.Brown’s    adminis-   endangered  fish  species    having  spent  millions  over   hose” option, or burrowing   tential changes to the proj-
            tration,  however,  gave  no   and  ensure  a  reliable  wa-  more  than  a  decade  on   one  now  with  the  option   ect,” he said, “the state will
            sign of giving up. Other key   ter supply. However, critics   drawing up plans and cal-  for  a  second  one  later,  if   continue  to  consider  how
            water  districts  serving  vast   say it will be used to drain   culating costs.       it’s needed.                 best to meet the needs of
            farmland  in  the  most  pro-  Northern California dry and   The shake-up forced a big   The  Sacramento-San  Joa-  the agencies” that want to
            ductive  agricultural  state   further harm native fish.  moment for the players to    quin  River  Delta  is  such  a   participate.
            and millions of residents still   It  is  California’s  most  am-  take  stock  of  the  whole   vital water source for Cali-  U.S.  Rep.  John  Garamen-
            have to weigh in, including   bitious  water  project  in   water  system,  said  Jay   fornia  that  somebody  will   di,  a  Democrat  from  the
            the  behemoth  Metropoli-    more than 50 years, when     Lund,  a  leading  state  wa-  always be advancing proj-  delta,  said  it  was  a  mat-
            tan Water District of South-                                                                                        ter  of  time  before  central
            ern California.                                                                                                     California  farmers,  such
            “I don’t think a ‘no’ vote is                                                                                       as  those  who  are  part  of
            the end of the story,” said                                                                                         Westlands,  realized  that
            Metropolitan’s     general                                                                                          high  cost  and  uncertainty
            manager,  Jeffrey  Kight-                                                                                           would  crush  the  project.
            linger.  “We  don’t  live  in  a                                                                                    The  Democratic  governor
            world  where  we  can  just                                                                                         had  floated  a  similar  plan
            turn  off  the  projects  and                                                                                       during his first two terms as
            walk away.”                                                                                                         governor,  aiming  to  build
            Kightlinger  sees  a  path  to                                                                                      a  canal  around  the  delta
            launch  the  project  before                                                                                        to ship water south. Brown
            Brown  leaves  office  next                                                                                         could not let go of it, said
            year. It’s impossible to pre-                                                                                       Garamendi,  who  seeks
            dict  what  form  it  will  take                                                                                    more  water  storage  and
            before all the water districts                                                                                      fortifying levees.
            have  voted  on  whether                                                                                            “It  just  takes  a  long  time
            they’re in or out.                                                                                                  for bad, old ideas to final-
            The proposed 35-mile-long                                                                                           ly  die,”  Garamendi  said.
            (56-kilometer-long) tunnels,                                                                                        “Hopefully  we  can  move
            however,  can’t  survive  as                                                                                        onto cheaper, more effec-
            it’s drawn up now without                                                                                           tive solutions.”
            “big players,” such as West-  A small group of protesters carrying signs that said “Water is a human right” and “Stop the water   Another  major  supporter
                                         tunnel tax” gather at Los Angeles City Hall on Monday, Sept. 18, 2017 to urge Mayor Eric Garcetti
            lands, said Kightlinger, who   and other local officials to come out against the planned Delta Tunnels.             that  has  yet  to  vote,  Kern
            entertains the possibility of                                                                      Associated Press  County  Water  Agency,
            a scaled-down project.                                                                                              called it a good project.
            Current plans call for build-  state  and  federal  officials   ter expert at the University   ects, Lund said.     “I  do  think  if  we  don’t  go
            ing twin tunnels east of San   launched  a  hard-fought   of California, Davis.        In  Northern  California,  the   ahead  (with  the  tunnels),
            Francisco  to  deliver  water   campaign  to  win  support   “It’s a strategic opportunity   source  of  much  of  the   California  in  20  years  will
            from the Sacramento River    for building the current sys-  to  make  a  strategic  politi-  state’s  water,  Westlands’   look back on this as a mis-
            mostly  to  farms  and  cities   tem of reservoirs, pumping   cal decision,” he said.  vote  won  cheers  from      take,”  general  manager
            hundreds of miles away in    stations and canals.         Among  the  options  are     farmers  who  have  fought   Curtis Creel said.
            central and Southern Cali-   Westlands farmers on Tues-   building  a  single  tunnel  to   the project for years.  ___Knickmeyer     reported
            fornia.                      day  became  the  first  of   serve just municipal districts   They  contend  the  tun-  from Sonoma.
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