P. 22

A22     sports
                      Tuesday 10 July 2018

            Ohtani’s pinch-hit homer lifts Angels over Dodgers 4-3

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             sacrificed  Wade  to  sec-
            ANAHEIM,  Calif.  (AP)  —                                                                                           ond, and Gardner followed
            Shohei  Ohtani’s  pinch-hit                                                                                         with a single.
            home run in the seventh in-                                                                                         Chad  Green  (5-1)  pitched
            ning  sent  Andrew  Heaney                                                                                          one inning for the win and
            and the Los Angeles Angels                                                                                          David  Robertson  finished
            to a 4-3 victory over the Los                                                                                       for his second save. Regu-
            Angeles  Dodgers  on  Sun-                                                                                          lar  closer  Aroldis  Chap-
            day.                                                                                                                man,  who  left  Saturday’s
            Albert  Pujols  also  went                                                                                          game  because  of  a  sore
            deep  for  the  Angels,  tying                                                                                      left knee, was available but
            the  score  at  3  in  the  sixth.                                                                                  did not pitch.
            Justin Upton had a two-run                                                                                          RANGERS 3, TIGERS 0
            single.                                                                                                             DETROIT  (AP)  —  Austin
            Heaney  (5-6)  allowed  only                                                                                        Bibens-Dirkx  pitched  Texas
            three  hits  and  equaled  a                                                                                        past Detroit.
            career  high  with  10  strike-                                                                                     Jurickson  Profar  homered
            outs  in  seven  innings  to                                                                                        in  the  first  inning  and  the
            help the Angels take two of                                                                                         Rangers split the four-game
            three at home in the Free-                                                                                          series.  Bibens-Dirkx  (2-2)  al-
            way Series. He gave up an                                                                                           lowed three hits and a walk
            early  three-run  homer  to                                                                                         in  5  1/3  innings.  He  struck
            Yasiel  Puig,  who  later  left   Los Angeles Angels’ Shohei Ohtani, right, of Japan, drops his bat as he hits a solo home run as Los   out five.
            with an oblique injury.      Angeles Dodgers catcher Austin Barnes watches during the seventh inning of a baseball game,   All-Star  Shin-Soo  Choo  of
            Ohtani drove his first career   Sunday, July 8, 2018, in Anaheim, Calif.                                            the  Rangers  hit  an  infield
            pinch-hit  homer  a  project-                                                                      Associated Press  single  with  two  outs  in  the
            ed 443 feet to center field  fectively into the sixth inning  Yusmeiro  Petit,  Ryan  Bu-  went  to  third  on  a  flyout  ninth,  extending  his  on-
            off  reliever  JT  Chargois  (2-  before  turning  things  over  chter  and  Emilio  Pagan  and the Astros went up 2-1  base  streak  to  47  games.
            2).  It  also  was  the  Angels’  to  Oakland’s  outstanding  finished the combined five-  on a sacrifice bunt by Mar-  He surpassed the team re-
            first  pinch-hit  home  run  of  bullpen  as  the  Athletics  hitter as the A’s moved 10  win Gonzalez.             cord of 46, set by Julio Fran-
            the  season  and  Ohtani’s  blanked Cleveland.            games over .500.             Keuchel  (6-8)  yielded  six  co in 1993.
            seventh in the majors.       Anderson  (1-2)  had  been  ASTROS 2, WHITE SOX 1         hits  and  a  run  to  win  his  Jose Leclerc struck out five
            The  two-way  rookie  star  sidelined  with  a  shoulder  HOUSTON  (AP)  —  Dallas  third straight decision.        in 1 2/3 hitless innings of re-
            from Japan, unavailable to  strain,  one  of  several  inju-  Keuchel   pitched   seven  Hector  Rondon  struck  out  lief for Texas. Jake Diekman
            pitch lately because of an  ries to the A’s starting staff.  strong  innings,  Jose  Altuve  two in a perfect ninth for his  pitched  the  eighth,  and
            elbow  injury,  fouled  a  ball  But  the  left-hander  looked  homered   and   Houston  seventh save.              Keone  Kela  finished  for  his
            off his knee one day earlier  sharp  in  his  first  start  since  manufactured   the   go-  YANKEES 2, BLUE JAYS 1, 10  22nd save in 22 chances.
            and experienced soreness.  May 18, limiting the Indians  ahead  run  in  the  seventh  INNINGS                      Michael  Fulmer  (3-8)  al-
            Before the game, it was un-  to  three  hits  and  leaving  to  complete  a  four-game  TORONTO  (AP)  —  Brett  lowed two earned runs and
            clear if he would be able to  with a 4-0 lead.            sweep of Chicago.            Gardner  hit  a  tiebreaking  five hits in seven innings.
            come off the bench.          Stephen Piscotty hit a two-  Altuve’s  solo  shot  put  the  single in the 10th inning and  TWINS 10, ORIOLES 1
            Justin  Anderson  got  Cody  run homer off rookie Shane  Astros up 1-0 in the fourth.  New York beat Toronto for  MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Jake
            Bellinger  to  ground  into  a  Bieber (4-1), and Jed Low-  Chicago starter Lucas Gio-  its fourth win in five games.  Odorizzi  pitched  six  score-
            game-ending  double  play  rie had a solo shot as Oak-    lito  (5-8)  had  retired  nine  Former  Yankees  reliever  less  innings  and  Mitch
            for his fourth save.         land won for the 10th time  straight after Altuve’s home  Tyler  Clippard  (4-3)  hit  Garver,  Eduardo  Escobar
            INDIANS 6, ATHLETICS 0       in 12 games to take two of  run  when  Yuli  Gurriel  got  New  York’s  Greg  Bird  with  and  Brian  Dozier  homered
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Brett  three from the Indians.        Houston’s  second  hit  of  a  pitch  to  begin  the  10th,  as  Minnesota  completed
            Anderson came off the dis-   The A’s are 18-6 against AL  the  game,  a  double  with  and  Tyler  Wade  came  on  a  four-game  sweep  of
            abled  list  and  pitched  ef-  Central teams.            no  outs  in  the  seventh.  He  to pinch run. Austin Romine  Baltimore.q

                                                                      Royals sign 16-year-old

                                                                      Japanese pitcher for $322,500

                                                                      KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  —  shien  Stadium  (in  Japan’s  lish before his move to the
                                                                      Kaito Yuki is headed to the  iconic  national  champion-  United  States.  The  Royals
                                                                      Kansas  City  Royals  organi-  ship),”  Yuki  said  in  state-  are optimistic that after pa-
                                                                      zation instead of attending  ment issued by the Royals.   perwork  is  completed,  he
                                                                      high school in Japan.        Yuki  is  listed  at  6-foot-2,  will  arrive  in  August  at  the
                                                                      The   16-year-old   pitcher  170  pounds  and  the  right-  team’s spring training com-
                                                                      agreed  Sunday  to  a  mi-   hander’s fastball has been  plex in Surprise, Arizona, to
                                                                      nor  league  contract  with  clocked at 87-88 mph.        begin  familiarizing  himself
                                                                      a  $322,500  signing  bonus.  He  was  born  on  May  12,  with  the  local  culture  and
                                                                      He  is  thought  to  be  the  2002.                       language.
                                                                      first  Japanese  junior  high  “My  goal  is  to  do  well  in  He  would  participate  in
                                                                      school player to sign with a  the majors. Not everybody  the Royals’ fall instructional
                                                                      major league club.           is  given  that  chance,  so  league  in  September  and
                                                                      “I  wanted  to  play  in  the  I  want  to  do  my  best,”  he  October,  with  the  objec-
            In this July 8, 2018 photo, Kaito Yuki poses for photographers at   United  States  as  soon  as  said at a news conference  tive  of  making  his  profes-
            a press conference in Osaka, western Japan.               possible,  rather  than  play-  in his hometown of Osaka.  sional  debut  in  the  minors
                                                     Associated Press  ing high school ball at Ko-  Yuki has been studying Eng-  next year.q
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