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                Diabierna 29 OctOber 2021

                                                             We sadly announce the passing of a dear daughter,
             “Bou di alanan di Dios mi ta sigur”             sister, aunt and friend                         Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita
             Abo  ku  ta  biba  bou  di  amparo  di  Altisimo,  ta                                           Laga  tur  locual  cu  mi  encontra  na  caminda  ta
             hospedá den sombra di Dios Omnipotente, bisa                                                    bunita
             Señor:                                                                                          Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y
              “Mi refugio, mi forti, mi Dios, den kende mi ta                                                Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.
             pone mi konfiansa”                                                                              Cado Wever.
             Salmo 91:1-2
                                                                                                             Pa participa fayecimento di:
             Cu  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  participa
             fayecimento di nos ser stima:

                                                                      Lura Myra Thomas
                                                                        *15-07-1949 - †21-10-2021
                                                             Mother:        †Edna Courtney
                                                             Niece:   †Clareen Philips who she loved as a
                                                             Left to mourn are her:
                                                             Sisters:  Bonnie Thomas (NY)
                                                             Bobina Courtney Feingold (FL)
                                                             Cousins:       Lurlyn Creft-Roberts,
                                                             Raymond Courtney,
                                                             Joe Forrester,
                                                             David Lockiby,
                                                             The families Thomas, Courtney, Forrester,
                       Pablo E. Martinez                     Lockiby, Mark, Creft and Nyack and several
                       *15-03-1965 - †25-10-2021             relatives too numerous to mention.                         Jean G. Prophete
                                                                                                                       *03-07-1968 - †10-10-2021
                                                             Numerous friends including Ken Burke, Elsa &
             Na nomber di su:                                Chester Berkel, Samuel & Carrol Elscoe, Johannes
             Mama: † Asuncion Martinez                       Brown, Ann Arrindell, Esmee Gillard, Irma Leer,   Na nomber di su:
             Casa: † Gloria Ines Martinez-Isaza              Patsy Daniel, Joann & Francine Bardouille, Julliet   Rumannan:
                                                             Silland, and the Becker family among others.    Clotaire Prophete
             Yiunan:                                         Special mention and thanks to her kind neighbors   Claimise Prophete
             Claudia Geerman-Isaza y casa Juan Felix         and dedicated friends Detta & Mundo Sneek, who   Calixte Prophete
                                                             made her life more comfortable during her illness
             Geerman                                         in the last years of her life, to Adonne Claude, who   Wodnet Prophete
             John Arndell y casa Yenny Rasmijn               worked as Myra’s caregiver in her final days and   Laza Prophete
             Sandra Serna y casa Jorge Serna                 to Henny (Tenchi) & Silvia Adam’s, who for years   Michelot Prophete
                                                             were close friends to both Myra and her mother   Exina Prophete
             Nieto(a)nan:                                    Edna.                                           Rosemine Prophete
             Laura, Jean-Claude, Diana, Paola, Luis, Jessica y   Opportunity for condolences: Thursday October   Micherlande Prophete
                                                             28, 2021 from 7 to 9 pm at Aurora Funeral Home
             Kimberly                                        Date of funeral will be held on Friday October   Jocelyn Prophete
                                                             29, 2021 from 2 to 4 pm at Aurora Funeral Home,   Sobrino(a)nan:
             Bisanieto(a)nan: Jahlisha y Mia Bella           then she will be taken to hr final resting place at   James Prophete
             Ruman: Rodrigo Martinez                         the central cemetery in Sabana Basora           Jimmy Prophete
             Tia: Aura y Adelita Martinez                                                                    Clona Prophete
                                                                                                             Romel Prophete
             Primo(a)s:                                                                                      Primo(a)nan:
             Zoraida y Liz Angela Aguilar Martinez, Estefany                                                 Marie Duverne
             Marcela                                                                                         Biniel Gelin
                                                                                                             Wilson Octavus
             Amigo(a)nan:                                                                                    Berlita Octavus
             William Ochoa, William Gallego, Johny, Diana,                                                   Mireille Duverne
             Sandra, Leonor, Franky, Mauricio.                                                               Solerne Duverne
                                                                                                             Anita Duverne
             Coleganan:  André,  Bryan,  Juan  Jose,  Franklin,
             Carlos, Alberto, Jairo, Eduardo, William, Pernett,   Mi Dios, Mi Señor, Mi                      Bon amigo: Taronny
             Edelier, Jeser, Jorge, Andres                   Salbador
             Bisiña: Helena Geerman, Joanne, famia Tromp,    Cu Bo amor infinito                             Demas famia na Aruba y na Haïti.
             Juan Sosa y famia, Aponte, Joiner, Marina Arteaga   tenemi den Bo braza
             y famia.                                        Ya no tin scuridad                              Ta  invita  pa  acto  di  entiero  cual  lo  tuma  lugar
                                                             Unicamente Bo Luz                               na  Pray  Funeral  Home  diasabra  30  di  oktober
             Demas amistades Hector y famia na USA, Beto y   briyando                                        2021 di 2’or pa 4’or dia atardi. Despues lo sali pa
             na demas parti di mundo.                                                                        Santana Central Sabana Basora.
                                                             Cu dolor na nos curason,
             Ta  invita  pa  acto  di  entiero  cual  lo  tuma  lugar   nos ta participa fayecimento         Condolencia  lo  tuma  lugar  na  Pray  Funeral
             na Royal Fueral Home diabierna 29 di oktober    di nos ser stima:                               Home  diabierna  29  di  oktober  2021  di  7’or  pa
             2021 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi. Despues lo sali pa                                              9’or di anochi.
             Santana Centraal Sabana Basora.

             Condolencia  lo  tuma  lugar  na  Royal  Funeral        Petronilia S. Henriquez
             Home  diahuebs  28  di  oktober  2021  di  7’or  pa      Cariñosamente yama “Sylvia”
             9’or di anochi.                                           *14-05-1949 - †27-10-2021

             Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
             algun famia of conocir.
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