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                                                                                                obituario Diabierna 29 OctOber 2021

                                                                    U.S. to pay $88M to families, victims of SC

                                                                                           church massacre

                                                              (AP) — Families of nine vic-
                                                              tims killed in a racist attack
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di         at  a  Black  South  Carolina
             nada Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta              church have reached a settle-
             ponemi sosega.E ta hibami na awa trankil,        ment  with  the  Justice  De-
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                         partment over a faulty back-
             Salmo: 23                                        ground  check  that  allowed
             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                   Dylann Roof to purchase the
                                                              gun he used in the 2015 mas-

                                                              The Justice Department will pay
                                                              $88 million, which includes $63
                                                              million  for  the  families  of  the
                                                              nine people killed and $25 mil-
                                                              lion for five survivors who were
                                                              inside the church at the time of
                                                              the shooting, it was announced

                                                              Bakari Sellers, an attorney who
                                                              helped  broker  the  agreement,
                                                              told  The  Associated  Press  the
                                                              “88” figure was purposeful. It’s a
                                                              number typically associated with
                                                              white supremacy and the num-
                 Johannes Maria Boekhout                      ber of bullets Roof said he had
                     *01-04-1940 - †19-10-2021                taken with him to the attack.
                                                                                             the wrong agency, the examiner  state  senator,  as  well  as  other
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia            “We’ve  given  a  big  ‘F  you’  to  did nothing more.         pillars of the community. They
                               despues.                       white  supremacy  and  racism,”                                all  shared  deep  devotion  to
                                                              Sellers  told  the  AP.  “We’re  do-  After  a  three-day  waiting  pe-  the  church,  known  as  Mother
                                                              ing that by building generational  riod, Roof went back to a West  Emanuel,  and  passed  that  faith
                                                              wealth in these Black communi-  Columbia  store  to  pick  up  the  along to their families, many of
                                                              ties, from one of the most hor-  handgun.                      whom offered Roof forgiveness
                                                              rific race crimes in the country.”                             when he appeared in court just
                                                                                             The  lawsuit  for  a  time  was  days after the attack.
                                                              According to the Justice Depart-  thrown  out,  with  a judge writ-
                                                              ment, settlements for the fami-  ing  that  an  examiner  followed  The  FBI  has  acknowledged
                                                              lies  of  those  killed  range  from  procedures but also blasting the  that Roof’s drug possession ar-
                                                              $6  million  to  $7.5  million  per  federal government for what he  rest should have prevented him
                                                              claimant. Survivors’ settlements  called its “abysmally poor policy  from buying a gun.
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada    are $5 million per claimant.   choices” in how it runs the na-
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.                                   tional database for firearm back-  Speaking  with  AP  in  Washing-
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                      Months  before  the  June  17,  ground  checks.  The  suit  was  ton  ahead  of  the  news  confer-
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                         2015  church  shooting,  Roof  subsequently reinstated by a fed-  ence, Pinckney’s eldest daughter
             Salmo: 23                                        was arrested on Feb. 28 by Co-  eral appeals court.            recalled the night of the shoot-
                                                              lumbia,  South  Carolina  police                               ing and said she was committed
             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                   on  the  drug  possession  charge.  “The  mass  shooting  at  Mother  to maintaining the legacy of her
                                                              But a series of clerical errors and  Emanuel  AME  Church  was  a  father, who died when she was
                                                              missteps  allowed  Roof  to  buy  horrific  hate  crime  that  caused  11.
                                                              the handgun he later used in the  immeasurable   suffering   for
                                                              massacre.                      the  families  of  the  victims  and  “I’ve done whatever I can to keep
                                                                                             the  survivors,”  Attorney  Gen-  his memory alive and to carry on
                                                              The  errors  included  wrongly  eral  Merrick  Garland  said  in  a  his legacy throughout my life,”
                                                              listing the sheriff’s office as the  statement. “Since the day of the  Eliana  Pinckney,  17,  told  the
                                                              arresting agency in the drug case,  shooting,  the  Justice  Depart-  AP. “Just to make sure that the
                                                              according  to  court  documents.  ment  has  sought  to  bring  jus-  memories that I have with him
                                                              An examiner with the National  tice to the community, first by a  can be shared with other people,
                                                              Instant  Criminal  Background  successful  hate  crime  prosecu-  so that other people are inspired
                                                              Check  System  found  some  in-  tion  and  today  by  settling  civil  by the life that he lived, and the
                                                              formation  on  the  arrest  but  claims.”                      life that he would keep living if
                                                              needed more to deny the sale, so                               he was still here.”
                                                              she sent a fax to a sheriff’s office.  In  2017,  Roof  became  the  first
                                                              The sheriff’s office responded it  person in the U.S. sentenced to  The  deal,  which  was  reached
                         Silvia Hermus                        didn’t have the report, directing  death  for  a  federal  hate  crime.  earlier this month, is still pend-
                       *21-04-1935 - †20-10-2021              her to the Columbia police.    Authorities  have  said  Roof  ing  a  judge’s  approval,  Sellers
                                                                                             opened  fire  during  the  Bible  said.
             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.        Under  the  system’s  operating  study  at  the  church,  raining
                                                              procedures,  the  examiner  was  down dozens of bullets on those  “All nine of these families have
                                                              directed  to  a  federal  listing  of  assembled.  He  was  21  at  the  been so strong, and they deserve
                                                              law  enforcement  agencies,  but  time.                        this  closure,”  Sellers  said.  “Of
                                                              Columbia police did not appear                                 course we wanted more, but this
                                                              on the list. After trying the sepa-  The  slain  included  the  Rev.  is just, and this is justice, and fi-
                                                              rate West Columbia Police De-  Clementa  Pinckney,  pastor  of  nally, these families can say that
                                                              partment  and  being  told  it  was  the  AME  Emanuel  Church,  a  they got it.”
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