P. 22

A22    sports
                     Thursday 12 July 2018
            Indians allow 7 in 9th, lose to Reds 7-4 after Bauer’s gem

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             (four earned) and nine hits.
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Joey                                                                                            The  right-hander  lost  his
            Votto hit a go-ahead three-                                                                                         fourth straight decision and
            run double during a seven-                                                                                          has an 11.70 ERA in his last
            run  ninth  inning  and  the                                                                                        five starts.
            Cleveland  Indians  bullpen                                                                                         ROYALS 9, TWINS 4
            wasted a gem from Trevor                                                                                            MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Adal-
            Bauer  in  a  7-4  loss  to  the                                                                                    berto Mondesi had a three-
            Cincinnati Reds on Tuesday                                                                                          run  homer  and  a  career-
            night.                                                                                                              high four RBIs to help Kan-
            Indians  closer  Cody  Allen                                                                                        sas  City  snap  a  10-game
            (2-4)  allowed  six  runs  after                                                                                    skid.
            getting two outs in the ninth,                                                                                      The  Royals  scored  more
            the  last  three  charged  on                                                                                       than  five  runs  for  the  first
            Votto’s sharp hit to right off                                                                                      time  since  June  4  and  im-
            Dan  Otero.  Adam  Duvall                                                                                           proved  to  26-65  overall,
            also doubled in two in the                                                                                          percentage  points  ahead
            ninth,  while  Jose  Peraza                                                                                         of Baltimore to avoid own-
            and  Eugenio  Suarez  each                                                                                          ing baseball’s worst record.
            hit an RBI single. Cincinnati                                                                                       Mondesi went deep in the
            had  seven  straight  batters                                                                                       second  inning  and  added
            reach  with  two  outs,  and                                                                                        an RBI single in the sixth. The
            the  inning  didn’t  end  until                                                                                     middle  infielder  entered
            Scooter  Gennett  ran  into                                                                                         with just six RBIs in 17 games
            the  third  out  at  third  base                                                                                    this year.
            on Suarez’s single.                                                                                                 Royals   right-hander   Ian
            Cleveland’s  bullpen  en-                                                                                           Kennedy made his first start
            tered  Tuesday  with  a  5.13                                                                                       since  landing  on  the  dis-
            ERA,  better  only  than  the                                                                                       abled  list  with  a  strained
            Rockies  (5.28)  and  Royals                                                                                        left oblique. He pitched just
            (5.35).                                                                                                             three  innings  after  experi-
            Bauer  was  brilliant,  striking                                                                                    encing a recurrence of left
            out 12 over eight scoreless                                                                                         side tightness.
            innings  in  his  first  appear-  Cincinnati Reds’ Joey Votto watches his three-run double off Cleveland Indians relief pitcher Dan   Brian  Flynn  (1-1)  allowed
            ance  since  being  named    Otero during the ninth inning of a baseball game Tuesday, July 10, 2018, in Cleveland. Adam   one hit in four innings of re-
            to the All-Star team for the   Duvall, Scott Schebler and Dilson Herrera scored on the play. The Reds won 7-4.      lief to pick up the win.
            first  time.  The  right-hand-                                                                     Associated Press  Twins  starter  Aaron  Slegers
            er  allowed  three  singles,  and  Joey  Gallo  hit  a  two-  inning  single  to  Niko  Goo-  wild victory over Oakland.  (1-1) allowed five runs and
            walked one and didn’t al-    run double for the Rangers,  drum.  Jose  Alvarado  (1-3)  Justin Verlander pitched six  got just four outs in his sec-
            low a hit until Jesse Winker  who have lost four of five.  and Jaime Schultz followed  sharp  innings  and  the  As-  ond start of the year.
            hit  a  one-out  single  in  the  Yovani   Gallardo   (3-1)  Stanek, and both went two  tros took a 4-0 lead into the  ANGELS 9, MARINERS 3
            fifth.                       made  it  through  the  first  hitless innings.           ninth  before  Oakland  tied  ANAHEIM,  Calif.  (AP)  —
            Former  Cleveland  reliever  two  innings  without  allow-  ORIOLES 6, YANKEES 5       it. All-Star closer Blake Trein-  Kole  Calhoun  and  Andrel-
            Kyle Crockett (1-0) record-  ing  a  baserunner,  but  ran  BALTIMORE  (AP)  —  Manny  en  (5-2)  took  the  loss.  He  ton  Simmons  each  had
            ed the final two outs in the  into trouble in the third.  Machado  hit  two  home  had  converted  20  straight  three  hits  and  two  RBIs  to
            eighth,  and  Raisel  Iglesias  RAYS 5, TIGERS 2          runs, Jonathan Schoop sin-   save  chances  since  April  lead  Los  Angeles  over  Se-
            worked the ninth for his sec-  ST.  PETERSBURG,  Fla.  (AP)  gled in the winning run with  18.                      attle. The Angels got 15 hits
            ond save in two nights and  — Wilson Ramos hit a three-   two outs in the ninth inning,  CARDINALS 14, WHITE SOX 2  and  overcame  an  injury
            his 19th of the season.      run homer, five Tampa Bay  and  Baltimore  rallied  past  CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Dexter  to  starting  pitcher  Garrett
            RED SOX 8, RANGERS 4         pitchers  combined  on  a  New York.                      Fowler broke out of a slump  Richards,  who  left  early
            BOSTON  (AP)  —  Andrew  five-hitter  and  the  Rays  Greg  Bird  homered  and  with his fourth career grand  with right forearm irritation.
            Benintendi bolstered his All-  beat Detroit.              drove  in  four  runs  for  the  slam,  Miles  Mikolas  tossed  He is scheduled to have an
            Star credentials with a pair  The  Rays  moved  three  Yankees, who own an inex-       six  innings  of  three-hit  ball  MRI on Wednesday.
            of doubles and two RBIs in  games  above  .500  for  the  plicable 4-5 record against  and  St.  Louis  routed  Chi-  Simmons  hit  a  go-ahead
            his  final  game  before  fan  first  time  since  Aug.  6  last  the last-place Orioles.  cago.                    double in a four-run fourth.
            votes  are  tallied,  and  Bos-  year after posting their 13th  Machado brought the Ori-  Kolten Wong had four hits,  Calhoun  and  Albert  Pujols
            ton  extended  its  winning  win  in  the  last  14  home  oles  back  from  deficits  of  including a two-run homer  both  homered  for  Los  An-
            streak to eight games.       games.                       3-2 and 5-3 before Schoop  and  a  double,  as  every  geles.
            Jackie Bradley Jr. hit a pair  Ramos,  elected  to  start  at  won  it  in  the  ninth  against  Cardinals starter except All-  Seattle  All-Star  Mitch  Hani-
            of RBI doubles and Xander  catcher  for  the  AL  in  next  Dellin Betances (1-3).     Star catcher Yadier Molina  ger  hit  a  three-run  homer
            Bogaerts hit a two-run triple  week’s   All-Star   Game,  Zach  Britton  (1-0)  worked  got  at  least  one  hit.  Jose  in the first against Richards,
            as  Boston  scored  five  runs  keyed a five-run third inning  the ninth for Baltimore.  Martinez had three hits and  who exited in the third while
            in the third and won for the  when  he  connected  off  ASTROS  6,  ATHLETICS  5,  11  two RBIs.                    pitching to Nelson Cruz.
            15th time in 18 games.       Matthew  Boyd  (4-8)  for  his  INNINGS                   Fowler’s  first  homer  since  Noe  Ramirez  (4-3),  Cam
            Matt  Barnes  (3-2)  got  the  14th homer. That tied John  HOUSTON (AP) — Alex Breg-   May 6 capped a seven-run  Bedrosian,  Jose  Alvarez,
            win with one inning of relief.  Flaherty (1999) for the most  man  homered  twice  and  sixth. Mikolas (10-3), select-  Hansel  Robles  and  Taylor
            He  was  the  fourth  of  five  in  a  season  by  a  Tampa  his tapper just in front of the  ed  to  his  first  All-Star  team  Cole  combined  to  pitch  6
            relievers  the  Red  Sox  rode  Bay catcher.              plate in the 11th inning led  Sunday,  allowed  two  runs  1/3 shutout innings in relief.
            to another victory and im-   Ryne  Stanek  pitched  two  to a bizarre play that end-   and struck out six.          Mariners starter Mike Leake
            prove on the best record in  innings  as  the  opener  for  ed  the  game,  as  catcher  White  Sox  starter  Dylan  (8-6) allowed seven runs —
            the majors.                  the Rays on their latest bull-  Jonathan  Lucroy’s  throw-  Covey  (3-5)  lasted  five  in-  five earned — and 11 hits in
            Rougned  Odor  homered  pen day. He allowed a first-      ing error handed Houston a  nings,  allowing  five  runs  four innings.q
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