P. 18

                     Thursday 12 July 2018

            Wimbledon  QF                                                                                                       “You’re never really safe.”

                                                                                                                                As  the  fifth  set  became
            Continued from Page 17       son. Still, the 20-time major                                                          as  much  a  test  of  mental
                                         champion  was  leading  by                                                             strength  as  anything,  from
            “It  was  just  one  of  those  two sets and 5-4 in the third                                                       4-all to 6-all to 8-all to 10-all,
            days  where  you  hope  to  when,  with  Anderson  serv-                                                            Anderson stayed steady. It
            get by somehow,” said Fe-    ing,  he  got  to  Ad-Out.  He                                                         was  Federer  who  blinked,
            derer,  who  last  played  at  could  have  ended  things                                                           double-faulting  to  face  a
            No.  1  Court  in  2015.  “I  al-  right  then  and  there.  Fe-                                                    break point at 11-all, then
            most  could  have.  I  should  derer  managed  to  return                                                           slapping  a  forehand  into
            have.”                       a 134 mph serve, but on his                                                            the net.
            While  his  tournament  is  next  stroke,  he  shanked  a                                                           Anderson,  a  32-year-old
            over, two of his long-time ri-  backhand.                                                                           South  African  who  played
            vals at the top of tennis set  Back to deuce. From there,                                                           college  tennis  at  Illinois,
            up  a  semifinal  showdown:  it all began to change. An-                                                            served it out, ending things
            Rafael  Nadal  and  Novak  derson held for 5-all, broke                                                             with  a  128  mph  service
            Djokovic.   Nadal,   who’s  to 6-5 with a violent return                                                            winner before raising both
            won  two  of  his  17  Grand  winner  off  a  97  mph  sec-                                                         arms.
            Slam  titles  at  Wimbledon,  ond  serve,  then  staved                                                             Djokovic  got  his  wish  to
            edged  2009  U.S.  Open  off three break points and                                                                 play  in  the  main  stadium,
            champion Juan Martin del  closed  the  set  with  a  133                                                            and  he  showed  that  he
            Potro  7-5,  6-7  (7),  4-6,  6-4,  mph ace.                                                                        might completely be back
            6-4 in a wildly entertaining  The comeback was just be-                                                             from  right  elbow  troubles
            match that featured diving  ginning.                                                                                that  lasted  more  than  a
            shots by both and lasted 4  “I  had  my  chances,”  Fe-                                                             year until he finally had sur-
            hours, 48 minutes.           derer  said,  “so  it’s  disap-                                                        gery in February.
            Djokovic,  whose  12  ma-    pointing.”                                                                             He’s  been  flashing  some
            jor  championships  include  This was only the third time                                                           anger this fortnight and did
            three from the All England  in Federer’s 20 years of con-  John  Isner  of  the  United  States  kneels  after  losing  a  point   so again in the second set,
            Club, got to his first Grand  testing Grand Slam match-    during his men’s quarterfinals match against Canada’s Milos   bouncing his racket off the
            Slam  semifinal  since  2016  es that he lost after taking   Raonic, at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, in London,   turf after failing to capital-
            by beating No. 24 seed Kei  the opening two sets; both     Wednesday July 11, 2018.                                 ize on three break points at
            Nishikori  6-3, 3-6, 6-2, 6-2.  of the other defeats came                                          Associated Press  1-all.  That  earned  a  code
            In  Friday’s  other  men’s  in 2011. And, according to     at  Wimbledon  and  move  set taking the court against   violation from chair umpire
            match,     Anderson     will  the ATP, it’s the fifth time Fe-  closer to title No. 9, both of  somebody like Roger.”  Carlos Ramos. When Nishi-
            face  No.  9  John  Isner,  the  derer lost a match at a ma-  which would have broken  Anderson  was  the  runner-  kori  let  his  own  racket  fly
            33-year-old American who  jor  after  holding  a  match    his own records.             up  to  Nadal  at  last  year’s   in the fourth set, he wasn’t
            reached his first major semi-  point,  something  else  that   He  came  into  the  match  U.S.  Open,  but  he  never   chastised,  which  prompt-
            final in his 41st try by elimi-  last happened seven years   having  won  32  consecu-  made it beyond the fourth   ed Djokovic to yell “double
            nating 2016 runner-up Milos  ago.                          tive  sets  at  Wimbledon,  a  round  at  Wimbledon  until   standards”  toward  Ramos
            Raonic 6-7 (5), 7-6 (7), 6-4,  How hard was it to see this   run he stretched to 34 be-  this  week.  He  hit  28  aces   — drawing boos from fans.
            6-3. Isner hit 25 aces, saved  coming?                     fore faltering.              against  Federer,  saved    “He  claims  that  he  didn’t
            the  only  break  point  he  First of all, Federer was 4-0   “I just kept on telling myself,  nine of 12 break points and   see  what  Nishikori  has
            faced, and has won all 95  against     Anderson,   win-    ‘I have to keep believing.’  managed to hold his own     done,  but  apparently  he
            of his service games in the  ning  every  set.  But  there   I  kept  saying  that  today  in the rare lengthy baseline   always  sees  what  I  do,”
            tournament.                  was more. So much more.       was going to be my day,”  rallies.                       Djokovic  said  afterward,
            Federer  hadn’t  been  bro-  Federer  was  attempting      Anderson  said,  “because  “It’s  like  that  with  the  big   “something  that  I  don’t
            ken  until  facing  Ander-   to  reach  his  13th  semifinal   you really need that mind-  servers,”   Federer   said.   think is fair.”q

            Wimbledon glance: Williams to face Goerges in semifinals

            LONDON  (AP)  —  A  quick  seeded  women  already                                                                   if  she  and  Goerges  win,
            look at Wimbledon:           knocked out. She’s the only                                                            it  would  be  the  first  all-
            LOOKAHEAD TO THURSDAY        former champion left in the                                                            German     women’s    final
            Serena  Williams  will  play  field and has a 9-1 record in                                                         since 1931.
            in  her  35th  Grand  Slam  semifinals at the All England                                                           THURSDAY’S FORECAST
            semifinal    against    an  Club.                                                                                   Mostly  cloudy.  High  of  79
            opponent appearing in her    She’s  also  the  lowest-                                                              degrees (26 Celsius).
            first. Julia Goerges is hoping  ranked  woman  to  reach                                                            STAT OF THE DAY
            she  can  pull  off  a  massive  the  last  four.  The  former                                                      41 — the number of Grand
            upset against the American  No.  1  is  only  ranked  181st                                                         Slam  appearances  John
            — despite losing to her five  after only recently returning                                                         Isner  needed  to  reach  his
            weeks  ago  at  the  French  from  having  a  baby  in                                                              first semifinal.
            Open.                        November.                                                                              QUOTE OF THE DAY
            “It’s an honor to share the  No.  11  Angelique  Kerber                                                             “I wouldn’t call it ‘unfinished
            court  with  her,”  Goerges  faces  12th-seeded  Jelena                                                             business’.  I  felt  like  I  did
            said. “But I will sort out some  Ostapenko  in  the  other                                                          some  good  business  here
            tactics with my team ... and  semifinal.                                                                            in the past already,” eight-
            we’ll be ready.”             Kerber has a chance to set   Julia  Goerges  of  Germany  returns  to  Kiki  Bertens  of  the   time  champion  Federer
            Williams is the big favorite to  up a rematch with Williams   Netherlands  during  their  women’s  quarterfinal  match  at  the   said  on  whether  he  still
            win  an  eighth  Wimbledon  after losing the 2016 final to   Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London, Tuesday July 10,   has  unfinished  business  at
            title  with  all  of  the  top-10  the  American  —  although                                      Associated Press  Wimbledon.q
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