P. 15
LOCAL Thursday 12 July 2018
Aruba Marriott donates Afl. 25,000 to the ‘Stimami Sterilisami’ Program
Vacation Club and Bucuti by raising awareness with- their kindness extended to
& Tara Beach Resort gen- in the community on the this very important cause.
erously donated items to importance of providing
sell during the market and proper care for pets. Ad- About Aruba Marriott:
Caribbean Overseas and ditionally, dog owners can Aruba Marriott Resort &
Tropical Bottling Ltd. made register for a special price Stellaris Casino opened its
generous donations for for spaying and neutering door in 1995 with 411 guest-
the food sale. Additionally, through this program. rooms. In 1999 the Mar-
The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba do- riott’s Aruba Ocean Club
nated t-shirts for this event The staff and management opened its door with 311
and Disney Recreation was of the Aruba Marriott would guestrooms and in 2004
present to entertain the like to thank Do It Super Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club
kids. The third activity was Center, the Sales & Market- was opened with 900 guest-
a Duck Race, held at Mar- ing team of the Marriott Va- rooms. The Aruba Marriott
riott’s Aruba Surf Club’s lazy cation Club, Bucuti & Tara family consists of about
river. Associates and the Beach Resort, Caribbean 1100 associates. The Aru-
local community bought Overseas, Tropical Bottling ba Marriott Complex is the
PALM BEACH ― During the The first activity was a dog ducks for the race and the Ltd., The Ritz-Carlton, Aru- largest in the Caribbean in
last two months, the as- walk where a total of 110 first 10 ducks to reach the ba, Ministry of Infrastructure terms of total guestrooms
sociates of Aruba Marriott participants and 30 dogs finish line got the opportu- and Disney Recreation for as well total employees. q
put their efforts together walked for a cause and nity to win great prizes. All
to raise funds for the ‘Sti- also got the opportunity funds collected from these
mami Sterilisami’ program, to purchase t-shirts, dog three activities has been of-
in an effort to improve ani- treats and dog bandanas. ficially donated to the ‘Sti-
mal welfare and reduce The second activity was a mami Sterilisami’ program.
the amount of stray dogs flea market and food sale
and cats on the island. The held at the parking lot of The ‘Stimami Sterilisami’
dedicated associates and Do It Super Center, where movement aims to reduce
their families, volunteered Aruba Marriott associates the amount of stray dogs
to organize three different and different organizations and cats on the island by
activities to reach the goal including the Sales & Mar- sponsoring the costs of
of 25,000 Aruban Florins. keting team of the Marriott spaying and neutering and