P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 12 July 2018

            China sentences veteran rights activist to 13 years’ prison

            By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN                                                                                               The Unirule Institute of Eco-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    nomics,  which  advocates
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  on                                                                                         for market-style economics
            Wednesday  sentenced  a                                                                                             and  constitutional  democ-
            veteran    pro-democracy                                                                                            racy, has been repeatedly
            campaigner to 13 years in                                                                                           harassed  by  communist
            prison  on  vaguely  defined                                                                                        authorities.  Its  website  and
            subversion  charges,  one                                                                                           social   media   accounts
            day after releasing the wid-                                                                                        were shut down in January.
            ow of a Nobel Peace Prize                                                                                           On Tuesday, Unirule’s land-
            laureate  after  eight  years                                                                                       lord  locked  its  employ-
            of house arrest.                                                                                                    ees  out  of  the  apartment
            The  People’s  Intermediate                                                                                         even  though  the  group
            Court in the central city of                                                                                        has  a  lease  through  2020,
            Wuhan  announced  the                                                                                               said  Sheng  Hong.  He  said
            sentencing of Qin Yongmin,                                                                                          the landlord has been de-
            whose activism dates back                                                                                           manding  the  group  move
            four decades, on its official                                                                                       out, but he suspected Chi-
            website  Wednesday.  No                                                                                             nese  authorities  were  be-
            further  details  were  given                                                                                       hind the pressure.
            and it was not immediately                                                                                          “It might be that some Chi-
            clear who was representing                                                                                          nese ideology departments
            Qin in court.                In this Dec. 27, 2017 photo, pro-democracy activists hold pictures of Chinese activists Qin Yongmin   don’t like our views and re-
            On  Tuesday,  authorities  al-  and Wu Gan at the central government’s liaison office in Hong Kong.                 search,”  said  Sheng,  who
            lowed  Liu  Xia,  wife  of  the                                                                    Associated Press  co-founded Unirule in 1993.
            late  Nobel  Prize  winner  Liu  tention,  Qin  was  arrested  the  corresponding  meth-  tion, collective punishment  “It is fine for them to dislike
            Xiaobo, to depart for Ger-   most  recently  in  2015  but  odology,  which  is  within  of  his  wife,  ill-treatment,  our articles and studies, but
            many  in  response  to  what  not tried until May this year.  the boundary of his right to  and  denied  due  process  there  should  be  different
            the  Chinese  Foreign  Minis-  The  64-year-old  became  speech,” Ma said.             rights  reinforces  that  there  voices  in  society  and  it  is
            try called her own request  active  in  the  pro-democ-   Ma  said  his  firm  ceased  is still no rule of law in Chi-  supposed to be protected
            to  receive  medical  treat-  racy movement in the late  representing Qin on July 10,  na,” Eve said.               by the constitution.”
            ment.  Liu  had  been  held  1970s during a time of po-   2017,  due  to  the  sensitivity  Qin’s sentence also comes  The  group  has  published
            under  house  arrest  since  litical  opening,  and  was  of  his  case.  A  three-year  just a day after the EU and  reports that say major Chi-
            late  2010.  Coming  during  arrested for the first time in  campaign  against  legal  China concluded a human  nese state-owned compa-
            a visit by China’s Premier Li  1981  in  the  ensuing  Com-  activists that landed scores  rights  dialogue.  In  a  state-  nies  are  unprofitable  and
            Keqiang to Germany, Liu’s  munist  Party  crackdown  in detention has frightened  ment sent Wednesday, the  receive  large  public  subsi-
            release  heartened  foreign  on  dissent,  according  to  many  lawyers  from  taking  EU said that during the two-  dies.
            governments  and  human  the group Chinese Human  on such causes.                      day  talks,  it  emphasized  Unirule  has  also  champi-
            rights  campaigners,  who  Rights Defenders.              His  sentence  is  “a  remind-  the “deteriorating situation  oned  freedom  of  expres-
            pointed  out  that  she  had  Reached  by  phone,  Qin’s  er  that  Xi  Jinping’s  brutal  of  civil  and  political  rights  sion  and  due  process  and
            never  been  charged  with  former  lawyer,  Ma  Lians-   crackdown     on    human  in  China,  which  has  been  conducted symposiums on
            or convicted of any crime.   hun,   called   the   ruling  rights continues,” said Fran-  accompanied  by  the  de-  sensitive  subjects  such  as
            Qin’s sentencing, however,  “completely  illegal”  and  ces Eve, a researcher with  tention  and  conviction  of  the  Chinese  civil  war  that
            underscores  China’s  hard  a  violation  of  the  consti-  Chinese Human Rights De-   a significant number of Chi-  brought the communists to
            line  against  anyone  chal-  tution’s  guarantee  of  the  fenders. Authorities denied  nese human rights defend-  power in 1949.
            lenging  the  ruling  Com-   right  to  free  speech.  He  Qin  a  fair  trial,  Eve  said,  ers.”                  “Never  before  has  Unirule
            munist  Party,  which  un-   said the charges appeared  proceeding with a hearing  Also Wednesday, the direc-       been  so  alone  in  its  fight
            der  leader  Xi  Jinping  has  to relate to writings Qin had  in  May  despite  the  man’s  tor  of  China’s  most  promi-  for liberty in China, and the
            launched the most sweep-     posted  online  and  pub-    poor health.                 nent  independent  eco-      rule  of  law  so  jeopardized
            ing  crackdown  on  civil  lished outside China.          “The litany of abuses in his  nomic research group said  by  the  authorities  that  or-
            rights in years.             “It is not a criminal activity.  case,  ranging  from  en-  it has been evicted from an  dered  such  heinous  act,”
            Having already spent more  He was discussing the road  forced        disappearance,  apartment it used as an of-    said  a  statement  on  the
            than  two  decades  in  de-  that  China  can  take  and  prolonged  pre-trial  deten-  fice.                       group’s Twitter account.q
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