P. 7
U.S. NEWS Thursday 12 July 2018
Firefighter killed in gas explosion, fire near Madison
the entire state was behind Konopacki said during the
Abby Barr and her children. news conference that in-
“On behalf of the whole vestigators are in the midst
state, we say we love you,” of a complex probe and
the governor said. no information would be
Authorities said five other released.
firefighters, a police officer Steve DePula, owner of
and five civilians were hurt Salvatore’s Tomato Pies
and transported to a hospi- restaurant about a half-
tal. The firefighters included block from the fire, said he
two who were caught in and Barr both served on a
the blast with Barr. downtown business com-
All had been released by mittee. He described Barr
Wednesday evening ex- as a champion of down-
cept for one firefighter, town issues who worked to
who was upgraded from both preserve Sun Prairie
critical to stable condi- and transform the city into
tion, Sun Prairie Emergency a travel destination.
Medical Services Chief Bri- “He was very, very proud
an Goff said. of Sun Prairie and the com-
Authorities and WE Ener- munity he lived in,” DePula
gies did not release the said. “It’s a testament that
name of the company that he served as a firefighter to
was doing the construc- how much he cared about
In a view looking northwest from above, the aftermath of a gas explosion in downtown Sun Prairie, tion work. Police Lt. Kevin the community.”q
Wis., is seen Wednesday, July 11, 2018.
Associated Press
By TODD RICHMOND area when the gas explod- fighters and police evacu-
Associated Press ed shortly after 7 p.m. The ated 115 people before
SUN PRAIRIE, Wis. (AP) — A blast ignited four-story high the blast. The chief choked
massive natural gas explo- flames that burned long up as he spoke and had to
sion killed a firefighter and into the night and belched take a long pause to gath-
leveled portions of a city a smoke plume visible for er himself.
block in a southern Wiscon- miles. “We didn’t lose a firefighter
sin community, including a At least five buildings were yesterday,” he said. “We
bar the firefighter owned, damaged, including the lost a family member.”
authorities said Wednes- Barr House tavern, Glass Barr’s wife, Abby Barr, said
day. Nickel Pizza and a steak in a statement that Cory
The blast in downtown Sun restaurant, according to a Barr was “the best hus-
Prairie on Tuesday evening news release on the city’s band a girl could ask for”
also injured at least 11 other website. and lived his life by the
people and left residents of Sun Prairie Fire Department motto “happy wife, happy
the Madison suburb won- Capt. Cory Barr, 34, was life.” The couple was rais-
dering how they’ll put their caught in the explosion as ing twin daughters who
downtown back together. he was working to evacu- just turned 3 years old. She
“It’s just hard to look at the ate people from the area, said the girls would run up
pictures (of the explosion Fire Chief Chris Garrison to him screaming “Dad-
and ruined downtown) said during a news confer- dy’s home!” whenever he
and see what our city looks ence Wednesday evening. walked through the door.
like now,” resident Erin Up- Barr died after he was trans- “He was so outgoing,
dike said. ported to a local hospital, goofy, big-hearted, and
The blast happened after the Dane County Medical would give the shirt off his
police got a call at 6:30 Examiner’s Office said in a back to anyone,” she said.
p.m. that a construction news release. “To say that our family is
crew working on a down- Barr had been with the devastated and heart-bro-
town street had punctured department for 15 years. ken is an understatement.”
a WE Energies natural gas He also worked as a real Gov. Scott Walker toured
line. Police and firefight- estate agent and owned the blast area Wednesday
ers arrived to investigate the Barr House. Garrison evening, telling reporters at
and were evacuating the said Barr and his fellow fire- the news conference that