P. 12
Thursday 12 July 2018
Hugs and sobs: Families separated in US return to Guatemala
By COLLEEN LONG red plastic bags.
Associated Press About 75 people were
GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — aboard the flight, and the
Donelda Pulex stepped AP asked at least two doz-
off the airplane into the en adults whether they had
sun, clutching her 5-year- children left behind in the
old daughter's hand and U.S. either on purpose or
burst into heaving sobs. because they were deport-
Fourteen-year-old Herme- ed without them. All said
lindo Juarez hid his face no. There have been other
as his father comforted reports of parents deported
him. Efildo Daniel Vasquez without their children.
walked cautiously behind In one case, Elsa Ortiz En-
his 8-year-old son. riquez said recently in Gua-
Quiet, confused and ex- temala that she was de-
hausted, 11 families who ported last month without
had been detained and her 8-year-old, Anthony
separated after they were David Tovar Ortiz. The boy
caught crossing the U.S. was in a shelter for migrant
border illegally returned children in Houston.
home Tuesday to Guate- Inside the immigration
mala aboard a U.S. gov- complex, Pulex helped
ernment-chartered flight Marelyn drink from a water
that read "World Atlantic." bottle, and then pulled the
Greeted by first lady Patri- little girl's hand up to her
cia Marroquin, they lined heart and kissed it. Another
up on the tarmac, shuf- father held his son as the lit-
fling — their shoelaces had Families separated under President Donald Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy return tle boy closed his eyes. Two
been taken as a security home to Guatemala City, Guatemala, Tuesday, July 10, 2018. Associated Press little girls opened up Snick-
precaution. U.S. immigra- ers bars that were handed
tion officials handed over can migrants say they were uproar, ordering an end to phone from a foster care out. In the back row, Her-
paperwork in manila en- fleeing to protect their fam- the separations on June 20. home in Michigan. melindo Juarez told his fa-
velopes to Guatemalan ilies from severe violence, While frustrated that their "My mother, she was so ther, Deivin Juarez, he was
officials, The group walked parents who spoke with The difficult journeys had end- sad. She would cry for me, so very tired.
single-file into a squat gray Associated Press said they ed in failure, the families and I would tell her, Mami, The two made the trip north
building at the country's mil- made the difficult, danger- were relieved their ordeals everything is OK, I am OK. I in early May, and they
itary base to be processed ous journey to the U.S. for a were over. will see you soon," the little spent almost two weeks on
back into their country, better life. They were seek- Pulex said she spent nearly girl said. She said the peo- the road with barely any
along with dozens of others ing a chance at a steady two months apart from her ple who cared for her were food.
also deported. job or a better education daughter, waiting in an El kind, and treated her well, "We were starving," Juarez
Chartered flights full of de- for their children. Paso, Texas, detention cen- but she missed her mother. said. "The frontier, it is a try-
portees from the United They didn't know they'd be ter, first for the resolution of "I am happy to be back ing place."
States regularly arrive in the separated from their kids her criminal case and later with her," she said. Hermelindo said he didn't
Central American coun- under the policy that crimi- for deportation proceed- Inside the military base, know where he was going
try, but Tuesday's flight was nally prosecuted anyone ings. the families were steered when he was separated,
among the first contain- caught crossing the bor- "It was a great torment," into a crowded, hot room and the two did not have
ing families separated at der illegally. Trump admin- she said, wiping tears with rows of folding chairs good communications
the border under President istration officials had said away. "I did not know if I and big whirring fans. Each during their time apart. He
Donald Trump's contentious the policy was necessary would ever see my daugh- chair had a brown pa- had been sent to a shelter
zero tolerance policy. More to deter a growing num- ter again. I thought she was per bag with a sandwich, in Tucson, Arizona, where
than 2,300 children were ber of families from Central taken from me forever." Her chips, an orange soda and he said he was treated
separated from their fami- America who were crossing little girl, Marelyn, dressed bottle of water. The families very well. He studied and
lies before a June 20 order illegally. But the president in a pristine white sweater were told by social workers played soccer. The air con-
stopping the practice. backed off following a and blue chiffon skirt, said they would have medical ditioning made him a bit
While some Central Ameri- national and international she spoke to her mother by screenings and go through cold, he said, but he got
a paperwork process be- used to it.
Spanish fishing vessel sinks off fore they were given bus "I felt comfortable there,"
vouchers home. Eventually, he said. There were chil-
Argentina; 25 rescued they'd walk down a short dren there from Brazil, from
outdoor hall and through India, from Guatemala.
Associated Press The Navy issued a state- in the rescue and was tak- a metal door leading them He didn't know how many
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina ment saying it was alerted ing the survivors to shore back into Guatemala City. had been separated from
(AP) — A Spanish fish- Tuesday night that the in Puerto Madryn, some Some lived more than sev- parents or how many had
ing trawler sank in rough Dorneda was in trouble. 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) en hours away in the moun- made the journey alone.
weather off the coast of Early in the morning, the south of Buenos Aires. tains. There are more than 10,000
Argentina and at least Spanish fishing trawler Far- The Navy said was still Single adults were in a children in U.S. care who
one crewmember died, ruco found two life rafts searching for the missing larger room, where they crossed the border alone.
Argentina's Navy said and a lifeboat with crew- crewmember. waited in line to be pro- Juarez and the others said
Wednesday. Twenty-five members from Spain, Peru, Navy spokesman Enrique cessed. Their belongings, they paid thousands of
crewmembers were res- Morocco and Indonesia Balbi said the ship appar- taken from them at the U.S. dollars to smugglers, and
cued and one was miss- aboard. The British-flagged ently took on water during border, were piled in back, would not likely try the jour-
ing. Beagle I also participated rough weather.q mostly black duffels and ney again anytime soon.q