P. 8

                     Thursday 12 July 2018

            Trump Rattles Nato, knocking its value , assailing Germany

            By JONATHAN LEMIRE                                                                                                  up their spending.
            JILL COLVIN                                                                                                         Stoltenberg,  for  his  part,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    credited  Trump  for  spur-
            BRUSSELS (AP) — In a com-                                                                                           ring NATO nations to spend
            bative start to his NATO visit,                                                                                     more  on  defense,  noting
            President Donald Trump as-                                                                                          that  the  Europeans  and
            serted  Wednesday  that  a                                                                                          Canada  are  projected  to
            pipeline project has made                                                                                           spend  around  $266  billion
            Germany     “totally   con-                                                                                         more by 2024.
            trolled” by and “captive to                                                                                         “We all agree that we have
            Russia”  and  blasted  NATO                                                                                         to  do  more,”  he  said,  de-
            allies’  defense  spending,                                                                                         scribing  last  year  as  mark-
            opening what was expect-                                                                                            ing the biggest increase in
            ed to be a fraught summit                                                                                           defense  spending  across
            with a list of grievances in-                                                                                       Europe  and  Canada  in  a
            volving American allies.                                                                                            generation.
            Trump, in a testy exchange                                                                                          Trump  interjecting,  asking
            with  NATO  Secretary  Gen-                                                                                         Stoltenberg why he thought
            eral Jens Stoltenberg, took                                                                                         that  had  happened.  Arriv-
            issue  with  the  U.S.  protect-                                                                                    ing  for  his  meeting,  Trump
            ing  Germany  when  the                                                                                             had  taken  credit  for  the
            European nation is making    U.S.  President  Donald  Trump,  listens  to  NATO  Secretary  General  Jens  Stoltenberg,  during  their   spending, telling the NATO
            deals with Russia.           bilateral breakfast, Wednesday July 11, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.                     chief that “because of me
            “I have to say, I think it’s very                                                                  Associated Press  they’ve  raised  about  $40
            sad when Germany makes       is  captive  to  Russia”  and  enough,  especially  some.  en  route  to  Europe,  ask-  billion over the last year. So
            a massive oil and gas deal   urged  NATO  to  look  into  So  we’re  going  to  have  a  ing: “Will they reimburse the   I think the secretary general
            with  Russia  where  we’re   the  issue.  Trump,  who  has  meeting  on  that,”  Trump  U.S.?”                      likes Trump. He may be the
            supposed  to  be  guarding   been accused of being too  said  as  he  arrived  at  the  That’s not how the spending   only one, but that’s OK with
            against Russia,” Trump said   cozy  with  Putin  —  a  man  breakfast,  describing  the  words.  The  2  percent  rep-  me.” Trump was also partic-
            during a breakfast with Stol-  accused  of  U.S.  election  situation  as  “disproportion-  resents  the  amount  each   ipating  in  a  welcome  cer-
            tenberg, his first event since   meddling — was expected  ate and not fair to the tax-  country  aims  to  spend  on   emony,  a  meeting  of  the
            arriving  in  Brussels.  “We’re   to see German Chancellor  payers of the United States  its  own  defense,  not  some   North Atlantic Council and
            supposed  to  protect  you   Angela  Merkel  later  in  the  and we’re going to make it  kind  of  direct  payment  to   a working dinner with some
            against  Russia  but  they’re   day.  Stoltenberg  pushed  fair.”                      NATO or the U.S.             of the same leaders he be-
            paying billions of dollars to   back,  stressing  that  NATO  “They will spend more,” he  NATO  estimates  that  15   rated over trade during his
            Russia and I think that’s very   members  have  been  able  later  predicted.  “I  have  members, or just over half,   last world leaders summit in
            inappropriate.”              to  work  together  despite  great confidence they’ll be  will  meet  the  benchmark   Canada last month.
            The  president  appeared     their differences.           spending more.”              by  2024  based  on  current   Brussels is the first stop of a
            to be referring to the Nord   The  dramatic  exchange  Trump  has  been  pushing  trends.                           week-long  European  tour
            Stream  2  pipeline  that    set  the  tone  for  what  was  NATO  members  to  reach  During    his   campaign,    that  will  include  stops  in
            would  bring  gas  from  Rus-  already expected to be a  their  agreed-to  target  of  Trump  called  NATO  “ob-    London  and  Scotland,  as
            sia to Germany’s northeast-  tense day of meetings with  spending 2 percent of their  solete” and suggested the     well as a highly anticipated
            ern Baltic coast, bypassing   leaders  of  the  military  alli-  gross domestic products on  U.S. might not come to the   meet with Russia’s Vladimir
            Eastern  European  nations   ance.  Trump  is  expected  national  defense  by  2024  defense of members if they    Putin.
            like  Poland  and  Ukraine   to continue hammering jit-   and  has  accused  those  found themselves under at-      Trump predicted as he de-
            and  doubling  the  amount   tery NATO allies about their  who  don’t  of  freeloading  tack  —  a  shift  that  would   parted Washington that the
            of  gas  Russia  can  send  di-  military  spending  during  off the U.S.              represent  a  fundamental    “easiest” leg of his journey
            rectly  to  Germany.  The    the summit meeting, which  “Many  countries  in  NATO,  realignment of the modern      would be his scheduled sit-
            vast  undersea  pipeline  is   comes  amid  increasingly  which we are expected to  world order. He also called     down Putin — a comment
            opposed  by  the  U.S.  and   frayed  relations  between  defend,  are  not  only  short  Brussels a “hell hole” and “a   that did little to reassure al-
            some  other  EU  members,    the  “America  first”  presi-  of  their  current  commit-  mess.” Trump has moderat-  lies  fretting  over  his  poten-
            who  warn  it  could  give   dent and the United States’  ment  of  2%  (which  is  low),  ed his language somewhat   tial  embrace  of  a  Russian
            Moscow  greater  leverage    closest traditional allies.  but are also delinquent for  since taking office, but has   leader U.S. intelligence offi-
            over Western Europe.         “The  United  States  is  pay-  many  years  in  payments  continued  to  dwell  on  the   cials accuse of meddling in
            Trump said that, “Germany,   ing far too much and other  that have not been made,”  issue, even as many NATO        the  2016  elections  to  help
            as  far  as  I’m  concerned,   countries  are  not  paying  he  tweeted  Tuesday  while  members  have  agreed  to   Trump win.q
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