P. 13

                                                                                                                           Thursday 12 July 2018

            Made in Aruba, Unique Gifts from Local Artisans

            ORANJESTAD  ―  They  are
            right  at  the  hotels  and  of-
            fer  unique,  locally  manu-
            factured  artisan  products.
            Foundation  Aruba  is  orga-
            nizing  an  art  market  that
            gives  you  the  opportunity
            to admire and/or purchase
            some genuine products, all
            locally  produced  by  local
            artisans.  “This  is  not  your
            regular  souvenir  that  you
            may  encounter  in  various
            Caribbean      destinations,
            this  is  made  in  Aruba  and   ed making my own beads
            only  offered  here”,  says   of glass and that triggered
            Wendy Op De Weegh, one       Tia  and  Gaby  to  join.  We
            of  the  board  members  of   were  friends  and  we  no-  and  encountered  a  foun-
            the foundation.              ticed  that  we  needed  a  dation  that  was  in  a  kind

                                         platform to present our art.  of  non-active  state.  They
            Wendy  Op  De  Weegh,        We  were  occasionally  or-  decided to take over and
            Tia  Hurkmans  and  Gabri-   ganizing  events  at  home,  that  is  how  it  all  started.
            ella Gonzalez are the three   but  we  were  looking  for  “2013  our  first  organized
            board  members  of  Foun-    more  public.”  That  is  how  event  happened  at  Fort
            dation  Aruba,  all  artisans   the three came to the idea  Zoutman in Oranjestad with
            themselves. Wendy: “I start-  to  find  more  local  artisans  Christmas time. It was a big
                                                                      success and from that time
                                                                      on  it  really  took  off.  More
                                                                      and  more  artisans  were
                                                                      engaged and the govern-
                                                                      ment also initiated the na-
                                                                      tional seal for artisan prod-
                                                                      ucts  at  that  time  and  pro-
                                                                      vided  us  with  a  list  of  arti-
                                                                      sans that were registered.”

                                                                      Your Vacation Memory
                                                                      The aim of the foundation is
                                                                      to engage the artisans that
                                                                      create  smaller  pieces,  lo-
                                                                      cally produced and linked  predators.  The  handmade  created  by  Wise  Wood.
                                                                      to  Aruba.  The  perfect  gift  soap  and  skin  care  from  Turning a discarded mate-
                                                                      or  souvenir.  Think  of  jew-  olive oil and shea butter by  rial into a unique art craft is
                                                                      elry  in  different  materials,  CC Bath & Body is another  what Cemu offers you. But
                                                                      art  with  driftwood,  soap  unique  gift  as  well  as  the  there  is  much  more.  You
                                                                      and  skin  care,  small  paint-  wonderful  jewelry  made  really need to check it out
                                                                      ings and so on. There is the  by  recycled  materials  of  for yourselves as this is your
                                                                      jewelry  made  of  the  tail  Miljenou  Tromp.  Gloria  Fi-  chance  to  bring  home  a
                                                                      fin of lion fish by Lionfintas-  liciana  creates  awesome  real  piece  of  Aruba.  The
                                                                      tic. Lionfish are an invasive  artisan jewelry from among  best  vacation  memory  or
                                                                      species  from  the  Pacific  others genuine Aruban sea  genuine gift.
                                                                      and  Indian  Ocean,  vora-   glass  and  what  to  think  of  The  artisans  market  is  on
                                                                      cious eaters with no known  a  necklace  of  driftwood,  Mondays  at  Bucuti  &  Tara
                                                                                                                                Beach Resort between 4.30
                                                                                                                                and  6.30  PM,  at  Tuesdays
                                                                                                                                and  Thursdays  between  6
                                                                                                                                and 9 PM at the Marriott Re-
                                                                                                                                sort  &  Stellaris  Casino  and
                                                                                                                                at  Fridays  between  7  and
                                                                                                                                10  PM  at  the  Renaissance
                                                                                                                                Marketplace in Oranjestad.
                                                                                                                                Check    their   Facebook
                                                                                                                                Foundation Aruba for more
                                                                                                                                information. q
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