P. 24

                   Friday 6 OctOber 2017
             Technology crammed into cars worsens driver distraction

            By JOAN LOWY                                                                                                        The guidelines also recom-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   mend automakers prevent
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            drivers  from  texting  while
            infotainment   technology                                                                                           driving,  but  three-quarters
            that automakers are cram-                                                                                           of the vehicles tested per-
            ming  into  the  dashboard                                                                                          mit drivers to text while the
            of  new  vehicles  is  making                                                                                       car is moving. Texting was
            drivers  take  their  eyes  off                                                                                     the  second-most  distract-
            the road and hands off the                                                                                          ing task performed by test
            wheel for dangerously long                                                                                          drivers.
            periods  of  time,  an  AAA                                                                                         Drivers  looked  away  from
            study says.                                                                                                         the  road  less  when  using
            The  study  released  Thurs-                                                                                        voice commands, but that
            day is the latest by Univer-                                                                                        safety benefit was offset by
            sity of Utah professor David                                                                                        the  increased  amount  of
            Strayer, who has been ex-                                                                                           time drivers spent interact-
            amining the impact of info-                                                                                         ing with the systems.
            tainment systems on safety                                                                                          AAA said drivers should use
            for  AAA’s  Foundation  for                                                                                         infotainment  technologies
            Traffic  Safety  since  2013.    In this image from video, Jake Nelson, AAA’s director for traffic safety advocacy and research   “only  for  legitimate  emer-
            Past  studies  also  identified   drives one of the test vehicles used in the study in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017.   gencies or urgent, driving-
            problems,  but  Strayer  said                                                                      Associated Press  related  purposes.”  It  also
            the  “explosion  of  tech-   That  complexity  increases  drivers  testing  all  30  of  the  drivers  an  average  of  40   urged automakers to block
            nology”  has  made  things   the overall amount of time  2017 model year cars and  seconds  to  complete  the       the ability to program navi-
            worse.                       drivers  spend  trying  to  use  light  trucks  took  their  eyes  task. At 25 mph (40 kph), a   gation systems or send texts
            Automakers  now  include     the systems.                 off  the  road  and  hands  car  can  travel  the  length   while  driving.  Automakers
            more options to allow driv-  The  auto  industry  says  the  off  the  wheel  while  us-  of four football fields during   should also design infotain-
            ers  to  use  social  media,   new systems are better al-  ing  infotainment  systems.  the  time  it  takes  to  enter   ment  systems  so  that  they
            email  and  text.  The  tech-  ternatives  for  drivers  than  The test drivers used voice  a  destination.  Previous  re-  require  no  more  attention
            nology  is  also  becom-     mobile  phones  and  navi-   commands,  touch  screens  search has shown that driv-    to use than listening to the
            ing  more  complicated  to   gation  devices  that  were  and other interactive tech-  ers who remove their eyes    radio  or  an  audiobook,  it
            use.  Cars  used  to  have  a   not  designed  to  be  used  nologies  to  make  calls,  from  the  road  for  just  two   said.Nearly  70  percent  of
            few  buttons  and  knobs.    while driving.               send  texts,  tune  the  radio  seconds double their risk for   U.S.  adults  say  they  want
            Some  vehicles  now  have    The  vehicle-integrated  sys-  or  program  navigation  all  a crash.Under pressure from   the  new  technologies  in
            as  many  as  50  buttons  on   tems  “are  designed  to  be  while  driving.Clearly  au-  the  industry,  the  National   their  vehicles,  but  only  24
            the  steering  wheel  and    used in the driving environ-  tomakers  haven’t  worked  Highway  Traffic  Safety  Ad-  percent feel that the tech-
            dashboard  that  are  multi-  ment  and  require  driver  hard  enough  to  make  the  ministration  in  2012  issued   nology  already  works  per-
            functional. There are touch   attention  that  is  compa-  systems quick and easy to  voluntary  safety  guidelines   fectly,  according  to  an
            screens, voice commands,     rable to tuning the radio or  use, Nelson said. Research-  to  automakers  for  dash-  opinion  survey  conduct-
            writing pads, heads-up dis-  adjusting  climate  controls,  ers rated 23 of the 30 vehi-  board  technology  instead   ed  for  AAA.“Drivers  want
            plays  on  windshields  and   which  have  always  been  cles “very high” or “high” in  of enforceable safety stan-  technology that is safe and
            mirrors and 3-D computer-    considered  baseline  ac-    terms of the attention they  dards.  The  guidelines  rec-  easy to use,” said Marshall
            generated images.            ceptable  behaviors  while  demanded  from  drivers.  ommend  that  automakers         Doney,  AAA’s  president
            “It’s  adding  more  and     driving,”  said  Wade  New-  Seven were rated “moder-     lock  out  the  ability  to  pro-  and CEO, “but many of the
            more  layers  of  complex-   ton,  a  spokesman  for  the  ate.” None required a low  gram  navigation  systems     features added to infotain-
            ity and information at driv-  Alliance   of   Automobile  amount of attention to use.  while a car is moving. How-  ment  systems  today  have
            ers’ fingertips without often   Manufacturers.            Programming a destination  ever, the ability to program   resulted in overly complex
            considering  whether  it’s  a   But Jake Nelson, AAA’s di-  into in-vehicle GPS naviga-  navigation  while  driving   and  sometimes  frustrat-
            good idea to put it at their   rector for traffic safety ad-  tion  systems  was  the  most  was available in 12 vehicles   ing  user  experiences  for
            fingertips,”  Strayer  said.   vocacy and research, said  distracting  activity,  taking  in the study.             drivers.”q
             Yahoo: 3 billion accounts

             breached in 2013. Yes, 3 billion

            By MATT O’BRIEN              said Sam Curry, chief secu-  sition  by  Verizon  in  June,
            BOSTON (AP) — Yahoo has  rity officer for Boston-based  Yahoo  says,  it  obtained
            tripled  down  on  what  was  firm  Cybereason,  though  new  intelligence  while  in-
            already  the  largest  data  there’s  likely  to  be  more  vestigating the breach with
            breach  in  history,  saying  accounts   than    actual  help  from  outside  forensic
            it  affected  all  3  billion  ac-  users.“Whether  it’s  1  billion  experts.  It  says  the  stolen
            counts  on  its  service,  not  or 3 billion is largely immate-  customer  information  did
            the 1 billion it revealed late  rial. Assume it affects you,”  not  include  passwords  in
            last year.The company an-    Curry  said.  “Privacy  is  re-  clear  text,  payment  card
            nounced  Tuesday  that  it  ally the victim here.”Yahoo  data or bank account infor-
            has  sent  emails  providing  first disclosed the breach in  mation.Yahoo had already
            notice  to  additional  user  December  .  The  stolen  in-  required  users  to  change    In this Dec. 15, 2016, file photo, the Yahoo logo appears on a
            accounts  affected  by  the  formation included names,  their  passwords  and  invali-  smartphone in Frankfurt, Germany.       Associated Press
            August 2013 data theft.      email  addresses,  phone  date  security  questions  so
            The  breach  now  affects  numbers,  birthdates  and  they  couldn’t  be  used  to     embarrassment for Verizon,  subsidiary  Oath,  which  will
            a  number  that  represents  security  questions  and  an-  hack into accounts.        which  has  just  started  run-  consist  of  Yahoo  and  AOL
            nearly  “half  the  world,”  swers.Following  its  acqui-  The disclosure is also a huge   ning  TV  ads  for  its  new  services. q
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