P. 2

                 Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
            Trump hails stronger Thailand ties as he meets junta leader

            By MAT PENNINGTON                                                                                                   Under  Trump,  the  U.S.  has
            Associated Press                                                                                                    looked to resume high-lev-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Mak-                                                                                              el  ties  and  authorize  more
            ing  no  reference  to  Thai-                                                                                       arms sales.
            land’s  military  rule,  Presi-                                                                                     A  U.S.  National  Security
            dent  Donald  Trump  on                                                                                             Council  spokesman,  who
            Monday hailed strengthen-                                                                                           was  not  authorized  to
            ing relations with America’s                                                                                        speak publicly on planning
            oldest ally in Asia as he wel-                                                                                      for  the  visit  and  requested
            comed a junta leader who                                                                                            anonymity, said the U.S. will
            took power in a coup.                                                                                               continue  to  urge  Thailand
            The  Oval  Office  meeting                                                                                          to  return  to  participatory
            with  Thai  Prime  Minister                                                                                         democracy  and  restore
            Prayuth  Chan-ocha  un-                                                                                             civil  liberties.  He  declined
            derscored  shifting  U.S.  for-                                                                                     to say whether those points
            eign  policy  priorities  under                                                                                     would be raised by Trump,
            Trump, emphasizing Ameri-                                                                                           but said the president could
            can  trade  and  strategic                                                                                          discuss  how  to  strengthen
            interests  over  democracy                                                                                          U.S.-Thai relations.
            and human rights in the na-                                                                                         It’s not that unusual for U.S.
            tions it deals with.                                                                                                presidents  to  meet  auto-
            Prayuth and his wife, Nara-                                                                                         crats  in  the  Oval  Office,
            porn   Chan-ocha,     were   President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha in   but coup leaders are more
            greeted  at  the  South  Por-  the Oval Office of the White House, Monday, Oct. 2, 2017, in Washington.             contentious.  Perhaps  the
            tico by Trump and first lady                                                                 (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  closest  recent  comparison
            Melania  Trump  as  the  Thai  uary.                      ening cooperation, includ-   the  junta  has  squelched  to Prayuth would be former
            leader  arrived  for  talks  “So we have a very strong  ing  in  defense  and  secu-   dissent  and  dragged  its  Pakistani  army  chief  Gen.
            and  a  working  lunch.  The  relationship right now, as of  rity “to help ensure that our  feet on holding elections in  Pervez   Musharraf,   who
            visit  came  three  years  af-  this  moment,  and  it’s  get-  citizens  are  safeguarded  what was once one of the  emerged as a close ally of
            ter  Prayuth  seized  power,  ting stronger in the last nine  from  terrorism  and  other  most  vibrant  democracies  President  George  W.  Bush
            and days after the elected  months,”  he  said,  stressing  threats.”  He  also  said  the  in Asia. Political parties are  in the war on terror.
            leader  whose  government  the  importance  of  trade  two  nations  would  work  restricted and elections are  Musharraf  first  visited  the
            he  ousted  was  sentenced  ties,  which  totaled  $40  bil-  closely  on  “regional  issues  not expected before 2018.  White House in 2002, three
            in absentia to five years in  lion  last  year,  with  the  U.S.  of concern.”         After  the  coup,  the  Unit-  years after he seized pow-
            prison.                      running a $19 billion deficit.  “I  am  confident  that  with  ed  States  under  President  er  from  an  elected  leader
            “We’ve  had  a  long  and  “I  think  we’re  going  to  try  the  president’s  leadership  Barack  Obama  stopped  and  before  he’d  rammed
            very  storied  history  with  and sell a little bit more to  we will be able to tackle all  military   assistance   and  through a national referen-
            Thailand,” Trump said in the  you now, make that a little  those problems,” he said.   training  programs  —  a  dum  to  endorse  his  presi-
            Oval  Office  alongside  Pra-  bit better if that’s possible.”  Human  rights  groups  have  largely  symbolic  step  but  dency. Trump has barreled
            yuth,  referring  to  a  nearly  Prayuth  said  visiting  Trump  opposed  the  visit  of  Pra-  one that went down badly  through   criticism   about
            two-century  diplomatic  re-  was  a  great  opportunity  yuth. He took power in 2014  with Bangkok, a U.S. treaty  outreach  to  authoritarian
            lationship,  which  the  presi-  for his government and the  to restore order after violent  ally that has moved closer  foreign leaders as he looks
            dent  said  has  advanced  Thai  people.  He  expressed  political turmoil in Thailand.  to  China  as  relations  with  to shore up America’s long-
            since he took office in Jan-  optimism  about  strength-  The unrest has abated, but  Washington  have  strained.  standing alliances. q

            US general: We’ll fly where international rules allow

            By AUDREY McAVOY                                                                       Earlier  in  the  week,  North  Korean  peninsula  for  rou-
            Associated Press                                                                       Korea’s   foreign   minister  tine exercises and for “show
            JOINT  BASE  PEARL  HAR-                                                               said a tweet from President  of force” missions aimed at
            BOR-HICKAM,  Hawaii  (AP)                                                              Donald Trump was a “dec-     demonstrating  its  military
            —  The  U.S.  Air  Force’s  top                                                        laration  of  war.”  Ri  Yong  capabilities to North Korea.
            commander in the Asia-Pa-                                                              Ho said that under the U.N.  Many  of  the  flights  are  in
            cific  region  said  his  troops                                                       charter,  North  Korea  has  response to the North’s bal-
            haven’t changed the way                                                                the  right  to  self-defense  listic missile launches.
            they operate in response to                                                            and  “every  right”  to  take  The bombers take off from
            North Korea’s assertion that                                                           countermeasures,  “includ-   Guam,  where  the  U.S.  has
            it  would  have  the  right  to                                                        ing the right to shoot down  been  rotating  fleets  of  B-2
            shoot  down  U.S.  bombers                                                             the  United  States  strate-  stealth  bombers,  B-1  and
            even  in  international  air-                                                          gic  bombers  even  when  B-52 bombers since 2004.
            space.                       This Sept. 17, 2017 photo provided by the U.S. Air Force shows   they’re  not  yet  inside  the  O’Shaughnessy  said  he
            U.S. Pacific Air Forces com-  U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers, U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning IIs   airspace  border  of  our  told  the  other  Air  Force
            mander     Gen.   Terrence   and Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-2 fighters flying in formation   country.”  The  White  House  leaders in Hawaii about the
            O’Shaughnessy  told  The     during a show of force mission north of Japan.            said  the  U.S.  hadn’t  de-  missions and got their feed-
            Associated Press that flying                          (Mike Karnes/U.S. Air Force via AP)  clared war on North Korea.  back.  He  said  there  was
            or sailing anywhere interna-  pinned  the  region’s  pros-  O’Shaughnessy said.        Trump  had  tweeted  that  growing  concern  among
            tional law allows is an impor-  perity  for  decades.  “We  The  general  spoke  Friday  North  Korea’s  leadership  his counterparts about how
            tant part of the law-based  feel  strongly  we  should  be  after  hosting  a  meeting  in  led by Kim Jong Un “won’t  North Korea’s testing of nu-
            international order. He said  able to fly, sail anywhere In-  Hawaii  of  air  force  lead-  be around much longer.”  clear weapons and missiles
            all nations need to abide by  ternational rules allow and  ers from 17 other countries  The  U.S.  flies  bombers,  es-  would  affect  the  region
            the  rules  that  have  under-  we will continue to do so,”  from around the region.   corted by fighter jets, to the  and globe.q
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