P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                 Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
            Son: Rabbi and family traumatized by Vermont traffic stop

            By LISA RATHKE               thought  they  were  targets  over  and,  once  he  did,  that  this  was  not  a  dan-  ing  83  mph  (134  kph)  in  a
            Associated Press             of  a  terrorist  attack  during  tried to find a safe spot to  gerous  situation,  Trooper  65 mph (105 kph) zone on
            MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — The  the late-night Aug. 8 stop.   do so, his son said.         Thompson  could  not  have  Interstate  91  in  Thetford,
            son of a New York City rab-  “We’re  talking  about  nor-  A  police  investigation  re-  known that during the time  according to the investiga-
            bi says his father and other  mal  people.  What  in  the  viewed  by  the  State  Po-  the  vehicle  failed  to  stop  tion. Thompson pulled over
            relatives  were  traumatized  world  are  you  doing  to  lice  Advisory  Commission  as he followed it for several  and put on his lights. Once
            when the rabbi was pulled  them? It’s out of hand. This  made  up  of  Vermont  resi-  miles on the interstates or at  the vehicle passed he tried
            over on a remote Vermont  shouldn’t  have  happened  dents  found  that  Trooper  the time of the stop. When  to pull it over with his lights
            interstate  for  suspected  in  any  state  in  the  United  Justin   Thompson   acted  assessed  in  their  totality,  and  siren,  but  the  driver
            speeding, ordered at gun-    States  of  America,”  Yehu-  according  to  his  training  Trooper Thompson’s obser-  failed  to  stop,  driving  60-
            point to lie on the ground,  da Fink, 29, said.           and police policy and that  vations reasonably led him  65 mph (96-105 kph) for 4.5
            then  handcuffed  along  Rabbi Berl Fink, of Brooklyn,  there  was  no  evidence  of  to  believe  that  he  should  miles (7 kilometers).
            with  his  wife  and  another  was cited for attempting to  bias. The commissioner and  conduct a high-risk stop to  Democratic  New  York  As-
            son.                         elude  police  after  travel-  the panel released a state-  ensure  a  safe  outcome,”  semblyman Dov Hikind said
            Yehuda  Fink  said  Monday  ing  more  than  4  miles  be-  ment  about  the  results  of  the statement said.      the  ordeal  was  “so  clearly
            that  his  parents  and  teen-  fore pulling over. Fink didn’t  the investigation Friday.  Thompson  had  clocked  unnecessary”  and  still  af-
            age  brother  and  sister  know he was being pulled  “Although  we  now  know  the vehicle behind him go-           fecting the family.q
             University settles lawsuit with Steubenville rape convict

            By DAKE KANG                                                                                                        Sept. 13. A judge issued a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    temporary order at a hear-
            CLEVELAND       (AP)    —                                                                                           ing  the  next  day  allow-
            Youngstown  State  Univer-                                                                                          ing  Richmond  to  play.  On
            sity has agreed to settle a                                                                                         Sept. 16, Richmond played
            federal lawsuit with a foot-                                                                                        in  the  second  half  of  a
            ball  player  convicted  of                                                                                         victory  over  Central  Con-
            rape as a teen who sued af-                                                                                         necticut  State.  He  didn’t
            ter the school allowed him                                                                                          play   Saturday    against
            to join the team and then                                                                                           South Dakota State.During
            told  him  he  couldn’t  play                                                                                       the  hearing,  Richmond’s
            this season.An attorney for                                                                                         attorneys   argued    that
            Steubenville resident Ma’lik                                                                                        Youngstown     State   was
            Richmond says he’ll remain                                                                                          contractually  obliged  to
            on the active roster of the                                                                                         allow Richmond to play so
            football  team  under  the                                                                                          long as he followed school
            deal announced Monday.                                                                                              rules. They said the univer-
            Richmond will undergo un-                                                                                           sity  hurt  Richmond’s  foot-
            specified  training  as  part                                                                                       ball  career  prospects  by
            of  the  agreement.“What                                                                                            curtailing  his  exposure  to
            is  most  important  is  that                                                                                       professional  scouts  at  the
            Ma’lik  moves  on,”  said                                                                                           peak  of  his  abilities.Attor-
            Susan  Stone,  one  of  Rich-                                                                                       neys  representing  the  uni-
            mond’s  attorneys.  “This    In this Sept. 14, 2017 photo, Ma’lik Richmond, center, of Steubenville, Ohio, and his attorney Susan   versity  countered  that  the
                                         Stone, left, walk out of U.S. District Court in Youngstown, Ohio. In a deal announced Monday, Oct.
            was  never  a  case  about   2, 2017, Youngstown State University has agreed to settle a federal lawsuit with Richmond, a foot-  university didn’t violate any
            money. This is a case about   ball player convicted of rape as a teen who sued after the school allowed him to join the team   contractual   obligations
            Ma’lik  being  given  all  the   and then told him he couldn’t play this season.                                    to  Richmond  because  he
            opportunities  afforded  a                                                                   (AP Photo/Dake Kang)   didn’t  take  advantage  of
            student of good standing.”   “While    the   settlement  Court documents show the  mond made the team ear-          a school grievance proce-
            Youngstown State said in a   agreement     may    cause  university  will  pay  for  out-  lier  this  year  but  was  told   dure before filing suit. They
            statement  that  it  will  con-  concern  for  some,  we  be-  standing court costs, and a  in August that he couldn’t   argued  the  school  has  a
            tinue a review of its policies   lieve it is in the best overall  university  spokesman  said  play  after  a  student  circu-  right  to  stop  Richmond
            on  student  athletics  and   interest  of  the  university,  the  school  is  not  respon-  lated  a  petition  to  keep   from  playing  to  prevent
            other  “high-profile”  school   students  and  the  commu-  sible  for  other  legal  fees  him off the team.Richmond   campus  protests  and  dis-
            activities following the suit.  nity,” the statement said.  under  the  settlement.Rich-  filed suit against his school   ruptions to the team. q
             Indiana woman accused of confining 2 teenage girls for years

            DECATUR, Ind. (AP) — An In-  ary,  to  investigate  a  ne-  mother  fell,  according  to  ing  to  the  affidavit.A  psy-  while  the  girls  were  “very
            diana  woman  accused  of  glect  report.  Officers  were  court documents.            chologist  later  found  that  skinny” and pale with long,
            keeping her two daughters  summoned  to  the  home  During that trip, the girls did  the  sisters  —  who  are  now  greasy hair.
            confined at home for years  about  20  miles  (32  kilome-  not  know  how  to  place  a  ages 19 and 16 — suffered  The sisters, who were taken
            allegedly failed to educate  ters)  south  of  Fort  Wayne  food order at the restaurant  psychological trauma from  into  the  care  of  child  pro-
            the  now  teenage  youths,  three days after the teens’  and had no social interac-    “neglect  and  isolation,”  tective  services,  told  offi-
            who  told  authorities  their  mother  was  hospitalized  tion  skills  at  all,  according  according to the affidavit,  cers  their  mother  allowed
            mother  gave  up  on  them  following  a  fall  inside  the  to  the  affidavit  filed  Sept.  which states that the sisters  them  outside  only  to  re-
            “a long time ago.”           home.                        20  by  the  Adams  County  suffered from a “lack of any  trieve  the  mail  or  newspa-
            The  64-year-old  woman  Two  women  who  were  prosecutor.  The  youngest  meaningful interaction with  per and that they had over
            faces  three  counts  of  ne-  friends  of  the  girls’  cousin  girl  appeared  mesmerized  others” for several years.  time  become  afraid  to
            glect of a dependent.        had,  at  his  urging,  taken  by the food products avail-  When  police  were  sum-   venture outside.
            Police  said  the  woman’s  the sisters to eat at a fast-  able  inside  the  grocery  moned to the sisters’ home  She  had  pulled  them  from
            daughters  were  emaciat-    food  restaurant  and  then  they visited.                a few days after their shop-  classes  when  they  were
            ed and pale when officers  to a shop for groceries be-    “I  always  dreamed  of  this,  ping trip, officers found the  young  and  told  them  to
            arrived at their filthy Deca-  cause the home was with-   going  to  the  store,”  she  two-story  house  unkempt  hide when visitors came to
            tur, Indiana, home in Janu-  out food a day before the  told  the  women,  accord-     and filled with a foul odor,  the home. q
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