P. 9
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
Marseille suspect released from custody day before attack
bing. the assailant shout “Allahu
The man was held over- akbar!” — Arabic for “God
night for shoplifting, then is great” — and Molins said
released Saturday and the that’s one of the reasons
charges dropped, Molins prosecutors opened a ter-
said. He added that local rorism investigation. But no
authorities had no reason firm evidence has surfaced
to hold him further based linking the man to Islamic
on the ID he gave them — extremism.Molins said vid-
a Tunisian passport. eo surveillance of the site
French Interior Minister showed the man sitting for
Gerard Collomb, appar- a few minutes on a bench
ently not satisfied with the outside the station, before
explanation, on Monday jumping up and stabbing
ordered a probe of the one woman several times.
circumstances that led He then ran away and re-
police to free the man, turned to attack the sec-
who attacked and killed ond woman.A woman
the young women a day passer-by tried to inter-
later. The report is due vene, Molins said. The man
by week’s end, a ministry then tried to attack soldiers
statement said.While be- patrolling the site, but they
A police officer stands guard while passengers enter the Marseille Saint Charles train station, a ing held in Lyon, the man shot him dead with two
day after a man fatally stabbed two women outside the train station, in Marseille, southern France,
Monday, Oct. 2, 2017. The assailant was killed by soldiers immediately after the attack, the latest told police that he did odd bullets.The suspect was
of several targeting France. jobs, used hard drugs and found with two knives and
(AP Photo/Claude Paris) was divorced, according a telephone, but no iden-
By ANGELA CHARLTON whether he had direct links The attacker didn’t have to Molins, the prosecutor. tity papers, according to
Associated Press to the Islamic State group, any past convictions in It’s not clear if the attack- Molins.The man’s multiple
PARIS (AP) — A man who which claimed responsibil- France, Molins said. The er had any connection to pseudonyms made it diffi-
fatally stabbed two wom- ity for Sunday’s stabbing. man’s most recent arrest the victims — two cousins cult to even find a house to
en outside Marseille’s main The assailant was killed by occurred in the Lyon area who had met for a birth- search for more clues, said
train station had been de- soldiers immediately after Friday — just two days be- day celebration.Some wit- Yves Lefebvre of the Unite
tained for shoplifting and the attack, the latest of fore the train station stab- nesses reported hearing SGP Police union.q
released the day before several targeting France.
the attack, and used seven The suspect was identified
fake identities in previous by his fingerprints, which
encounters with police, of- matched those taken dur-
ficials said Monday. ing seven previous inci-
French authorities are dents registered by police
studying the suspect’s cell- since 2005, Paris Prosecutor
phone and working to de- Francois Molins told report-
termine his true identity and ers.
AP: Attempted murder charges
filed in Canada car, knife attack
EDMONTON, Alberta (AP) Police have said terror-
— Prosecutors on Monday ism charges are expected
filed charges including at- but are holding off on that
tempted murder against for now. Royal Canadian
a man suspected of ram- Mounted Police Supt. Sta-
ming his car into a police- cey Talbot, of Alberta’s In-
man, stabbing him and tegrated National Security
then injuring four people Enforcement Team, said
while leading officers on a the investigation is still “in its
high-speed chase. infancy.”
Abdulahi Hasan Sharif fac- “As the investigation un-
es five counts of attempt- folds and further informa-
ed murder, five counts of tion is garnered, and if
dangerous driving and one additional charges are
weapons charge in con- supported, they will be
nection with the incident pursued at that time,” Tal-
late Saturday in the west- bot said.The suspect was
ern city of Edmonton. in custody with a bail hear-
The 30-year-old suspect is ing scheduled for Tuesday,
a Somali refugee who was and it was not immediately
previously investigated for clear if he had a lawyer yet.
allegedly espousing ex- Edmonton police say they
tremism. An Islamic State believe he acted alone
group flag was found in the during the series of attacks,
car, and Prime Minister Jus- which began around 8:15
tin Trudeau called it a terror p.m. Saturday as police
attack. Const. q