P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
Kenyan police fire tear gas to disperse protesters
By The Associated Press without major reforms to
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Ke- the electoral commission.
nyan police lobbed tear Kenyatta has said he does
gas and fired shots in the not want any changes.
air in Nairobi and Kisumu In Kisumu Monday hun-
Monday to disperse pro- dreds of protesters chant-
testers who are demand- ed “Chiloba must go,” re-
ing a change of leadership ferring to the chairman of
at the country’s election the election commission.
commission. Emerging from Kisumu’s
In addition to the protests Kondele slum, the protest-
in the capital Nairobi and ers broke a police barrier
the opposition stronghold and forced their way into
of Kisumu, in western Ke- the center of the city, wav-
nya, there was a peaceful ing placards and twigs and
protest in the coastal city chanting slogans against
of Mombasa. the election commission.
The protests were called Police responded with tear
by the opposition Nation- gas and fired shots in the
al Super Alliance, whose air.
leader Raila Odinga faces “Chiloba stole the elec-
President Uhuru Kenyatta tions. We cannot let him
on Oct. 26 in a rerun of the stay in office,” said pro-
presidential vote. tester Celestine Owuor in Nasa (National Super Alliance) engage in running battles with the Kenyan riot police, on the
Kenya’s top court ordered Kisumu.Chiloba, who is sup- streets of Kisumu, Kenya, Monday Oct. 2, 2017. Kenyan police lobbed tear gas and fired shots
a repeat election after ported by the ruling party, in the air in Nairobi and Kisumu Monday to disperse protesters who are demanding a change of
leadership at the country’s election commission.
nullifying the re-election in is one of the electoral com- (AP Photo)
August of Kenyatta, citing mission officials the opposi-
irregularities and illegali- tion party says must go be- a forum with women lead- day that elections will be of Western ambassadors
ties in the vote counting. fore the re-run vote is held. ers at his official residence, held as ordered by the Su- including U.S. ambassador
The court said the election No casualties were report- State House, Kenyatta said: preme Court, and the date Robert F. Godec, urged the
commission had failed to ed in the protests Monday. “It is very clear they (the has been set.”In a state- ruling party and the oppo-
verify the results. Kenyatta said Monday the opposition) don’t want ment Monday following a sition to “be reasonable in
Odinga has said he will not protesters’ demands are elections. meeting with election com- their demands of” the elec-
participate in the fresh poll “unrealistic.”Speaking at But I want to tell them to- mission officials, a group tion commission.q
17 dead after protests in Cameroon English-speaking areas
By CARLEY PETESCH country’s French-speaking and travel for 72 hours.The be promptly and effective- speaking population saying
Associated Press majority, defying security rights group called on se- ly investigated.”Local me- it is discriminated against
DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — forces and bans for gather- curity forces to cease un- dia had reported at least a by the majority French-
Cameroon’s military is ing in some areas.Security necessary violence and dozen people killed in the speaking population.So-
heavily deployed in the forces shot dead 17 peo- called on protesters to be English-speaking northwest cial media platforms such
country’s English-speaking ple in Cameroon during peaceful.“The worrying es- and southwest regions, as WhatsApp have been
regions and few people gatherings on the 56th an- calation witnessed over the some shot by military he- blocked in the English-
are on the streets after 17 niversary of the incorpora- weekend has now reached licopters, while at least 40 speaking regions and resi-
people were killed over the tion of Anglophone regions a crisis point. The use of ex- others were arrested, ac- dents express fear about
weekend in protests in sup- into Cameroon, according cessive force to silence pro- cording to local media. restrictions imposed by the
port of independence for to Amnesty International. tests in the west and south- Six soldiers were attacked government.In Yaounde
some Anglophone regions. The group expressed wor- west regions of Cameroon and severely wounded, re- and all major towns in the
Tens of thousands of Eng- ry over the government’s is not the solution,” said ports said.No declarations French-speaking regions,
lish-speaking Cameroo- “ongoing campaign to si- Ilaria Allegrozzi, Amnesty were made by separatists, political parties, lawmakers
nians hoisted flags Sun- lence any form of dissent.” International’s Lake Chad but protests have been on- and the government orga-
day to show they want The Northwest province on researcher. “All deaths re- going since late last year nized rallies denouncing
independence from the Friday banned meetings lated to these protests must with the country’s English- the separatist groups. q