P. 13
Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
Bonaire Deepsea Challenge Freediving Competition Wraps Up Succesfully
iving competition took 360o format out of the wa- petition. Novice athlete
place with the participa- ter and underwater by 360 Israel Gil from Venezuela
tion of athletes from Japan, hub producers led by Dave surprised attendees show-
Ukraine, the Netherlands, Faires. ing consistency among all
Brazil, UK and Venezuela. International athletes at- disciplines positioning him
The 10 days event culmi- tended the third annual as Best Male Athlete after
nated in one Continental competition. The island achieving some of his Per-
record, and multiple per- of Bonaire beautifully re- sonal Bests. They both got
sonal best dives. The com- ceived high level athletes an underwater watch cour-
petition covered four freed- from around the world tesy of one of our sponsors:
iving disciplines Static (STA), providing them with all the Cressi. Second and third
Constant Weight (CWT), amenities of any major city place female Ekateryna
Constant No Fins (CNF) and including excellent grocery Sadurska from Ukrania and
Free Immersion (FIM) during options, accommodations, Carol Schrappe from Bra-
6 official diving days. rental cars, etc. sil. Second and third place
Carolina Schrappe breaks cipline variable weight in In a parallel record attempt Notable performances male Leon Jansen from
Continental Record and a 3-min dive (Her previous to the competition, Brazilian from the event include dives Netherlands and Martyn
other athletes set multiple record, 2016: -95 m) while Carolina Schrappe surpass from Tomoka Fukuda, ex- Bromley from UK.
personal bests during 10 other athletes achieved
day event. their Personal Best (PB) Per-
formances. Kids and adults
KRALENDIJK, BONAIRE - participated with original
Deepsea Freediving School costumes in a colorful First
is pleased to announce Ocean Parade that wel-
that this year’s Bonaire comed mermaids to the
Deepsea Challenge, held Bonairean blue waters.
from September 15 – 25, While nature stroke with all
was a great success. Caro- its power around the Carib-
lina Schrappe (BRA) broke bean, in the small yet idyl-
her own Continental South lic island of Bonaire and
American Record at -101 just 500m from shore in the
meters on the 23rd of Sep- beautiful blue and deep
tember in freediving dis- waters, the annual freed-
her own Variable Weight
(VWT) record, reaching to a
101mts depth for New Con-
tinental South American re-
cord (Previous record -95m
2016). VWT is a discipline
where the freediver uses
a sled to drag their down
to depth while ascending
by her own power with or
without fins. Record was
confirmed by AIDA judges
Gaby Contreras from Ven-
ezuela and Christian Statler
from Austria and witnessed
by athletes participating in
the competition, the logis- perimented freediver from As part of the closing cer-
tic team and a group of Japan, and recurrent guest emony for Bonaire Deep-
international journalists that on the island who reached sea Challenge 2017 and
joined us for this beautiful -92mts in Constant Weight marking the beginning of
event. (CWT) and amazed us with the Caribbean Mermaid
For second and consecu- an easy 5’21” breath hold Festival.
tive time Deepsea Chal- that assured her title as Best
lenge Bonaire was filmed in Female Athlete of the com- Continued on Page 14