P. 14
Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
one. The Deepsea Chal-
lenge is poised to grow big-
ger and better looking into
the coming years. Plans
include more involvement
for spectators and live vid-
eo feeds of the event! The
Deepsea Challenge Bo-
naire 2017, an event orga-
nized by Gaby Contreras
and Carlos Coste, had the
support of a large group of
private companies, which
made possible the gath-
ering in Bonaire of these
world-class athletes and
the coverage of impor-
tant media. Thanks to the
sponsors: Harbour Village
Bonaire, Tourism Bonaire
Corporation, PADI Freed-
iver, Cressi Sub, Budget Bo-
naire Rent, Budget Marine,
Obersi Group, WEB Bonaire,
El Mundo Restaurant, La
Continued from Page 13 tion of the ocean life and human health. This unique fish ID and ocean dance Cantina Restaurant, Eden
the mysterious mythology and beautiful pro ocean class by Mieke from Indus- Beach Hotel, Courtyard
Mermaid Bonaire a new of mermaids and tritons. life conservation carnival try of activity. A best origi- Marriot, Red Palm Village,
mermaid school on the is- The event aims to create of colors parted from Parke nal costume contest closed Mermaid Bonaire, Bistro de
land lead by Gaby Contre- awareness on how humans Tului passing by along Pla- the parade that ended in Paris, GIL TM, 360 Producers
ras organized this original contribute to ocean pol- ya, until El Mundo Restau- lots of smiles and wonder- hub, It Rains Fishes, Synergi
event took the streets and lution as well as coral reef rant where people from all ful prizes for the kids who Sailing, MCB Bonaire, GAIA,
the waters of Kralendijk damage and call to take ages showed their inspired participated. Bonaire has Kite City, Patagonia Res-
hosting First Ocean Parade. more actions to work ac- outfits. Meanwhile different proved again one of the taurant, Mermaid Vzla, Sire-
The Parade was a friendly tively to protect and pre- activities coordinated by Top Freediving destinations. nita Brasil, Industry of activ-
artistic event designed for vent this. Ocean pollution Mermaid Bonaire School With deep blue waters, ity, goldfish, lobster.
people to express them- is an ever-increasing global and the guest Mermaid plenty of marine life, sup-
selves by making their own concern that threatens Venezuela were taking port from the island’s best For more information
creative art and outfit to marine life, our environ- place. Some of these activi- businesses, and a beautiful Deepsea Challenge:
celebrate the conserva- ment, the economy, and ties included face painting, community of people Bo- http://deepseabonaire.
naire is sure to host many com/deepsea-challenge
more events such as this q