P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
               Home runs, strikeouts hit highs; no hurler wins more than 18

            By RONALD BLUM               used  and  how  good  the
             AP Baseball Writer          bullpens  are,”  San  Diego
            NEW YORK (AP) — In a sea-    pitcher  Clayton  Richard
            son  of  record-high  home  said.  “They’re  so  special-
            runs  and  strikeouts  along  ized  and  the  numbers  are
            with  record-low  complete  so detailed that managers
            games,  there  were  some  are able to match up ear-
            constants in Major League  lier in the game.”
            Baseball:  Houston’s  Jose  Boston’s  Chris  Sale  led
            Altuve  and  a  Colorado  pitchers with 308 strikeouts,
            Rockies player won batting  the first to reach 300 since
            titles.                      Arizona’s  Randy  Johnson
            There  were  6,105  home  and  Curt  Schilling  in  2002.
            runs  hit  in  the  season  that  Washington’s Max Scherzer
            ended  Sunday,  topping  topped the NL for the sec-
            the  5,963  in  2000  at  the  ond straight year at 268.
            height of the Steroids Era.  In  an  era  when  analytical
            Miami’s  Giancarlo  Stanton  departments tell managers
            hit 59, the most in the ma-  not to give away outs, sac-
            jors  since  Barry  Bonds  set  rifice bunts dropped to 925,
            the  record  with  73  in  2001  down  from  1,025  last  year
            and  Sammy  Sosa  hit  64.  and the fewest since 806 in   Boston Red Sox’s Chris Sale pitches during the first inning of a baseball game against the Toronto
            Drug testing with penalties  1900, when there were just   Blue Jays in Boston, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017.
            began three years later.     eight  teams.  Kansas  City’s                                                                      Associated Press
            Aaron  Judge  of  the  New  Whit  Merrifield’s  34  sto-
                                                                      Stanton  led  the  major
            York  Yankees  led  the  AL  len bases were the fewest    leagues with 132 RBIs, and  Number of replays,
            with 52, breaking the rook-  for an AL leader since Luis
            ie record of 49 set by Oak-  Aparicio  of  the  Chicago   Seattle’s  Nelson  Cruz  was   overturned calls drop
            land’s  Mark  McGwire  in  White  Sox  had  31  in  1961.   first in the AL with 119.
            1987. There were 117 play-   Miami’s  Dee  Gordon  led    Kluber   led   the   major   in Major Leagues B
            ers with 20 or more, up from  the NL with 60.             leagues in ERA at 2.25, and
            111 last year, and 41 with at  The average runs per team   Kershaw at 2.31 was lowest   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The  dence  to  overturn  it  (28.7
            least 30, up from 38.        per game rose from 4.48 to   in  the  NL  for  the  fifth  time   number of replays in Major  percent).  In  addition,  11
            Along  with  the  round-trip-  4.65, the highest since 2008.   and first since 2014.   League  Baseball  dropped  reviews were used for rules
            pers came quick returns to  It  had  dropped  to  4.28  in   Tampa Bay’s Alex Colome   this  year  along  with  the  checks and five for record-
            the dugout. Strikeouts set a  2014, its lowest since 1992.  led the major leagues with   percentage  of  overturned  ing keeping.
            record for the 10th straight  Batting titles were decided   47  saves,  and  Colorado’s   calls.                    In 2016, 757 of 1,502 reviews
            season  at  40,104,  topping  long  before  the  final  day,   Greg  Holland  and  the   There were 660 overturned  led to overturned calls (50.4
            last year’s 38,982.          with  Altuve  leading  the   Dodgers’  Kenley  Jansen     calls among 1,395 video re-  percent).  There  were  347
            Four  pitchers  tied  for  the  major  leagues  at  .346  to   shared  the  NL  lead  with   views  (47.31  percent),  the  confirmed  (23.1  percent)
            MLB  lead  with  18  wins  —  win for the AL for the sec-  41 — the fewest for an NL   commissioner’s  office  said  and  384  in  which  the  call
            the fewest ever to top the  ond  straight  season  and    leader since 1999.           Sunday.                      stood  (25.6  percent)  plus
            majors  in  a  non-shortened  third time in four years.   At 104-58, the Los Angeles   The  total  included  318  re-  nine  for  rules  checks  and
            season  and  just  the  fourth  “A  little  more  special,”  Al-  Dodgers  had  the  best  re-  plays  that  confirmed  the  five for record keeping.
            year with no 20-game win-    tuve  said.  “This  is  the  first   cord  in  the  major  leagues   call  on  the  field  (22.8  per-  The  percentage  of  over-
            ners,  after  1871,  2006  and  time  I  won  a  batting  title   for the first time since 1974.   cent)  and  401  in  which  turned calls was 48.9 in 2015
            2009.  The  Dodgers’  Clay-  and  the  team  is  going  to   Cleveland  (102-60)  and   the  call  stood  because  and 47.29 in 2014, when ex-
            ton  Kershaw,  Cleveland’s  the playoffs.”                Houston    (101-61)   com-   there was not enough evi-    panded replay began.q
            Carlos Carrasco and Corey  Charlie  Blackmon  led  the    bined  with  the  Dodgers
            Kluber,  and  Kansas  City’s  NL  at  .331,  the  second   for MLB’s sixth season with
            Jason  Vargas  tied  for  the  straight  Colorado  player   three  100-win  teams,  the
            high.                        to  win  and  the  10th  in  20   first since 2003.
            “You  make  32  starts  and  years.  He  was  toasted  in   Minnesota won the second
            you’re  on  a  really  good  the clubhouse by manager     AL wild card at 85-77 and
            team  and  you’re  pitching  Bud Black.                   became  the  first  team  to
            OK, you’ve got a chance.”  “Really  cool,”  Blackmon      make  the  playoffs  follow-
            Kershaw said.                said. “I’m not a big stand-  ing  a  100-loss  season.  The
            With  managers  going  to       up-in-front-of-everybody   Twins were 59-103 last year.
            the  bullpen  earlier  and  kind  of  guy,  but  any  time   San  Diego’s  Luis  Perdomo
            more    often,   complete  you can get such a collec-     became  the  first  pitcher
            games dropped to 59 and  tion of great men to pause       to  hit  four  triples  in  a  sea-
            set  a  record  low  for  the  and  take  a  moment  it’s   son since Robin  Roberts in
            third straight season, down  pretty special.”             1955.q
            from  83  last  year  and  104  Helped  by  the  thin  air  at   AP  Baseball  Writer  Janie
            in 2015. There were 302 as  Coors  Field,  other  Rockies   McCauley,  AP  Sports  Writ-
            recently  as  1998.  Among  batting  champions  in  the   ers  Jimmy  Golen  and  Pat
            those  complete  games  last  two  decades  include       Graham, and AP freelance
            were 27 individual shutouts,  Larry Walker (1998, ‘99, ‘01),   writer Brent New contribut-
            the fewest since 25 in 1878,  Todd Helton (‘00), Matt Hol-  ed to this report.
            when  there  were  just  six  liday (‘07), Carlos Gonzalez   ___
            teams.                       (‘10),  Michael  Cuddyer     More AP baseball: https://
            “I  think  it’s  reflective  of  (‘13),  Justin  Morneau  (‘14)
            how  bullpens  are  being  and DJ LeMahieu (‘16).         baseball
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