P. 20
Tuesday 3 OcTOber 2017
Gano field goal lifts Panthers over Patriots 33-30
By The Associated Press and took it out to 8. The an interception.
FOXBOROUGH, Massachu- Broncos ran out the clock But Seattle answered with
setts (AP) — Graham Gano to hit their bye week at 3-1. a 75-yard drive that was
hit a 48-yard field goal as Oakland (2-2) had cut its capped by McKissic’s
time expired, helping the deficit to six on Giorgio touchdown sprint. Wil-
Carolina Panthers stun the Tavecchio’s 38-yard field son added TD passes of 6
New England Patriots 33-30 goal with 5:23 remaining. yards to Luke Willson and
on Sunday. That came after Brandon 27 yards to McKissic in the
The winner served as re- McManus hit the left up- fourth quarter and the Se-
demption for Gano, who right from 29 yards out ahawks outscored India-
missed an extra point in the early in the fourth quarter napolis 36-3 in the second
third quarter. after nailing kicks from 28, half.
It was the second home 36 and 46 yards. Seattle’s win came with a
loss this season for the usu- SEAHAWKS 46, COLTS 18 big blow in the final minutes
ally unbeatable Patriots at SEATTLE (AP) — J.D. McKis- when starting running back
Gillette Stadium. The de- sic took the second carry Chris Carson sustained a
feat marked just the sec- of his career 30 yards for left leg injury.
ond time since 2012 that a touchdown and Bobby CARDINALS 18, 49ERS 12,
Tom Brady has lost two Wagner scooped up Mar- OT
home starts within a sea- cus Smith’s forced fumble GLENDALE, Arizona (AP)
son. and rumbled 21 yards for a — Carson Palmer threw
Cam Newton threw for score in a 13-second span 19 yards to Larry Fitzgerald
three touchdowns and late in the third quarter that with 32 seconds left in over-
ran for another. Jonathan helped Seattle beat India- time for the game’s only
Stewart rushed 14 times for napolis. touchdown. The scoring
68 yards to pass DeAngelo Justin Coleman added a had been limited to nine
Williams and become the 28-yard interception return field goals on an ugly after-
franchise’s all-time leading for a TD in the first half and noon in the desert before
rusher. Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton celebrates his Seattle overcame a sleepy Palmer directed a seven-
Newton finished 22 of 29 for rushing touchdown against the New England Patriots during the first 30 minutes from its of- play, 75-yard drive with
316 yards and an intercep- second half of an NFL football game, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017, in fense. 1:52 to play.
tion, picking apart a New Foxborough, Mass. Associated Press Russell Wilson threw two Fitzgerald, who had three
England defense that was touchdown passes and catches for 13 yards before
giving up an NFL-worst 461 BRONCOS 16, RAIDERS 10 Broncos found themselves two interceptions, but his the winning grab, rose to
yards and 31.7 points per DENVER (AP) — The Bron- in danger of frittering away most important play was catch the ball under tight
game. The Patriots (2-2) cos throttled running back an AFC West showdown a 23-yard run in the third coverage by Rashard Rob-
forced a pair of turnovers, Marshawn Lynch and sent they had dominated. Trail- quarter to give Seattle an inson.
but had trouble containing quarterback Derek Carr to ing by six, Manuel heaved 18-15 lead. Adam Vinatieri Robbie Gould kicked his
Newton’s stable of targets. the sideline with a back in- a high toss to Amari Coo- pulled the Colts even at 18 fifth field goal, a 23-yarder
Carolina (3-1) finished with jury, then sealed their win per just after the two-min- as the Colts capitalized on with 2:24 left in overtime to
444 total yards, marking on safety Justin Simmons’ ute warning. Wilson’s second intercep- put the 49ers ahead 15-12.
the fourth straight game interception of EJ Manuel Simmons, who won the job tion. Phil Dawson kicked four
the Patriots have given up at the Denver 8 in the clos- from three-time Pro Bowl Graham dropped a catch- field goals for the Cardi-
at least 300 yards. ing minutes. safety T.J. Ward this sum- able pass and it was inter- nals (2-2), whose two vic-
Brady finished 32 of 45 for Despite holding Lynch to 12 mer, came down with the cepted by Malik Hooker, tories both have come in
307 yards and two scores. yards on nine carries, the ball just shy of the goal line his third straight game with overtime.q
Nadal credits passion and overcoming injuries for success
BEIJING (AP) — Passion, ATP singles titles and will tire before the tournament
and overcoming injuries, be trying to add this year’s starts for me.”Also, U.S.
are the key to Rafael Nad- China Open title to the one Open champion Sloane
al’s recent success. he took home as a teenag- Stephens was beaten by
The top-ranked Spaniard er in 2005. Christina McHale 6-3, 6-0.
won the French Open and Nadal has made the tour- “It was a tough day,” Ste-
the U.S. Open this year, nament’s final in three of phens said. “There’s not
and reclaimed the No. 1 his six earlier appearances really much to say about.
spot from Andy Murray. and has a 20-5 record in Obviously not a great
His next event is the China Beijing.In the first round on match, so just forget about
Open.“I had some injuries, Monday, top-ranked Garb- it and try to move on.”
but good thing is I keep ine Muguruza retired from In other women’s matches,
having the passion for the her opening match with a former No. 1 Caroline Woz-
game and the love for cold. Muguruza dropped niacki beat Anastasia Pav-
what I am doing and the the first set 6-2 and was lyuchenkova 6-2, 6-2, while
spirit of overcome tough trailing 2-0 against Barbora Peng Shuai, Elena Vesn-
situations in terms of physi- Strycova when she decid- ina, Elise Mertens, Coco
cal issues,” the Spaniard Rafael Nadal of Spain speaks during a news conference of the ed to stop.“I couldn’t per- Vandeweghe and Alize
said. “Of course, the spirit China Open tennis tournament at the Diamond Court in Beijing, form today,” said the Span- Cornet also won.Men’s
of improvement: every day Monday, Oct. 2, 2017. iard, who said she picked winners included fifth-seed-
when I wake up, going on Nadal will open against their previous meeting last up a virus at the Wuhan ed Roberto Bautista Agut,
court with the goal of do- Lucas Pouille on Tuesday year. Open last week but want- Mischa Zverev, Steve Dar-
ing something better than at the China Open. The Nadal is 56-9 this season. ed to try to play despite her cis, Fabio Fognini and Aljaz
what I was doing.” Frenchman beat Nadal in He leads the tour with five illness. “I don’t want to re- Bedene.q