P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 12 June 2018

             Republicans reluctant to criticize Trump’s actions abroad

                                                                                                   of  his  presidential  tweets.  age  in  trade  talks  —  say,
                                                                                                   Many have said their over-   to  reduce  the  Canadian
                                                                                                   all  strategy  in  dealing  with  tariffs  on  U.S.  dairy  imports
                                                                                                   the White House is to steer  —  he’d  be  willing  to  con-
                                                                                                   the  administration  toward  sider  them.  But  he  told  a
                                                                                                   shared goals.                local radio station that the
                                                                                                   But  they  are  also  coming  president is using the tariffs
                                                                                                   to realize that on the trade  “for the wrong ends.” They
                                                                                                   issues that set Trump off at  agreed to disagree.
                                                                                                   the  G-7  —  and  led  to  his  But that doesn’t mean the
                                                                                                   specific attack against Ca-  legislation to halt the tariffs
                                                                                                   nadian Prime Minister Justin  has  much  chance  of  pas-
                                                                                                   Trudeau  over  his  country’s  sage  in  Congress.  Repub-
                                                                                                   steep  dairy  tariffs  —  they  lican  leaders  are  reluctant
                                                                                                   might  have  irreconcilable  to  tack  the  tariff  measure
                                                                                                   differences with the Repub-  onto  a  must-pass  defense
                                                                                                   lican Party leader.          bill, which includes pay rais-
                                                                                                   Sen.  Lindsey  Graham,  R-   es for the troops, worried it
                                                                                                   S.C.,  said  Trump  won  the  would get bogged down.
                                                                                                   presidency by tapping into  “If you gave truth serum to
                                                                                                   a  protectionist  strain  that’s  the  caucus,  I  would  say  it
                                                                                                   increasingly   popular   in  would  be  near  unanimous
                                                                                                   America,  and  around  the  that  the  substance  of  this
                                                                                                   globe,  and  it’s  calling  into  amendment  is  something
                                                                                                   question  the  GOP’s  long-  they would support,” Corker
                                                                                                   standing  preference  for  said of his proposal. “There
                                                                                                   free  trade  and  open  mar-  are  a  number  of  people
             U.S. President Donald Trump leaves the G7 Leaders Summit in La Malbaie, Que., on Saturday, June   kets.            that  obviously  don’t  want
             9, 2018., with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, left, and National Security Adviser John Bolton.   “I’m  not  sure  a  majority  of  to counter the president. To
                                                                                  Associated Press  Americans believe that glo-  me, we are a separate but
            By LISA MASCARO              McConnell  declined  pub-    Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., was  balization and free trade is  equal branch.”
            AP  Congressional  Corre-    lic comment, as did House  among  those  willing  to  in  our  interests,”  Graham  “I’m intellectually with him,”
            spondent                     Speaker Paul Ryan. In fact,  speak his mind, and the ail-  said on ABC. Graham said  Graham  said  of  Corker’s
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-     only  a  few  Republicans  ing  Sen.  John  McCain  has  he and McCain still believe  amendment.  “I’m  just  not
            publicans  in  Congress  are  said anything at all.       rarely been one to shy from  in  trade,  “but  I’m  not  sure  so  sure  we  should  cut  the
            often  hesitant  to  publicly  “There’s  just  some  mov-  a fight.                    most Americans agree with  president’s  legs  out  from
            criticize  President  Donald  ies  you  don’t  want  to  see  “To our allies: bipartisan ma-  John  McCain  and  Lindsey  under him right now.”
            Trump,  even  when  they  again,”  said  Sen.  Pat  Rob-  jorities of Americans remain  Graham.”                    Democrats are eager to fill
            have    strong    disagree-  erts,  R-Kan.  “It  was  what  it  pro-free  trade,  pro-global-  Still,  some  senators  are  try-  the  void  in  pushing  back
            ments.  And  the  reaction  was.”                         ization  &  supportive  of  alli-  ing to push back. A group  against Trump.
            after his outbursts over the  Sen.  Mike  Rounds,  R-S.D.,  ances based on 70 years of  of Republicans is struggling  Senate   Minority   Leader
            Group  of  Seven  summit  said  he  wanted  to  know  shared  values.  Americans  this  week  with  legislation  Chuck  Schumer,  D-N.Y.,
            was not much different.      what provoked Trump, say-    stand with you, even if our  from  Sen.  Bob  Corker,  R-  criticized  Trump’s  call  for
            Trump  badmouthed  the  ing  the  president  doesn’t  president  doesn’t,”  Mc-        Tenn.,  and  Sen.  Pat  Toom-  Russia to rejoin the G-7.
            prime  minister  of  Canada.  usually  attack  first,  but  is  Cain said on Twitter.  ey, R-Pa., to prevent Trump  And even though Schumer
            Abandoned  a  joint  state-  more  of  a  counter-punch-  Some  Republicans  say  it  is  from  imposing  tariffs  on  shares  Trump’s  concerns
            ment  with  longtime  trad-  er. Still, he doesn’t like “that  protocol not to criticize the  steel and aluminum imports  about  the  dairy  tariffs  that
            ing  partners.  And  soured  kind of language any time.”  commander  in  chief  while  in the name of national se-  hit  his  upstate  industry,  he
            relations with top U.S. allies  “It’s  better  if  we  keep  he’s traveling abroad — es-  curity.                   tweeted  of  the  summit:
            in one of the most startling  those  kinds  of  comments  pecially now, as Trump be-   Trump called Toomey over-    “Are  we  executing  Putin’s
            outbursts  ever  at  the  typi-  and  those  arguments  with  gins the historic summit with  night  Sunday  from  Singa-  diplomatic  and  national
            cally  diplomatic  G-7  sum-  friends,  in  private,”  said  North  Korean  leader  Kim  pore  for  a  20-minute  con-  security  strategy  or  AMER-
            mit.                         Rounds.                      Jong Un in Singapore.        versation on trade.          ICA’s  diplomatic  and  na-
            Yet  Republican  leadership  That  left  the  heavy  mop-  Others remain fearful of pro-  Toomey  said  Monday  that  tional  security  strategy?
            in Congress said little. Sen-  up  mostly  to  those  who  voking Trump, worried they  if  the  president  intended  After the last few days, it’s
            ate  Majority  Leader  Mitch  are  retiring  from  Congress.  will  become  the  subject  to  use  the  tariffs  as  lever-  hard to tell.”q
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