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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 June 2018

            Poll: Americans want more of what journalists want to report

            By DAVID BAUDER                                                                                                     of trust has declined.
            AP Media Writer                                                                                                     Lamar  Walker,  of  Hunts-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  There’s                                                                                         ville, Alabama, said he fol-
            substantial  agreement  on                                                                                          lows the news on his smart-
            what Americans want from                                                                                            phone  and  smart  TV  and
            the news media and what                                                                                             feels smarter for it. He thinks
            journalists  want  to  report,                                                                                      the news media is doing an
            according to a pair of stud-                                                                                        “excellent” job.
            ies that also reveal a trou-                                                                                        “As  long  as  they’re  telling
            bling  caveat:  a  nagging                                                                                          the  truth,  a  lot  of  people
            feeling  among  both  the                                                                                           are going to like the news,”
            ideal isn’t being met.                                                                                              Walker  said.  The  poll  of
            Public   suspicion   about                                                                                          2,019  adults  was  conduct-
            journalism is also fueled by                                                                                        ed March 21 through April
            some basic misunderstand-                                                                                           17. It used a sample drawn
            ings  on  how  the  process                                                                                         from  NORC’s  probability-
            works, particularly in an era                                                                                       based  AmeriSpeak  panel,
            of  rapid  change,  accord-                                                                                         which  is  designed  to  be
            ing  to  the  twin  surveys  of                                                                                     representative  of  the  U.S.
            the  American  public  and                                                                                          population.  The  margin  of
            journalists  released  Mon-                                                                                         sampling error for all adults
            day  by  the  Media  Insight                                                                                        is  plus  or  minus  3  percent-
            Project.  The  effort  is  a  col-                                                                                  age  points.  Respondents
            laboration  between  The                                                                                            were  first  selected  ran-
            Associated     Press-NORC    Newseum  visitors  browse  newspaper  front  pages  displayed  outside  the  museum  in   domly using address-based
            Center for Public Affairs Re-  Washington, Monday, June 11, 2018.                                                   sampling  methods,  and
            search  and  the  American                                                                       Associated Press   later  interviewed  online  or
            Press Institute.             Anna  Retana,  a  mother  felt it was fairly accurate.    of  journalists  view  this  as  by phone. The poll of 1,127
            The  close  look  at  attitudes  of  five  from  Emumclaw,  There’s  broad  agreement   their role.                 journalists  was  conducted
            comes in the midst of Presi-  Washington, said that she’s  that  journalists  need  to  do   There’s  some  good  news  March  1  through  April  12
            dent  Donald  Trump’s  re-   cut back on her news con-    a  better  job  of  explaining   about  journalism.  When  using  a  sample  selected
            lentless attacks on the news  sumption.                   their  work.  Sixty-eight  per-  Americans are asked about  from a database of media
            media  and  the  continued  “Most  people  who  watch  cent of the public said the     their  favorite  news  organi-  contacts maintained by Ci-
            downsizing of the econom-    the  news  or  read  a  news-  media should offer more in-  zation, a third of them say  sion  Media  Research.  The
            ically  beleaguered  news-   paper,  they’re  wanting  to  formation about its sources   they trust it more than they  margin of sampling error for
            paper  industry.  It  has  left  find out the truth,” Retana  —  and  66  percent  of  the   did a year ago, while only  all journalists is plus or minus
            journalists  beaten  down:  said.  “They  don’t  want  to  journalists  agree.  Nearly   about 1 in 10 say their level  3.5 percentage points.q
            The surveys found about 3  have  tons  of  propaganda  half of the public said jour-
            in  4  journalists  believe  the  to  sift  through,  and  that’s  nalists  should  explain  how
            public’s level of trust in the  what we see a lot of.”    their  story  was  reported
            news media has decreased  Journalists  can’t  take  for  and 42 percent of the jour-
            in the past year. Yet only 44  granted  that  the  public  nalists said the same thing.
            percent of American adults  knows  what  it’s  getting,  “You  need  to  explain  the
            actually  say  their  level  of  Rosenstiel  said.  Much  of  mystery  of  how  the  meal
            trust has decreased.         journalism’s  shared  lan-   was  cooked,”  Rosenstiel
            The  public  actually  wants  guage  and  structure  is  said. “We ought to take a
            what  most  journalists  say  rooted  in  newspapers,  yet  cue  from  the  way  people
            they want to give them —  many  Americans  get  their  go to the grocery store. Be-
            news  stories  that  are  fac-  news through social media  fore  they  buy  something,
            tual and offer context and  streams,  where  it  isn’t  al-  they  need  to  learn  what
            analysis,  said  Tom  Rosen-  ways clear from where sto-  the ingredients are.”
            stiel,  executive  director  of  ries  come,  Rosenstiel  said.  The  public  and  journalists
            the American Press Institute.  Newspapers have “op-ed”  answered similarly on what
            But the public doesn’t feel  sections,  yet  half  of  the  each  thought  the  media
            like they’re seeing enough  public  doesn’t  know  what  should  be  doing,  with  one
            of  that  work,  with  42  per-  the term means.          major   exception.    Only
            cent  of  Americans  saying  That may contribute to the  a  little  more  than  half  of
            journalists stray too far into  finding that most American  the  people  said  the  press
            commentary, according to  adults  aged  18  to  29  think  should act as a watchdog
            the new research.            the  news  is  fairly  inaccu-  to powerful people and in-
            That’s  one  reason  that  rate,  while  most  above  30  stitutions,  while  93  percent
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