Page 16 - KPA 9 JAN,2016
P. 16

A2                                                                                                      Prosecutors: Paris fugitive hid
                                                                                                                              out in suspected bomb factory
 UP FRONTSaturday 9 January 2016
                                                                                                                              JOHN DAHLBURG
Mexico:                                                                                                                       Associated Press
                                                                                                                              BRUSSELS (AP) — Belgian prosecutors on Friday re-
Drug Lord “El Chapo” Guzman Recaptured                                                                                        vealed new details about the biggest mystery in the
                                                                                                                              Paris attacks: What happened to fugitive Salah Ab-
      Continued from front     enforcement official said       transnational organized                                        deslam after he ditched his car and explosive vest?
                               Guzman was captured at          crime, violence, and drug                                      After slipping through a police dragnet, they said, he
But Pena Nieto gave a brief    a motel on the outskirts of     trafficking,” a DEA state-                                     apparently hid out in the same Brussels apartment that
live message Friday after-     Los Mochis.                     ment said.                                                     served as the killers’ bomb factory.
noon that focused heav-        Given Guzman’s penchant         The U.S. Justice Depart-                                       “We found material to make explosives, we found
ily on touting the compe-      for escaping through tun-       ment commended the                                             traces of explosives and we found three belts. So you
tency of his administration,   nels, the details of his cap-   working relationship as well.                                  don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to make the right
which has suffered a series    ture, once they are re-         “I salute the Mexican law                                      deduction,” Belgian Federal Prosecutor Eric Van der
of embarrassments and          leased by Mexican officials,    enforcement and mili-                                          Sypt told The Associated Press.
scandals in the first half of  are sure to be startling.       tary personnel who have                                        Also discovered during a Dec. 10 police search of the
his presidency.                After his first capture in      worked tirelessly in recent                                    third-floor residence on the Rue Henri Berge: one of
“The arrest of today is very   Guatemala in June 1993,         months to bring Guzman to                                      26-year-old Abdeslam’s fingerprints, the Federal Pros-
                                                                                                                              ecutor’s Office announced in a statement.
In this Feb. 22, 2014 file photo, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted to a helicopter in handcuffs                          A Brussels native whose older brother, Brahim, was one
by Mexican navy marines at a navy hanger in Mexico City, Mexico. Mexican President Enrique                                    of the Paris suicide bombers, Abdeslam is believed to
Pena Nieto posted on his Twitter account, Friday, Jan. 8, 2016, that drug lord Joaquin ‘Chapo’ Guz-                           have played a key logistical role in the Nov. 13 car-
man has been recaptured.                                                                                                      nage in which 130 people lost their lives. Islamic State
                                                                                                                              extremists have claimed responsibility for the mass kill-
                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)  ings.
                                                                                                                              Early on the morning of Nov. 14, Abdeslam called two
important for the govern-      Guzman was sentenced            justice,” Attorney General                                     friends in Brussels to come fetch him from the French
ment of Mexico. It shows       to 20 years in prison. He       Loretta Lynch said.                                            capital.
that the public can have       reportedly made his 2001        A Mexican law enforce-                                         A French gendarme stopped the three men in their
confidence in its institu-     escape from the maximum         ment official said authori-                                    car near the border, but released them. Authorities
tions,” Pena Nieto said.       security prison in a laundry    ties located Guzman sev-                                       now believe Abdeslam arrived later that same day
“Mexicans can count on a       cart, though some have          eral days ago, based on                                        at the apartment in the Schaerbeek district of the Bel-
government decided and         discounted that version.        reports he was in Los Mo-                                      gian capital, eventually was picked up by someone
determined to build a bet-     His second escape last July     chis.                                                          else, “and we lost him,” Van der Sypt said.
ter country.”                  was even more audacious.        The official, who was not                                      It’s not yet clear when Abdeslam was most recently in
Guzman was apprehend-          He slipped down a hole in       authorized to be quoted                                        the apartment, he said.
ed after a shootout with       his shower stall in plain view  by name, said authorities                                      Now the target of an international manhunt, Ab-
Mexican marines in Los         of guards into a mile-long      had even searched storm                                        deslam’s whereabouts remain unknown. “If we knew
Mochis, a seaside city in      tunnel dug from a property      drains in the area. In 2014,                                   where he was, we’d catch him,” said Van der Sypt.
Guzman’s home state of         outside the prison.             Guzman escaped capture                                         Earlier unconfirmed reports said he was spotted two
Sinaloa, said a federal of-    The tunnel was complete         by fleeing through a net-                                      days after the Paris attacks in Liege in eastern Belgium,
ficial who spoke on condi-     with ventilation, lights and    work of interconnected                                         heading toward Germany.
tion of anonymity because      a motorbike on rails, illus-    tunnels in the drainage                                        Last month, some Belgian tabloids reported he’d been
he was not authorized to       trating the extent to which     system in Culiacan, the                                        smuggled Nov. 16 out of a hideout in Molenbeek, an-
be quoted by name. He          corruption was involved in      Sinaloa state capital.                                         other Brussels neighborhood where he and other Par-
said Guzman was taken          covering up such an elab-       The Mexican Navy said in                                       is attackers lived, by an accomplice who feigned a
alive and was not wound-       orate operation.                a statement that marines                                       household move and hid him inside a piece of furni-
ed.                            In the United States, the       acting on a tip raided a                                       ture.
Five people were killed        Drug Enforcement Admin-         home in Los Mochis before                                      Van der Sypt said authorities decided to release infor-
and one Mexican marine         istration hailed the capture    dawn. They were fired on                                       mation about last month’s search to dispel inaccura-
wounded in the clash at        as proof of the close rela-     from inside the structure,                                     cies published by some media. Refusing to disclose
a house. It was unclear        tionship between the two        it said. Five suspects were                                    specifics, the prosecutor said evidence acquired in
if Guzman was there or         countries. “The arrest is a     killed and six others arrest-                                  the apartment “has helped us get further in the inves-
nearby when the raid was       significant achievement         ed. The marine’s injuries                                      tigation.”
under way. Another law         in our shared fight against     were not life threatening.q                                    According to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, the resi-
                                                                                                                              dence on a quiet Schaerbeek street flanked on both
                                                                                                                              sides by row houses was rented under a false identity
                                                                                                                              that may have been used by one of the people cur-
                                                                                                                              rently held in Belgium on suspicion of aiding and abet-
                                                                                                                              ting the Paris attackers.
                                                                                                                              That person was not identified by Belgian authorities.
                                                                                                                              One of the 10 men arrested, Ali Oulkadi, a welder and
                                                                                                                              restaurant deliveryman from Molenbeek, is suspected
                                                                                                                              of being the person who drove Abdeslam to Schaer-
                                                                                                                              beek from another district of Brussels. Detained Nov.
                                                                                                                              22, Oulkadi has been charged with participation in the
                                                                                                                              activities of a terrorist group and terrorist murders.
                                                                                                                              Inside the Rue Henri Berge apartment, three hand-
                                                                                                                              made belts were found by police, and “could have
                                                                                                                              been intended for the transport of explosives,” the
                                                                                                                              prosecutor’s office said.q
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