Page 21 - KPA 9 JAN,2016
P. 21
24 AWEMainta Diasabra, 9 Januari 2016
Some Books on Tourism! Innovative Approaches from an Na Corsou
1) Tourism Security:Strategies for International Perspective. Eds Thomas Albert:
Effectively Managing Travel Risk and Safety Publisher: Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Il; Polis a detene
by Peter Tarlow ISBN: 978-0-12-411570-5 USA. Mailing Orders may be obtained dos lardon,
2) Event Risk Management and Safety directly to use: kendenan
(ISBN 0-471-40168-4) by Peter E. Tarlow, tabatin
published by John Wiley & Sons. Presenting 16) Abordagem Multidisciplinar dos Cruzeiros e.o. placa
theory and practical applications. To Turísticos (A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Arubiano cu
purchase this book, visit http://www.wiley. the Study of Cruises) by Dr. Peter Tarlow, nan
com/ or If you Ericka Amorim, Cyntia Andrade, Nina
would like Dr. Tarlow to speak or train people Cardona and Valéria Mariotti. Please contact WILLEMSTAD – Ayera diabièrnè 8 di
in this area, please contact him at ptarlow@ Ericka Amorim at email: erickaaa@msn. com for information on how to obtain a copy. janüari 2016, alrededor di 03.40 ’or di
3) Restoring Tourism Destinations in 17) The Tourism Gaze 3.0 by John Urry and madruga, un patruya policial a bay na un
Crisis by Dr David Beirman: Published Jonas Larsen. An all new updated version of snack na Barber caminda nan mester a
By Allen & Unwin (Australia & SE Asia) and a great classic. Published by Sage. tende zonido riba dak di e snack.
CABI Publishing North America/ Europe 18) “A Supply Chain Management Guide E patruya cu a yega n’e sitio a topa cu dos
2003. For more information contact the to Business Continuity.” By Betty Kildow. hòmber den e snack. Durante búskeda
author at This book provides guidance for ensuring Polis a bin haña un arma di candela
4) Leisure Travel: A Marketing Handbook, by tourism supply continuity in today’s risky scondí den e snack.
Stanley Plog, Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper world. To find out more, contact the author Den plafònd di e snack Polis a haña
Saddle River, NJ, 2004. It’s available through at: máscara y un ròl di tape. Tambe Polis a
the website of Pearson Prentice-Hall for $25. 19) New!!! 25 Marketing Strategies to haña un tas di schouder cu basta dòlar
5) Tourism in Turbulent Times. Toward Build Your Outdoor Recreation Business by Mericano, Euro y placa Arubiano y pega
Safe Experiences for Visitors. Edited by Jeff Evanne Schmarder and Peter Pelland. cu e snack Polis a haña un auto scondí
Wilks, Donna Pendergast, and Peter Leggart. Published by Train Rec Productions. Please tras di un negoshi.
Published by Elsevier. contact E. Schmarder evanne@roadabode. En coneccion cu ariba mencioná Polis a
com on where to purchase this book or find detené e dos hòmbernan: M.R.M.L., 24
6) Tourism Security & Safety, from Theory it on amazon aña di edad y J.W.A., 24 aña di edad,
to Practice. Edited by Yoel Mansfeld and Unconventional-Wisdom-Works-Strategies- ambos naci na Còrsou.
Abraham Pizam, published by Elsevier. Recreation/dp/0984995579
7) The Economics of Tourism Destinations, by A confiscá e arma, e auto y tur sobra
Norbert Vanhove, Published by Elsevier 20) In Spanish: La Nueva Fiebre del artículo ariba mencioná pa mas
8) Terrorism and the Economy, edited by Oro. Las otras ciudades del turismo investigacion.
Karin W. Glaser, For more information please en el Caribe (Varadero, Bavaro- Punta A bay warda cu e dos (2) sospechosonan
go to: Cana). To obtain a copy of this book unda a presentá nan dilanti di un
catalogus/terrorism-and-the-economy-1# please visit: GGU-AGE: http://www. Fiscal auxiliar kende a ordená na
9) Beach Safety and the Law, Edited by Jeff encarcelamento pa mas investigacion.
Wilks published by Queensland (Australia) OCDS UIB:
Law Society digitalAssets/221/221991_Las-otras- Mesun diabièrnè 8 di janüari 2016
10) Media Strategies for Marketing Places ciudades-del-turismo-en-El-Caribe.pdf alrededor di 09.40’or di mainta, Central
in Crisis, by Eli Avraham and Eran ketter 21) En español: Turismo en el Caribe, di Polis a ricibí notificacion di un cas cu
Published by Elsevier por “esús Manuel González Pérez y tabata na candela den Monte Verde.
otros. Please contact Dr. Gonzalez for Mesora a dirigí un unidad policial n’e
11) Tourism Development: Growth, Myths additional information: jesus.gonzalez@ sitio hunto cu Cuerpo di Bombero.
and Inequalities. Burns, P. and Novelli M. Na nan yegada nan a topa un cas di
eds. (2008). Wallingford: CABI 22) Tourism: Principles and Practices: palo cu tabata na candela. Un auto den
12) Tourism Management: Analysis, by John Fletcher, Alan Fyall, David Gilbert, becindario di e cas tambe a pega candela.
Behavior and Strategy, edited by Woodside and Stephen Wanhill. Published by Pearson E cas a kima completo, y e auto tambe a
and Martin, published by Cabi, London, 23) Sustainable Cultural Tourism: Small- haña daño considerabel parti dilanti dor
England Scale Solutions by Susan Guyette, Ph.D. di e candela aki.
13)TourismandMobility, Burns,P.and Novelli ISBN: 978-0-9858788-0-1 On Investigacion den e caso aki ta continuá.
M. eds. (2008). Wallingford: CABI. 24) Twenty Years of Tourism Tidbits: by Dr.
14) Two new books for Spanish readers: Peter Tarlow and Dr. Tom Marrs. The Book
(1) Inversión Hotelera, by Alfredo is now on Kindle and Amazon. Please go to
Ascanio and Turismo Sustentable both
by Alfredo Ascanio and Marcus
Vinicius Campos, You can purchase both of YEARS-TOURISM-TIDBITS-ebook/dp/
these books at B004Q9TIWW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&m=
busqueda/php AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=books&qid=12992
15) The Ethics of Terrorism: 76788&sr=1-2