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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Friday, February 5, 2016
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, left, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, pose for a photo before debating at the University of New Hampshire
Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016, in Durham, N.H.
Associated Press
Democratic race down to just two: Clinton, Sanders face off
NANCY BENAC “I do not accept the be- per-thin margin of victory in less than Sanders and the vote in the state where she
LISA LERER lief that the United States Iowa’s leadoff caucuses. first time she’s been out- defeated Barack Obama
Associated Press of America can’t do that,” The tone of their back-and- raised by her opponent. in 2008 before ultimately
DURHAM, New Hampshire Sanders said of his plan for forth has become increas- Her finance director called losing the nomination to
(AP) — Hillary Clinton and universal health care and ingly sharp, and the candi- the numbers “a very loud him. Her prospects are
Bernie Sanders tangled in of his efforts to take on “the dates agreed to add four wake-up call” in a fundrais- much stronger in primaries
their first one-on-one de- rip-offs of the pharmaceu- more debates to the pri- ing email to supporters. and caucuses after New
bate Thursday night over tical industry.” Clinton in- mary season schedule. Heading into the debate, Hampshire, as the race
how to achieve liberal sisted they both want the The debate is the last be- Sanders was eager to low- moves on to states with
goals such as health care same thing, “the disagree- fore Tuesday’s first-in-the- er expectations for his finish more diverse electorates
for all and a better educa- ment is where do we start nation New Hampshire pri- in New Hampshire, casting that are to her advantage.
tion system. from and where do we end mary, and Sanders holds a himself as an underdog The Durham debate is the
Clinton dismissed Sand- up.” The race for the Dem- big lead in polls in the state. against “the most powerful first faceoff for Clinton and
ers’ proposals as “just not ocratic nomination, once In fresh evidence of the political organization in the Sanders since former Mary-
achievable,” while Sanders seen as a sure thing for Clin- tightening race, Clinton country.” Clinton, for her land Gov. Martin O’Malley
countered that Clinton was ton, intensified this week af- reported that her cam- part, signaled her determi- dropped out of the race
willing to settle for less than ter Sanders held the former paign had raised $15 mil- nation to at least narrow after a poor showing in
Americans deserve. secretary of state to a whis- lion in January — $5 million the gap before Tuesday’s Iowa.q