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Friday 5 February 2016
General says troop
cuts constrain
Afghan training mission
RICHARD LARDNER I am ordered.” He said the U.S. Forces-Afghanistan Commander and Resolute Support Commander Gen. John Campbell
Associated Press decision to announce the testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016, before a Senate Armed Services
WASHINGTON (AP) — The troop withdrawals was a Committee hearing about the situation in Afghanistan.
ability to train and advise policy decision and not a
the still green Afghan se- military one. Associated Press
curity forces will be con- Campbell acknowledged
strained if the U.S. troop that publicly revealing the about 9,800 would stay military phrase “conditions gains made since 2002,
level is cut to 5,500 as troop cuts could allow the
President Barack Obama enemy to “wait us out.” in place through most of based.” when the U.S. committed
has proposed, the senior At the same time, he said,
American commander in openly debating and dis- 2016, Obama said in Oc- Reed also said he wants to rebuilding the country.
Afghanistan said on Thurs- agreeing with the decision
day. “hurts us as well.” tober 2015 during remarks to hear from the officer Nearly $64 billion has been
Army Gen. John F. Camp- “Ultimately the president
bell told the Senate Armed makes the decision, and from the Roosevelt Room Obama selected to re- allotted so far for training
Services Committee that that’s the policy that we
“very little” training will be follow,” Campbell said. in the White House. The re- place Campbell as the U.S. and equipping the Afghan
done with fewer American “We follow orders. If it’s not duction to 5,500 would oc- commander in Afghani- army and police.
forces. immoral, (if) it’s not illegal, cur “by the end of 2016,” stan, Army Lt. Gen. John Yet patience among other
Campbell, who is expected then you’ve got to do to
to retire soon, sparred with the best of your ability to Obama said, although Nicholson Jr. During a hear- lawmakers is fraying with
the committee’s chairman, make sure that you can
Republican Sen. John Mc- accomplish the mission.” he didn’t specify exactly ing last week, Nicholson the finish line so far away.
Cain of Arizona, and other McCain said it’s unrealistic
senators over the wisdom to expect a reduced force when. The smaller force said he would immediately The Afghans won’t be able
of the troop reductions. to handle the dual mission would still be expected to conduct a rigorous as- to independently sustain
McCain, one of Obama’s of training the Afghans handle the twin duties of sessment of troop require- their security forces until
harshest critics on national and counterterrorism. “This
security issues, wanted to smaller American force training the Afghans and ments. Reed said Nichol- 2024, according to Camp-
know whether the troop will inevitably be forced to
number is adequate to shoulder a higher level of counterterrorism. son’s review should be giv- bell.Campbell also testified
perform the training mission risk to themselves, to their
as well as counterterrorism mission and to the nation- “I want to keep 9,800 as en “extraordinary weight.” Tuesday before the House
operations as Obama has al security of the United
said it would be. States,” McCain said. long as I can before I drop The committee approved Armed Services Commit-
Campbell said much will Initially, Obama said he
depend on how quickly would trim the U.S. force in down to 5,500,” Campbell Nicholson’s selection Thurs- tee. During both appear-
the Afghan forces improve. Afghanistan to 5,500 troops
If they don’t, he said, by the end of last year, said. day, and the full Senate ances, he described the
the number of American and then down to 1,000
troops will most likely need by the end of 2016. But Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., the backed the nomination Afghan security forces as
to increase. Obama backtracked, say-
But Campbell, who is plan- ing the situation remained committee’s ranking Dem- on a voice vote later in the becoming increasingly
ning to retire from military too fragile for such a rapid
service, said he is prepar- withdrawal. ocrat, agreed with McCain day. competent. Yet significant
ing to go down to 5,500 “as The current U.S. force of
that any further withdraw- Obama’s critics said leav- hurdles remain, and persis-
als of U.S. troops should ing the Afghans without tent training and advising
be based on the situation enough American military is required to overcome
in Afghanistan, using the trainers would imperil the them, he said.q
Judge: U.S. citizen serving as foreign diplomat can face trial
LARRY NEUMEISTER businessman. Lorenzo, who designed to give diplomats argument was the first time the fall on charges that
Associated Press has pleaded not guilty and with dual citizenship a “get the 2nd Circuit had con- he participated in a con-
NEW YORK (AP) — A U.S. is free on bail, had claimed out of jail free card.” fronted the question. He spiracy that prosecutors
citizen serving as a foreign he was entitled to diplo- Broderick said Lorenzo said lawyers now planned say caused more than a
diplomat from the Domini- matic immunity as an am- could still claim immunity to review 1.3 million pages million dollars in bribes from
can Republic is not immune bassador from the Domini- from prosecution for official of evidence turned over Chinese businessmen to be
from criminal prosecution can Republic. acts taken in connection by prosecutors and “move given to John Ashe, a for-
in a United Nations brib- The judge said Lorenzo’s with his diplomatic posi- forward with our motion mer diplomat from Antigua
ery scandal, a judge ruled interpretation of law would tion. He noted that Lorenzo to dismiss the indictment and Barbuda who served in
Thursday. U.S. District Judge mean he could not be is not subject to expulsion on ‘officials act’ immunity the largely ceremonial post
Vernon Broderick said Fran- criminally prosecuted for from the United States, as a grounds.” Lorenzo, who as head of the 193-nation
cis Lorenzo can be pros- any crime as a U.S. citizen non-U.S. citizen would be if lives in the Bronx, has been assembly from September
ecuted in a bribery case even though the Depart- he were accused of crimi- suspended from his posi- 2013 to September 2014.
that also resulted in the ar- ment of State had not nal acts. “We are extremely tion as deputy U.N. ambas- Ashe, who is free on bail,
rest of a former president of granted him diplomatic im- disappointed,” said de- sador from the Dominican has pleaded not guilty to
the U.N. General Assembly munity. Broderick said dip- fense lawyer Brian Bieber. Republic. tax fraud charges brought
and a billionaire Chinese lomatic immunity was not He noted that his immunity Lorenzo was arrested in against him in the fall.q