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Friday 5 February 2016
No one submits verified claim
for $63 million lotto jackpot
ROBERT JABLON 5.p.m deadline. “So we fices,” a Wednesday state- In this Jan. 13, 2016 file photo, customers wait to buy lottery tick-
Associated Press can say as of right now, no ment said. ets at the Blue Bird liguor store in Hawthorne, Calif.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Luck one has come forward with The SuperLotto Plus ticket
may have run out for the the winning ticket. was sold on Aug. 8 at a Associated Press
winner of a California Lot- But we have had lots of in- 7-Eleven store in Los Ange-
tery jackpot: The person quiries and the potential for les. The winning numbers ber stamp,” Traverso said Between $20 million and
has apparently let $63 mil- more claims.” were: 46-1-33-30-16 and Wednesday. $30 million in prizes from
lion slip away. If none of the claims pan the Mega number: 24. The previous largest un- various California games
Nobody showed up at a out, it will be the largest A California winner also has claimed California Lottery go unclaimed every year,
state lottery office by 5 p.m. unclaimed prize in Califor- not come forward to share prize was $28.5 million. It’s Traverso said. Last year, the
Thursday with the ticket or nia Lottery history and the in the Jan. 13 multistate harder to determine the total was about $27.1 mil-
submitted a verified claim money will go to the state’s Powerball prize of $1.6 bil- largest unclaimed prize for lion.
for the prize, lottery spokes- schools. lion. Two other winning tick- a lottery game in U.S. his- That seems like a huge fig-
man Alex Traverso said. Lottery officials had sent ets were sold in Florida and tory, but one must certainly ure, but Traverso said the
A lawsuit filed Wednes- out repeated calls for the Tennessee, be the $77 million Power- lottery paid out $3.9 billion
day in Los Angeles seeks winner to contact them, but only the Tennessee win- ball jackpot won in Geor- in prizes last year on sales of
to have a judge declare a and media coverage ners have claimed their gia in 2011. $5.5 billion.q
winner. Brandy Milliner con- ramped up as the deadline cash so far.
tends he already turned in dwindled to days and then Those claiming to be Cali-
the ticket, but officials told hours. fornia Lottery jackpot win-
him it was too damaged to “If by some miracle you ners routinely face an in-
be processed. happen to find this ex- vestigation to determine
Traverso said the lottery is tremely valuable piece of their credibility. “Especially
looking into the claim. paper, the California Lot- when you’re talking about
“We do have some claims tery urges you to sign your millions and millions of dol-
to investigate,” he said in ticket in ink and get it to lars, those aren’t just pro-
an email shortly before the one of our lottery district of- cessed through with a rub-
Police: 6 found dead in Chicago home in apparent homicide
DON BABWIN Gage Park neighborhood, Chicago police investigators work outside a home where the a couple, their son, their
IVAN MORENO Escalante told reporters bodies of six people were found after police performed a well daughter and the daugh-
Associated Press that police checked the being check Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016, in Chicago. ter’s two children.
CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago house Thursday afternoon “They were a normal fam-
police on Thursday found after receiving a call from Associated Press ily. Everything was fine,”
the bodies of four men, a co-worker worried about Noemi Martinez, 29, said
one woman and a child someone who lived there. ing to locate relatives. The who lived in the home said from Dallas during a phone
inside a home on the city’s The person had missed two child is thought to be 10 to Thursday evening that the interview in Spanish. She
South Side in what police days of work, which was 12 years old. family seemed happy. She said her husband was a
said was being investigat- “highly unusual and very A relative of the family said living in the home were nephew and cousin of the
ed as an apparent multiple suspicious,” Escalante said. home’s residents.
homicide. Police arrived at the single- Martinez said the father
Interim Chicago Police Su- family brick home just after worked at a factory in Chi-
perintendent John Escalan- 1 p.m. They looked inside cago and the mother was
te said it appeared to be and saw one body, en- a housewife. They were
an isolated incident and tered and found five more originally from the Mexican
there was no wider threat bodies. The bodies had state of Guanajuato and
to the community, but po- signs of trauma, but author- had lived in Chicago for
lice added extra patrols ities have not determined about a decade, Martinez
in the neighborhood as a the cause of death. said.
precaution. Asked whether Authorities were still work- “Right now we just want
it could have been a mur- ing to identify the dead. Es- to know who did this. They
der-suicide, he said it was calante said it’s probable didn’t deserve this. We
“a possibility.” they were all family mem- don’t understand what
Standing in the street in the bers and police were try- happened,” she said. q