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                                                                                                                   Friday 5 February 2016

Protests, EU demands add
pressure on Greece’s Tsipras 

DEREK GATOPOULOS                men.                            part of Greece’s a latest        A riot policeman clash with protesters during a 24-hour nation-
NICHOLAS PAPHITIS               Coffee shop owners closed       80 billion euro ($89 billion)    wide general strike in Athens, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016. Sporadic
Associated Press                their stores in protest in the  international bailout and        clashes broke out in central Athens Thursday as tens of thou-
ATHENS, Greece (AP) —           central city of Larissa, while  is currently being negotiat-     sands marched to the Greek Parliament during a general strike
Tens of thousands joined        farmers maintained high-        ed in Athens between the         called to protest planned pension reforms that are part of the
anti-government protests        way blockades and drove         government and inspec-           country’s third international bailout. 
across Greece Thursday as       tractors through the center     tors from Eurozone lenders
the country was crippled        of Greece’s second largest      and the International Mon-                                                                           Associated Press 
by a general strike against     city, Thessaloniki.             etary Fund.
painful pension reforms de-     Protests occurred in at         Adding pressure on Tsipras,      es were closed while trans-   State-run hospitals ran on
manded by bailout lend-         least a dozen cities, amid      a report released by the Eu-     port, including flights and   emergency staff, while
ers.                            mounting union anger at         ropean Commission Thurs-         ferry services, faced delays  farmers maintained their
In Athens, police said some     Tsipras’ left-wing govern-      day warned that pension          and cancellation. The strike  blockades of highways
40,000 people joined ral-       ment which has promised         reforms and  new  tax hikes      also stopped the flow of      that forced motorists into
lies that ended with a brief    to spare pensioners further     would still not be enough        thousands of migrants and     lengthy detours.
outbreak of violence when       cuts in the short term but      to meet bailout targets.         refugees travelling from the  Police officers are planning
anarchist protesters hurled     hike income contributions       “Further measures will be        Greek islands where they      a demonstration in central
rocks and petrol bombs at       to bolster the ailing system.   needed in 2016 and 2017          make landfall.                Athens Friday.q
police outside Parliament.      Despite the pledge, Ath-        in order to reach the pro-
The  general  strike present-   ens retiree Yannis Kouvala-     gram’s primary (budget)
ed the most widespread          kis said he felt let down by    surplus targets,” it said, pre-
opposition to Prime Minister    Tsipras’ year-old govern-       dicting that Greece will slip
Alexis Tsipras’ government      ment.                           back into mild recession
so far, shutting down ev-       “They said they’d help          this year and that the na-
erything from schools to fu-    pensioners and the unem-        tional debt will climb to 185
neral homes, and uniting a      ployed and look what hap-       percent of gross domestic
disparate group of profes-      pened: Things got worse,”       product.
sions, including artists, taxi  he said. “They’re fooling       The disruption from the strike
drivers, lawyers, doctors,      us.”                            was wide-ranging. Schools
vets, engineers and sea-        The pension overhaul is         and many private business-
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