Page 13 - ad feb 5
P. 13
Friday 5 February 2016
Paseo Herencia Mall hosts a red carpet premiere for the all-Aruban film
“Siñami stimabo” - “Teach Me to Love You”
Cinematographer Omar
Brown, managing director
of Across the Waves pro-
duction company, on their
A glittering, glamorous the production; the princi- relentless efforts to see the expressing it carried “a very
event welcomed the pre- pal song performed by her film realized, despite an ex- important message about
miere of the film “Siñami sti- son, rapper Malaghy Rich- tremely limited budget of family issues that we often
mabo” - “Teach Me to Love ardson, artistically known just over $5,000. refuse to acknowledge
You” - at the Paseo Heren- as “Freddy Richardson.” The cast of over and rectify.” This movie
cia Mall in Palm Beach on Vera de Peralta sang three 25 were volunteers; many in Papiamento with Eng-
Friday evening, January 29. of the other numbers in the of them acting for the first lish subtitles, promulgates
The production was written, movie. time before the camera. an important message of
directed and produced by They all acquitted them- abuse, mistakes, love and
the multi-talented Marilyn. Lisette Malmberg, Presi- selves admirably! The film forgiveness will be promot-
S. Richardson, who drew dent of the Foundation RM even included a Member ed in the entire region.
from her own experience of Arts & Entertainment, who of the Aruban Parliament,
sexual abuse as a child for was a principal sponsor of Donny Rasmijn in a de- Lisette Malmberg
a recurring theme running the movie, addressed the manding leading role. His expressed that those in-
through the heart-wrench- gathering of fans and film- wife, Marketing Director volved have every inten-
ing but hopeful film. Ms. goers. “Aruba has talent!” of Paseo Herencia, Candy tion of continuing to pro-
Richardson also wrote the she declared, compliment- Rasmijn, also performed in duce movies and promote
touching musical tracks for ing Ms. Richardson and the film. art in a more general sense
that express hope and
The shopping center also have a positive impact on
sponsored the production, culture.q