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SPORTSFriday 5 February 2016
Lindsey Vonn has complaints about downhill course
NESHA STARCEVIC Lindsey Vonn, right, celebrates on the podium with second placed Tina Weirather after winning World Cup standings by
AP Sports Writer the women’s World Cup super-G, in Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016. 45 points over Lara Gut
GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCH- of Switzerland, who also
EN, Germany (AP) — Lind- Associated Press missed a gate in training.
sey Vonn left the finish area Vonn clocked 1 minute,
with plenty of complaints 49.70 seconds for her run.
about the state of the Kan- Viktoria Rebensburg of
dahar course and thinking Germany, winner of the
she still had the fastest time last two giant slalom rac-
in Thursday’s training for a es, was third, with Breezy
World Cup downhill. Johnson of the United
Officially, she didn’t, be- States fourth. Johnson was
cause late starter Romane another late starter but
Miradoli of France beat didn’t skip any gates.
her by .20 seconds. But Mi- “The course is soft, with
radoli, with the No. 38 bib, room for improvement,”
missed two gates. Since it Rebensburg said. “The
was only a training run, her crew still has a lot to do.”
result will stand, although it Tina Weirather of Liechten-
meant little. stein, who won the race
By the time Miradoli came last year, was sixth in train-
down, Vonn had already ing, behind Corinne Suter
left with her father Alan. of Switzerland.
The training run was twice “It’s very bumpy, some-
delayed to allow organiz- where it’s hard, some-
ers to better prepare the where it’s soft,” Weirather
course left in bad condi- said. “It’s a miracle that we
tion by mild weather and were able to come down
rain over the past week. A today.”q
men’s giant slalom on the
same hill had to be can- have at least one training could be a good thing if it Dubai
celed on Sunday. Fresh run before a downhill race, allows organizers to smooth
snow overnight added to so they are now clear to out the bumpy course. Continued from page 17
the problems. race on Saturday, weather “Maybe they can work
“It was good to get a train- permitting. some magic with the rain,” Four players were tied at into the back bunker, from
ing run in, although it was Another training run is the American said. “The 5-under 67 — Sweden’s Pe- where he needed two
on the limit of safety,” scheduled for Friday, but course is really bally, in ter Hanson, Spain’s Rafael shots to come out. Then,
Vonn said. “But I am glad it is likely to be canceled some turns there is no sur- Cabrera-Bello, Australia’s on the par-5 dogleg 18th,
we got it in. I didn’t really to allow the organizers to face underneath.” Brett Rumford and South he hit a towering draw with
ski that great, nothing spe- prepare and preserve the Vonn has won four of five African Trevor Fisher Jr. his driver but the ball went
cial, more of high-speed course. downhill races this season, Henrik Stenson of Sweden, through the fairway and
inspection.” Rain is predicted for Fri- while crashing out in one, playing alongside McIlroy, into the water hazard. Mc-
Racers are required to day but Vonn thought that and also leads the overall opened with a 3-under 69. Ilroy then hit a great third
The new changes in the shot from 198 yards and
course, where the fairways walked away with an un-
have been made firmer likely birdie.
and grass has been shaved “All in all, a decent day,
off the fringe of the greens, decent score,” he said.
troubled McIlroy, who has “I think with the way the
never finished outside the weather conditions are, it’s
top 10 in his last six starts at made the golf course quite
the Emirates Golf Club. tricky out there. I don’t think
On McIlroy’s first hole, his I’ll ever hit as many bunker
second shot landed on shots.”q
the green and rolled off