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                                                                                                                  Friday 5 February 2016

Microsoft wants you using Windows 10, like it or not 

ANICK JESDANUN                  app’s layout would auto-          In this Jan. 21, 2015, file photo, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks at an event demonstrating the
AP Technology Writer            matically reconfigure to         new features of Windows 10 at the company’s headquarters in Redmond, Wash. If you’re running
NEW YORK (AP) — If you’re       the given screen size.           an older version of Windows, you might suddenly find Microsoft’s Windows 10 upgrade already
running an older version of     New apps are being de-           downloaded on your machine. The automatic download, beginning the first week of February
Windows, you might sud-         signed for Windows 10, so if     2016, is part of Microsoft’s aggressive push to get Windows 10 on as many devices as possible.
denly find Microsoft’s Win-     you have an older system,
dows 10 upgrade already         you might find yourself shut                                                                                                                          Associated Press
downloaded on your ma-          out.
chine.                          ___                              you’d have to spend           HOW TO KEEP THE OLDER          you might miss important
You never requested it, so      BENEFITS FOR MICROSOFT           money upgrading those         WINDOWS                        security fixes.
why are you getting it?         Microsoft is reducing reli-      programs, if upgrades are     Microsoft is treating Win-     If you work for a large com-
The automatic download is       ance on software sales in        available at all. Printers,   dows 10 as a type of securi-   pany, your system adminis-
part of Microsoft’s aggres-     favor of services such as        scanners and other acces-     ty update it regularly push-   trators are likely monitoring
sive push to get Windows        the Bing search engine,          sories also might need new    es to users. Microsoft is now  these updates, so Windows
10 on as many devices as        OneDrive storage and             controlling software, called  reclassifying Windows 10       10 won’t automatically
possible. Since last July, Mi-  Skype for communications.        drivers. If a driver update   as “recommended” rather        download without their OK.
crosoft has distributed the     Windows 10 was designed          isn’t available, you might    than “optional.” In doing      Plus, Microsoft isn’t offering
free upgrade on request.        to steer users to those ser-     find yourself with a dead     so, those who have set their   Windows 10 for free to larg-
But starting this week, it’s    vices. Microsoft makes           accessory.                    machine to automatically       er companies.
also pushing it out to those    money from ads and pre-          And once you upgrade to       get important updates will     Microsoft will support Win-
who haven’t requested it        mium features that cost          Windows 10, you might be      get Windows 10, too. You       dows 7 until 2020 and Win-
— and who might not want        money — such as addition-        ceding control over future    can avoid this by turning      dows 8 until 2023, after
it.                             al OneDrive storage.             upgrades to Microsoft. The    off automatic updates in       which time it will stop fixing
Microsoft isn’t actually in-    Microsoft can also encour-       company is offering incre-    the settings under Windows     any security problems. By
stalling Windows 10 auto-       age app makers to write          mental updates to Win-        Update. That’s not recom-      then, it might be time for a
matically, but installation     more software for Windows        dows 10 on a regular basis,   mended, though, because        new computer anyway.q
is just a click or two away.    10 if a lot of people are us-    and it won’t always give
If you’re not careful, you      ing it. It’s similar to how Ap-  you a choice on whether
might suddenly find the         ple pushes its users to up-      to accept.
new system on your old          grade to the latest iPhone       ___
machine.                        and Mac systems. App
Is this good for you?           developers know they can
___                             enable the latest features
THE BENEFITS OF WINDOWS         without worrying about
10                              abandoning too many us-
Windows 10 has many im-         ers of older devices.
provements over its pre-        ___
decessors — especially          WHY HOLD OUT?
Windows 8. It’s much eas-       System upgrades aren’t al-
ier to use than Windows 8,      ways smooth, especially on
and it offers more modern       older machines with slower
controls — akin to mobile       processors, less memory
devices — than Windows          and less storage space
7. (There is no Windows 9.)     available. Microsoft’s Get
Windows 10 also paves the       Windows 10 app will verify
way for multiple devices to     that you meet minimum
work together.                  system requirements — but
                                minimum doesn’t mean
You might be able to buy        speedy.
an app once to run on your      Older machines also might
PC, phone and Xbox game         have software that won’t
machine, for instance. The      work on Windows 10, so

Cisco to buy Jasper in move

into ‘Internet of Things’ 

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) —         leading platform for what’s      Wi-Fi, security for connect-
Cisco Systems Inc. is buy-      known in  technology  par-       ed devices, and advanced
ing Jasper Technologies for     lance as the “Internet of        analytics to better manage
$1.4 billion in cash in a       Things” that encompasses         device usage.
move to help its customers      a growing range of con-          Jasper, based in Santa
connect, automate and           nected devices, applianc-        Clara, California, has more
manage billions of Internet-    es and machines.                 than 3,500 customers in 100
connected devices rang-                                          countries.
ing from cars to jet engines    Cisco, which makes com-          Cisco of San Jose, Cali-
to implanted pacemakers.        puter networking equip-          fornia, will pay Jasper
Cisco said Wednesday that       ment, says it plans to add       additional but unspeci-
privately held Jasper has       new Internet of Things ser-      fied “retention-based
developed the industry’s        vices including enterprise       incentives.”q
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