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                                                                                                                                                          Friday 5 February 2016

 In this Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, file photo, Chinese pedestrians                      This Monday, Aug. 24, 2015, file photo, shows the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stocks opened
walk past a giant U.S. dollar note on a display board of a bank                       slightly lower early Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016, as retail companies slipped. Energy stocks climbed
in Beijing.                                                                           early as the price of crude oil recovered.

                                                                    Associated Press                                                                                                                      Associated Press

Report: China’s yuan                                                                  U.S. stocks end modestly
to erode, not end,                                                                    higher after a day of wavering
dollar’s dominance
                                                                                      KEN SWEET                      dollar.                         the dollar. The euro rose 0.9
PAUL WISEMAN                   and permitted some banks                               AP Business Writer             Investors are getting ready     percent to a three-month
AP Economics Writer            to offer yuan deposit ac-                              NEW YORK (AP) — U.S.           for Friday’s payroll num-       high of $1.1208 while the
WASHINGTON (AP) — Chi-         counts outside China.                                  stocks posted modest gains     bers. Economists surveyed       dollar fell 1.1 percent
na’s yuan will chip away at    But the yuan still is used                             Thursday as investors await    by FactSet forecast that        against the Japanese yen
the U.S. dollar’s dominance    in fewer than 3 percent                                Friday’s closely watched       U.S. employers created          to 116.79 yen.
over the next decade but       of cross-border financial                              jobs report, which could       200,000 jobs in January and     Le said the large move in
is unlikely to supplant it as  transactions, compared                                 offer insight about the U.S.   the unemployment rate           the dollar in recent days is
the world’s top currency,      to nearly 44 percent for                               economy and help deter-        held steady at 5 percent.       partially related to a great
says a report from a federal   the dollar and 29 percent                              mine whether the Federal       Over the past couple of         unwinding of positions by
watchdog.                      for the euro. Beijing won a                            Reserve raises interest rates  weeks, investors have           both large investors and
The study Thursday by the      symbolic victory last year                             again next month.              scaled back expectations        companies who might hold
U.S.-China Economic and        when the International                                 Many believe the likelihood    that the Fed will continue      significant amounts of cash
Security Review Commis-        Monetary Fund decided to                               of another rate increase in    raising interest rates amid     overseas.
sion predicts the yuan will    include the yuan to a bas-                             March has faded because        signs that the global slow-     Many investors were “buy-
gain ground at the ex-         ket of currencies used in                              of recent signs of weakness    down in growth is begin-        ing into this thesis of a strong
pense of the Japanese          the IMF’s operations.                                  in the global economy.         ning to hurt the U.S. econ-     dollar,” Le said. “Now that
yen, euro and British pound    The commission report                                  That has sent the dollar       omy.                            the Fed is less likely to raise
and “may slightly erode”       Thursday also predicted                                lower against other curren-    On Wednesday, a private         rates, we are seeing clients
the dollar’s status.           that Chinese investment in                             cies, a welcome change         survey found that the U.S.      reposition.”
Written by Cornell University  the United States will begin                           for U.S. exporters whose       service sector grew in Jan-     U.S. government bond
economist Eswar Prasad,        to change as more Chi-                                 overseas sales have been       uary at the slowest rate in     prices rose. The yield on the
the report predicts that       nese households, business-                             hurt by the appreciation of    nearly two years. Fed fund      10-year Treasury note fell to
China will allow its tightly   es and institutional investors                         the dollar over the last year  futures, a security that al-    1.85 percent from 1.89 per-
controlled financial system    take advantage of grow-                                and a half.                    lows investors to bet on        cent.
to “become largely open        ing opportunities to invest                            The Dow Jones industrial       which way the Fed will          In other company news,
within the next three to five  abroad. Largely because                                average rose 79.92 points,     move interest rates, are in-    mobile video camera mak-
years.                         of Chinese government                                  or 0.5 percent, to 16,416.58.  dicating that the next best     er GoPro plunged 93 cents,
” But Beijing must enact       purchases of Treasurys,                                The Standard & Poor’s 500      chance the Fed will raise       or 9 percent, to $9.78 af-
broader reforms before the     China is the biggest foreign                           index rose 2.92 points, or     rates is not until early 2017.  ter the company reported
yuan can join the dollar as    owner of U.S. government                               0.2 percent, to 1,915.45       “The market is starting to      a wider-than-expected
a “safe haven” currency,       debt. In the future, Chinese                           and the Nasdaq compos-         price in a small chance of      fourth quarter loss. GoPro
sought after by investors in   investors increasingly will                            ite rose 5.32 points, or 0.1   recession, not some realis-     shares are down 46 per-
times of crisis, according to  sink money into U.S. stocks,                           percent, to 4,509.56.          tic chance, but enough of       cent in 2016.
the study.                     real estate and businesses.                            Stocks oscillated between      a chance to give investors      Viacom rose $1.11, or 2
China has aggressively         The commission was cre-                                gains and losses the whole     pause and reposition,” said     percent, to $48.68 after
promoted the use of the        ated by Congress in 2000                               day, and got some trac-        Khoa Le, who co-heads a         the company announced
yuan in global commerce.       to monitor the national se-                            tion in the last couple hours  derivatives trading desk at     that its 92-year-old majority
It has, for example, allowed   curity implications of the                             of trading. Industrial and     Credit Suisse.                  shareholder, Sumner Red-
yuan-denominated bonds         U.S.-China economic rela-                              materials companies were       Diminished expectations         stone, was stepping down
to be issued in Hong Kong      tionship. q                                            among the biggest gain-        of a March Fed rate hike        as CEO to be replaced by
                                                                                      ers, helped by a weaker        have continued to weaken        CBS CEO Les Moonves.q
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