Page 27 - ad feb 5
P. 27
Mystery meat: Was it really woolly CLASSIFIED A27
mammoth on the menu? Friday 5 February 2016
Classifieds DOCTOR ON DUTY
Dr. Dassen
FRANK ELTMAN Tel. 583-1822
Associated Press San Nicolas
When members of the For Sale TIMESHARE FOR SALE Dr.Luchmun
Explorers Club gathered for Tel: 584-0299
their lavish annual dinner in GOLD COAST PROPERTY RENAISSANCE
New York City in 1951, one Week room price EMERGENCIA
account said they feasted 1 Towhouse 2 floors, 2 bath
on meat from a prehistoric 911
wooly mammoth that 2 bedrooms. Pools. Security wk 38 room 529 $4,750
had been preserved in a Sunset Residences wk 40 room 336 $3,750
The banquet menu said 1 apartment 2 bedrooms, wk 40 room 105 $5,000 POLICE 100
the long-extinct mystery 2 baths, Social area, pool wk 42 room 338 $4,000
meat was actually giant For info call 594-1496 wk 43 room 329 $3,250
sloth.But Yale researchers _________________________2_04_6_26 wk 49 room 144 $5,500
using DNA analysis on
surviving bits of the meat FOR SALE wk 50 room 546 $6,000 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
have now reached what
could be the final word on Condo in Gold Coast wk 49 room 2571 $3,750 NOORD 527-3200
the story: Neither is true. STA. CRUZ
The meat that was served Everything’s included in this wk 48 room 517 $3,750 527-2900
was nothing more than SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
modern-day sea turtle. 2 Br 2 1/2 bath unit check it wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
“I’m sure people wanted wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500
to believe it. They had no out now at wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500 FIRE DEPT. 115
idea that many years later, wk 21 or 22 room 347 $4,000 FIRE DEPT.
a Ph.D. student would or call 562-0735 free pick up wk 1or2 room 517 $9,500 each 582-1108
come along and figure this Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200 HOSPITAL
out with DNA sequencing ________________________2_0_4_377 527-4000
techniques,” said Jessica DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Glass, a Yale graduate AMBULANCE 582-1234
student and co-lead A piece of turtle meat is CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
author of a study published preserved in a glass jar in this Time Share Resale
Wednesday in the journal photo provided by the Yale Paradise Beach Villas ________________________20_4_3_43_ PHARMACY
PLOS ONE. Peabody Museum of Natural One Bedroom wk 2 rm #322
The Explorers Club gala, History, Wednesday, Feb. 3, FOR SALE Oranjestad: Eagle Tel: 587-9011
2016 in New Haven, Conn. San Nicolas: San Lucas Tel: 584-5119
One Bedroom wk 3 rm #324 Divi Golf Resort
Associated Press
Pool/Ocean view Sale by owner week 2/ 2 bed
held in the grand ballroom
of the Roosevelt Hotel, Price:$8.500 each lockoff, 2317 &18, $10,000
promised a menu of Pacific
spider crabs, green turtle More Info Call:(297) 630-1307 or INFORMATION 118
soup, bison steaks and ________________________2_0_43_5_0 610-724-6323 TAXI-TAS 587-5900
meat from an extinct giant PROF. TAXI 588-0035
ground sloth. FOR SALE _______________________2_0_4_38_1 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
to Adalgisa Caccone, a SERVICE ARUBA 583-3232
senior research scientist DIVI GOLF RESORT FOR SALE
and study co-author. q Sale by owner weeks 3,4 and 5 in Casa del Mar Resort CRUISESHIP
room 4221. All 3 weeks $50,000.00 hard to find week 7+8
Call US 860 798-5713 school vacation, last two weeks in February 5 Oosterdam
_________________________2_0_4_62_2 february great ocean view room
1403 easy to rent $52,000
CASA DEL MAR (sleeps 6 large unit)
FOR RENT Sale by owner weeks 6 and 7 in e-mail:
Tropicana Aruba: room 1119. Both weeks $50,000.00
ground floor Call US 860 798-5713 or email at _____________________2_0_43_7_2_ Aruba Aiport 524-2424
Unit 1572 king bed sleep 4 American Airline 582-2700
great oversize room available _________________________2_0_46_2_2 FOR SALE Avianca 588-0059
mon 2/8 - 2/12 4 nights $400 Aruba Airlines 583-8300
week 7&8 fri-fri Renaissance Suites Jet Blue 588-2244
2/12-2/26 $800 per week Surinam 582-7896
Call John 566 4608 or DIVI VILLAGE week 4 (fri-fri) Pool, lagoon, Tiara Air 588-4272
e-mail Studio Presidential week 7 ocean view 3rd floor private Venezolana 583-7674
Total of 18 nights available 2/14 start, ground floor steps island US$11,000
to pool, unit 1 AE, king bed, e-mail: Aruba Foundation
________________________2_0_46_2_4 queen sofa $875 also For those Visually Incapasitated
Tropicana 1 br week 8 2/21 _______________________20_4_37_2
FOR SALE Tel: 582-5051
Tropicana start, lock off master, 2 queen FOR SALE
week 3 sun-sun
3 bedrooms 2 baths beds, queen sleeper sofa, all by owner FUNDACION Anti-Droga
Pls. call 732-2788 amenities $860 Marriott Surf Club Aruba
________________________2_0_46_3_3 e-mail: 2 br O.V. lock off unit Gold (FADA) Tel: 583-2999
or us 508-651-0016 season price $16.000 FUNDACION
________________________2_0_44_0_0 Marriott Ocean Club
Tel: 582-4433
DIVI PHOENIX ARUBA 2 Br O.V. Gold season 5 floor
lock off unit Centro Diabetic Arubano
By owner Price $16.000
week 5, 1 bedroom, balcony 567-6024 / 587-2633 Tel: 524-8888
33 weeks left US$12.000 USA 718-7880395 Narcotics Anonymous
________________________2_0_46_3_2 _______________________2_0_46_2_7
FOR RENT Tel: 583-8989
Paradise Beach Villas DIVI PHOENIX QUOTA Club
Feb.14-21 - 2 bedrooms Week 38 Studio
$900 ocean view room 904 tower Tel: 525-2672
Pls. call 732-2788 35 weeks remaining $3500
Divi Golf & Beach week 11 Women in Difficulties
________________________2_0_46_3_3 1 B 2 bath $6500 FSBO Foundation
Tel: 583-5400
Bloodbank Aruba
_______________________20_46_1_4 Tel: 587-0002