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                                                                                                                         Friday 5 February 2016

Earth, Wind & Fire founder Maurice White dead at 74 

DAVID BAUDER                     In this July 7, 2003 file photo, Maurice White, of Earth, Wind, & Fire, appears at an induction cer-                                 colored lights and glittery
HILLEL ITALIE                   emony at the Hollywood Rock Walk in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. White, the founder                                          costumes. Earth, Wind &
Associated Press                and leader of Earth, Wind & Fire, died at home in Los Angeles, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016, said his                                      Fire performed everywhere
NEW  YORK (AP) — Earth,         brother, Verdine White. He was 74.                                                                                                    from the Super Bowl to the
Wind & Fire founder Mau-                                                                                                                                              White House.
rice White, whose horn-                                                                                                                             Associated Press  Maurice White also had a
driven band sold more                                                                                                                                                 substantial side career pro-
than 90 million albums and      young people to believe       After relocating to Los An-    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame                                               ducing other artists, includ-
made hits like “Septem-         in themselves and to follow   geles and ditching all of      induction, standing next to                                              ing Barbra Streisand and
ber,” ‘’Shining Star” and       through on their ideas,” he   the band members except        White.                                                                   Cher. In the 1970s, he co-
“Boogie Wonderland,”            said. “We’ve touched so       Verdine, he renamed the        The band’s early sound                                                   wrote and co-produced
died Wednesday at his           many people with these        outfit Earth, Wind & Fire af-  was jazzy, but evolved into                                              the Emotions’ No. 1 hit
home in Los Angeles, his        songs.”                       ter the three elements in his  an exuberant, horn-driven                                                “Best of My Love.”
brother Verdine said.           A former session drum-        astrological chart.            mix of jazz, funk, gospel                                                White was born in Mem-
White, who was 74, suf-         mer, White founded the        Bailey’s bright falsetto de-   and Big Band music. Their                                                phis in 1941, the son of a
fered from Parkinson’s Dis-     band Salty Peppers in the     fined many of Earth, Wind &    appeal wasn’t just on re-                                                doctor and grandson of
ease and had retreated          Chicago area in the late      Fire’s hits. “We experienced   cords but on stage, their                                                a New Orleans piano play-
from the public even as         1960s and had some mod-       pure magic together,” Bai-     concerts a whirl of danc-                                                er. He showed musical gifts
the band he founded kept        est success in the Midwest.   ley said during the band’s     ing, fog machines, multi-                                                at an early age, studying
performing.                                                                                                                                                           at the Chicago Conser-
“My brother, hero and                                                                                                                                                 vancy.
best friend Maurice White                                                                                                                                             During the 1960s, he
passed away peacefully                                                                                                                                                backed Muddy Waters,
last night in his sleep,” Ver-                                                                                                                                        the Impressions and others
dine White, also a member                                                                                                                                             and worked as a session
of the band, told The Asso-                                                                                                                                           drummer in Chicago.
ciated Press on Thursday.                                                                                                                                             The band performed in
“While the world has lost                                                                                                                                             the movie, “Sgt. Pepper’s
another great musician                                                                                                                                                Lonely Hearts Club Band”
and legend, our family                                                                                                                                                and had hits with the bal-
asks that our privacy is re-                                                                                                                                          lad “After the Love Has
spected as we start what                                                                                                                                              Gone,” ‘’All ‘n’ All,” ‘’Let’s
will be a very difficult and                                                                                                                                          Groove” and “Fall in Love
life changing transition in                                                                                                                                           With Me.” The band took
our lives. Thank you for your                                                                                                                                         a four-year hiatus in the
prayers and well wishes.”                                                                                                                                             1980s and then returned,
Earth, Wind & Fire, a nine-                                                                                                                                           its primary success then on
piece band centered fea-                                                                                                                                              the road.
turing the two White broth-                                                                                                                                           “We live in a negative so-
ers, singer Philip Bailey and                                                                                                                                         ciety,” White told News-
the distinctive horn section,                                                                                                                                         week at the height of the
were inducted into the                                                                                                                                                band’s success. “Most
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame                                                                                                                                            people can’t see beauty
in 2000. The band’s most                                                                                                                                              and love. I see our music
successful period started                                                                                                                                             as medicine.”q
with the 1975 album “That’s
The Way of The World” and       Chris Stapleton to lead B.B. King tribute at Grammys
continued through the rest
of the decade. Other hits       NEW YORK (AP) — Country       In this Nov. 4, 2015 file photo, Chris Stapleton, winner of the awards for new artist of the year, album
included “Serpentine Fire,”     singer Chris Stapleton will   of the year for “Traveller,” and male vocalist of the year, participates in an interview in the press
‘’That’s the Way of the         join Gary Clark Jr. and Bon-  room at the 49th annual CMA Awards at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn.
World” and a cover of the       nie Raitt at the Grammy
Beatles’ “Got to Get You        Awards later this month for                                                                                                                       Associated Press
Into My Life.”                  a tribute to the late blues
White publicly revealed he      master B.B. King.
had Parkinson’s at the time     The Grammys announced
of the band’s Hall of Fame      a handful of other perform-
induction, but he had           ers on Thursday for the Feb.
shown symptoms of the           15 ceremony. Justin Bieber
neurological disease back       will join Diplo and Skrillex
in the 1980s. He stopped        to perform their hit “Where
touring with the band in        Are U Now.” Alice Coo-
1995 because of weariness       per, Johnny Depp and Joe
from the road combined          Perry will debut their rock
with his health problems.       group the Hollywood Vam-
White said in an interview      pires.
with The Associated Press       Pitbull also plans a perfor-
in 2000 that he wanted the      mance together with Travis
band’s music to inspire in-     Barker and Robin Thicke. q
stead of just entertain.
“That was the whole ob-
jective, to try to inspire
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