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SPORTSFriday 5 February 2016

        NHL Capsules 

Tampa Bay Lightning right wing Nikita Kucherov (86), of Rus-
sia, scores past Detroit Red Wings goalie Petr Mrazek (34), of
the Czech Republic, during the third period of an NHL hockey
game Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016, in Tampa, Fla. Looking on is
Red Wings’ Kyle Quincey (27) and Lightning’s Ondrej Palat (18),
of the Czech Republic.

                                                                    Associated Press

Bishop earns 100th                                                                    In this Feb. 29, 1960 file photo, U.S. Olympic Hockey coach Jack Riley is welcomed back to U.S.
                                                                                      Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.
win with Lightning,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Associated Press
beats Red Wings 3-1
                                                                                      Jack Riley, U.S. hockey coach
                                                                                      at 1960 Olympics, dies at 95

The Associated Press            vision, are 6-4-0 in their last                       JOHN KEKIS                      Brian Riley said. “He was a     before coach Herb Brooks,
TAMPA, Florida (AP) — Ben       10 games.                                             AP Sports Writer                fierce competitor. He did       the last player cut by Riley
Bishop made 24 saves to         Dale Weise and Alex Gal-                              Jack Riley, the Army coach      not like to lose, but at home   in 1960, led the “Miracle
get his 100th win with Tam-     chenyuk scored for Mon-                               who in 1960 guided the          he was a softie.”               on Ice” triumph by the U.S.
pa Bay and Nikita Kuch-         treal, which has lost four in                         U.S. to its first Olympic gold  In 1986 and 2002, Jack Ri-      at the 1980 Lake Placid
erov scored his 21st goal to    a row and is 1-8-1 in its last                        medal in hockey, has died.      ley won the Lester Patrick      Games. The Squaw Valley
help the Lightning beat the     10.                                                   He was 95.                      Award for outstanding           gold medal was dubbed
Detroit Red Wings 3-1 on        FLAMES 4, HURRICANES 1                                Riley died Wednesday on         service to U.S. hockey. He      “The Forgotten Miracle” in
Wednesday night.                CALGARY, Alberta (AP) —                               Cape Cod in Massachu-           was elected to the United       a documentary.
J.T. Brown and Tyler John-      Sean Monahan had a goal                               setts, the U.S. Military Acad-  States Hockey Hall of Fame      “He pushed his guys,” Brian
son also scored for the         and three assists to lead                             emy said Thursday. He reg-      in 1979 and was inducted        said. “For the 1960 Olym-
Lightning, who have won         the Calgary Flames to a 4-1                           ularly attended Army home       into the International Hock-    pics he brought his team
nine of 10.                     victory over the Carolina                             games into his early 90s.       ey Hall of Fame in 1998. He     back to West Point to train.
Gustav Nyquist had De-          Hurricanes.                                           “He lived a great life, and     also was a member of the        He knew on paper they
troit’s lone goal. Petr         Calgary broke a 1-1 tie mid-                          although he is known as         Army  Sports  Hall of Fame’s    probably weren’t the fa-
Mrazek stopped 20 shots         way through the second                                a hockey coach to many          inaugural class in 2004.        vorites, but he was going to
and had his seven-game          period when Monahan set                               people, he was a great          “Jack’s imprint on the          have the best-conditioned
road winning streak end.        up goals 38 seconds apart                             husband, father, grandfa-       game was enormous,” USA         team and kind of skated
SABRES 4, CANADIENS 2           by All-Stars Mark Giordano                            ther and friend to all,” said   Hockey executive direc-         the guys into the ice to
MONTREAL (AP) — Jamie           and Johnny Gaudreau.                                  son Brian Riley, the current    tor Dave Ogrean said in a       make sure they were going
McGinn, Johan Larsson           Dougie Hamilton also                                  Army hockey coach.              statement. “While to many       to be in great shape. Obvi-
and Brian Gionta all scored     scored for Calgary, which                             Jack Riley compiled a           he is best known as the         ously, they were.”
in Buffalo’s big third period   ended a three-game los-                               542-343-20 record at West       head coach of the 1960          Riley kept a reminder of
and the Sabres rallied for a    ing streak and climbed to                             Point during a 36-year col-     gold medal team, he de-         that moment — his gold
comeback victory over the       within six points of the third-                       lege coaching career that       voted his entire career and     medal — in a dresser draw-
slumping Montreal Cana-         place Anaheim Ducks in                                started in 1950, transform-     life to coaching and devel-     er buried under T-shirts, Bri-
diens.                          the Pacific Division.                                 ing the Black Knights into      oping young men.”               an said.
Marcus Foligno also scored      Elias Lindholm had the lone                           an Eastern power. He led        Riley was born in Boston,       The West Point men’s
for Buffalo, which played its   goal for Carolina, opened                             the Black Knights to 29 win-    played left wing on the         hockey team has been
first game since the All-Star   a three-game road trip                                ning seasons, including a       hockey team at Dartmouth        coached by a member of
break and led 2-1 heading       and started the night 7-2-1                           school-record 28 victories      and was a member of the         the Riley family since Jack
into the final period. The Sa-  in its last 10.q                                      during the 1983-84 season.      1948 U.S. Olympic team.         took the job in 1950. His son
bres, last in the Atlantic Di-                                                        He was the NCAA coach of        Twelve years later, he          Rob succeeded him for 18
                                                                                      the year in 1957 and 1960.      coached the U.S. team to        seasons and Brian became
                                                                                      When he retired in 1986,        the gold medal, with the        coach in 2004-05.
                                                                                      Riley was second all-time       Americans upsetting the         Jack Riley said of all his
                                                                                      in NCAA victories and cur-      Soviet Union and going          accomplishments he was
                                                                                      rently ranks 18th.              undefeated at the 1960          perhaps proudest of being
                                                                                      “He did have a little bit of    Squaw Valley Games in           a Navy pilot in the Pacific
                                                                                      an Irish temper at the rink     California. It was a startling  Theater during World War
                                                                                      and on the golf course,”        victory that came 20 years      II.q
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