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SPORTSFriday 5 February 2016

Like Elway, Manning has chance to tie things up with a title 

                                                                                       what I was seeing and            12-yard run against the Pa-
                                                                                       what I was feeling.”             triots) is a testament to his
                                                                                       The signs of Elway’s slow-       guile and smarts more than
                                                                                       down toward the end              any physical prowess.
                                                                                       were visible — he missed         “I feel I can still move the
                                                                                       four starts in 1998 with ham-    chains,” Manning said.
                                                                                       string, rib and other injuries.  “Maybe in different ways.
                                                                                       “Physically, I was break-        It’s being able to adjust.”
                                                                                       ing down a little bit,” El-      If he leads Denver to a vic-
                                                                                       way said. But the ravages        tory against Carolina on
                                                                                       of age on him weren’t as         Sunday, Manning’s ability
                                                                                       glaring as what Manning          to set aside the glow of win-
                                                                                       has displayed at times this      ning the title, and to listen
                                                                                       season. His 17 interceptions     to candid advice, will set
                                                                                       before going to the sideline     the framework for his deci-
                                                                                       with a foot injury in Novem-     sion. His inner-circle’s ability
                                                                                       ber were hard to watch.          to give it to him straight will
                                                                                       That he has rebounded            be every bit as important
                                                                                       and guided the Broncos to        for the quarterback, whose
                                                                                       the Super Bowl (And yes,         contract extends through
                                                                                       there was that remarkable        next year.q

 In this March 20, 2012, file photo, Denver Broncos quarterback
Peyton Manning and executive vice president of football oper-
ations John Elway pose during an NFL football news conference
at the team’s headquarters in Englewood, Colo.

                                                                    Associated Press 

EDDIE PELLS                    men, the topic of Man-
AP National Writer             ning’s retirement has not
SANTA CLARA, California        been broached.
(AP) — The last time the       It’s hard to think those con-
world saw John Elway in a      versations won’t pick up
Broncos uniform, he was        steam over the next few
facing the stands, both        weeks.
hands aloft, holding his hel-  Manning has already told
met in his left hand, and his  Patriots coach Bill Belich-
right hand clenched into       ick, in a not-so-private ex-
a tight, celebratory fist. He  change at midfield two
flashed that toothy smile,     weeks ago, that this might
knowing that a few min-        be his last rodeo. He has
utes later, he would be cra-   refused to expand on that,
dling his second Super Bowl    keeping with the theme
trophy.                        that he’s soaking in every
He went out on top. No         moment, and he’ll worry
matter what happened           about tomorrow when to-
after that — and Elway has     morrow comes.
gone on to accomplish          “We haven’t talked about
plenty — his last meaning-     anything past Sunday,”
ful moments on a  foot-        said Manning’s brother, Eli.
ball  field had resulted in a  “We kept it on this week,
victory in the biggest game    the last few weeks, but
of all.                        nothing past the game.”
“It’s a very nice thing to     When the game is over,
have,” Elway said this week,   Peyton will have an all-star
“knowing you can always        lineup from which to glean
look back and have a real      advice. It includes Eli, of
positive thought.”             course; their father, Archie,
Now, Elway runs the team       who spent 14 years in the
he used to play for. In 2012   NFL; their brother, Cooper,
he signed Peyton Man-          who has long been one
ning, who, at 39, is even      of Peyton’s best sounding
older than Elway was when      boards. And Elway. Chanc-
he played his last game in     es are, Manning will be
1999.                          seeking what Elway sought
And now, it’s Manning who      when he went to his father,
could be taking that same      Jack, a longtime scout and
walk into the sunset as El-    personnel man, after the
way did. He has a chance       second Super Bowl title.
to win his second Super        “I was fortunate to be able
Bowl, peel off his Broncos     to talk to my dad about
jersey and never come          what he thought,” Elway
back.                          said. “Because I didn’t
By the accounts of both        want it to be different than
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