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P. 15
Friday 5 February 2016
Loyal visitors honored at the Marriott Ocean Club
Recently the Aruba Tour- The symbolic honorary titles Robert and Mrs. Audrey All the honorees are loyal Club is like being home
ism Authority had the great are presented in the name Kaye from Short Hills NJ, members of the Marriott for them. The certificates
pleasure of honoring a of the Minister of Tourism as Mr. Edward and Mrs. P. Ocean Club and they love were presented by Mr. Er-
group of loyal and friendly a token of appreciation to Lynn Doherty , Mr. Richard Aruba very much because nest Giel representing the
Visitors of Aruba, at the guests who visit Aruba for and Mrs. Deborah Olschef- of the friendly people, the Aruba Tourism Authority
Marriott Ocean Club as 10 to 19 and 20 to 34 con- ski from Yorik PA and Mr. climate, beaches, restau- together with Mr. Erwin No-
Distinguished Visitors and secutive years. Gordon and Mrs. Cathy rants, and being on Aruba quera GM of the Marriott
Ambassadors of Goodwill. The honorees were Mr. Carpenter from Yoric PA. and staying at the Ocean Ocean Club.q